Worth starting in ERA?

Depends what your end goals are.
If you care only about Era and nothing else then it’s the obvious choice.
If you want the possibility to progress to another expansion in the future then you have to wait for the new seasonal servers expected probably around November.
Era characters cannot progress to another expansion and cannot be transferred.

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Yes. Pyrewood Village Alliance seems to work very well. Already leveled two 60s during last few months.

I will never understand why people are obsessed with packed zones.
Waiting for mobs to spawn is pure self torture.

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Its psychology. People are like sheep and tend to follow the herd. I am having super fun on Zandalar Tribe, it has like 20 ppl online at Horde and around same on Alliance and i did RFC, WC, SFK on lvl with my guild and we will do BFD tomorrow. I came across many rare mobs i didnt even know existed lol. Never realized on how much i was missing on.


Let’s hope that a few more will join Zandalar Tribe :slight_smile:

Is there some Alliance player ? What will we eat ? Leveling a character is something but having no enemy players to kill is something else … :confused:

That was my experience, shortly before the era hype.
Leveling in the morning with nobody on for weeks, couldn’t believe the amount of rare mobs.

Haha right? Just in Barrens i think i came across 10 different rares. Some normal rares, some elite rares.

No play private

waste of time

I feel you, I am skeptical of it too, at the moment I’m playing on pyrewood cluster leveling a Horde Warrior and Alliance Paladin and I intend to remain in it.

If you like classic, it always is.

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There are players on both Alliance and Horde but the server is slowly building up, don’t expect a 10K pop here.
It’s all a matter of people being patient and stick with this project.

As Eviette and Blaze mentioned, Zandalar Tribe is basically a fresh server. I started there a couple of days ago.

But we need more people on the Alliance side!

True fresh would have a big initial wave of players while era players are quite spread out level-wise and tend to pick classes easier to level and less dependent on gear and groups. This impacts economy, dungeon runs and then raids.

We know that many want fresh but so far the next fresh that people are going to get is when the HC open, then later this year the ne season or whatever classic+ they are going to bring.

And as everyone noticed by now, Blizzard’s focus is on adding WoW tokens than to give people fresh.

This actually leads to more players in classic era.
This and the fact that more players jump on the HC hype train is perfect timing for upcoming new season servers and a possible refresh.

It sucks for WotLK fans but sacrificing WotLK players for more era classic players is not really a bad idea.

Is ZT a pvp server? Not home atm to check it out… And if so, is it connected to other servers? Cheers

Won’t be another season for 7 months and once a season ends you will get a transfer to Era

Yes, it’s a (RP)PvP server.
And no, it’s not connected to other servers.

Alliance side has fewer players - currently around 15 to 20 in peak times, but the numbers are increasing. I even saw people doing a Deadmines run the other day.

Horde had 30-40% more players when I checked before picking a side.

Levels are evenly distributed - most are in the low brackets.