Worth starting in ERA?

You can have all the beautiful cities that you want, we as Horde we have Lok’Tar Ogar! :slight_smile:

Serious note: I would love to have @Janoc here in the Horde but I’m happy as well if he joins the Alliance, we need people in the server to have it become more and more alive, that to me is more important than which faction people chose to join :slight_smile:

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It’s absolutely worth starting on era. I played classic originally. Didn’t clone any & played through TBC & started Wrath. Got level 76 & didn’t get a buzz from WotLK 2nd time around & preferred classic, so I rolled all new characters back on classic era. Glad I did & glad I didn’t clone any. I love levelling & am super happy on era. Not racing to 60 to join the raid rat race again (though I will raid when I get there). My 8 characters currently range from 18 to 42. Happy days. Mirage Raceway EU-PvE.


Just rolled a Gnome Mage on ZT. See you on the field of battle. For the Alliance!

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I’m thinking of leveling a new toon on Era as well.
The announcement of official HC killed it for me.
Since I already know they’re going to break everything with their fat fingers as they always do, I definitely won’t be touching Blizz HC servers.
Time for a little Era Wpvp and then Season of Whatever if that ever comes.


If you like Classic, but Not much of the hardcore thing there is indeed.

For my own experience you can find most faction population on the following realms:

Pyrewood Vilage (PvE) - Alliance

Nethergarde Keep (PvE) - Horde

However at the end of the days it does not really matter much were you play as many servers are clustered together, so there be always players from both faction and guilds to find.

Welcome to Classic! hope you will having fun trough your journey. :star2:

Both realms are in the same cluster so there is no difference on which you roll

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Also Mirage Raceway is one of this 3 PvE cluster & very good it is too. :slight_smile:

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I will happily see you on the battlefield :slight_smile: Lok’Tar Ogar!

P.S.: If you have friend or people that might give Zandalar Tribe a chance please let them know that we are here and we are trying to get the server up and running again.


Any recommendations for an active PvP guild on Firemaw eu horde? Just started leveling a rogue and looking for a good guild to join!

Depends what your end goals are.
If you care only about Era and nothing else then it’s the obvious choice.
If you want the possibility to progress to another expansion in the future then you have to wait for the new seasonal servers expected probably around November.
Era characters cannot progress to another expansion and cannot be transferred.

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Yes. Pyrewood Village Alliance seems to work very well. Already leveled two 60s during last few months.

I will never understand why people are obsessed with packed zones.
Waiting for mobs to spawn is pure self torture.

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Its psychology. People are like sheep and tend to follow the herd. I am having super fun on Zandalar Tribe, it has like 20 ppl online at Horde and around same on Alliance and i did RFC, WC, SFK on lvl with my guild and we will do BFD tomorrow. I came across many rare mobs i didnt even know existed lol. Never realized on how much i was missing on.


Let’s hope that a few more will join Zandalar Tribe :slight_smile:

Is there some Alliance player ? What will we eat ? Leveling a character is something but having no enemy players to kill is something else … :confused:

That was my experience, shortly before the era hype.
Leveling in the morning with nobody on for weeks, couldn’t believe the amount of rare mobs.

Haha right? Just in Barrens i think i came across 10 different rares. Some normal rares, some elite rares.

No play private

waste of time

I feel you, I am skeptical of it too, at the moment I’m playing on pyrewood cluster leveling a Horde Warrior and Alliance Paladin and I intend to remain in it.