Would you date the person above you? #44

“You would be wise to leave. You are testing my patience, when you appear here again. I gave you fair warning last time, and you are again scoffing at me with your presence. Turn around and begone! Take that blood elf with you, if you wish. I don’t know what is your goal there, but I have more important things to do than finding it out.”

Athelyah raises a brow slightly as she looks at Shalim once again. “And why, pray tell, do you believe that you have the authority to bark orders to everyone within close proximity to you, hm? A trait inherited from Illidan, perhaps? Really, I would think from the near astronomical amount of indifference and sincere lack of interest shown in your presence here by not only myself, but many others, that by now you would realise, you are in no position to be acting as if you possess some kind of moral high ground. For whatever reason you believe yourself to be misjudged, I cannot really ascertain. Perhaps you’re simply so depressed in regards to who and what you are, you can only justify continuing to exist in lieu of what you have become, by blaming others for seeing you as exactly what you are?”

The Blood Mage then turns to look at Laurenn, responding in Thalassian. “Fear not, I can easily cause him to explode in a ball of flames if I do so see fit. Your assistance will not be required.”

Atheliyah then begins to stroll off, speaking in common as she does so. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I really must be off in search of more … appropriate company.”


“Ladies, I think we should have a little chit-chat over a diner… I tink we have so much, much in common, it would be enjoyable for everyone!”

Stellanoctis rubs her chin as she looks at her fellow nightborne. Then she starts to chuckle, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

‘‘Speaking of enjoyable. Isn’t it very delightful that a night elf spoke of early judgement and then threatened the people who rejected him? But still! I must admit that I am not much a fan of making someone like him explode. It would be much funnier to polymorph him into a swine. Just imagine… a horned swine that radiates with fel magic. My! That would be a sight to behold. His despair would be so very sweet.’’

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“Well well… Dear Shal’Dorei firend, we have so much to discuss! Could we flay the mind of a horned fel-swine? I don’t know, but I would love to try it out during our date! What do you say? In my darkness, no one will hear him scream… well except you and me, but thats like a music to make our diner-date more… romantic”

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“Ahahaha… No. You are visibly insane. I’m not so orthodox as some of my people, but if you bring that Void madness anywhere near me, I’ll cremate you on the spot. Go point it at the Horde.”

“Friend, it doesn’t matter if one is loyal to the Horde or to the Alliance. I have learned that there are bad people on both sides. The ones that will offend you and after you tell them to run away, they discuss turning you into swine. These people are lost. We must however concentrate on saving this world, mindless faction war is destroying it. I see that you are more clever than the others. Don’t support this unnecessary hatred. People from Horde can be our allies same as people from Alliance. We just need to find the right ones, who are willing to participate in the good things. Come we have much to discuss. Let these mongrels play with their weak spells. They are even not able to find out, if one has horns or not”

Razuun is quick to place himself between his kin and the Demon Hunter. His stance firm and his brow flat.

“He is not your friend. There will be no dating here. You have made your choice, now keep your distance.”

Razuun doesn’t move and keeps his gaze on the elf.

“Alright, alright. Don’t worry I was just leaving. I don’t wanted to date your fellow Drainei. Just have a friendly conversation. I consider all people my friends, unless they play with demons or cause threat to me, Azeroth or other people. Farewell”
Shalim turns away, jumps from a rock while spreading his wings and glides away.

“Have you truly lost your mind?” Razuun’s brow deepens.

“'Friendly conversation? ‘All people your friends’? You have infused your very being with a demon. Any being with sense would have to take one look at you to see you are no longer capable of such a thing.”

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“Well, I’m willing to give the Fel-Elf a chance to…”

She burst out laughing

“Sorry, I can’t even finish that sentance. Of course I would have some fun with that poor Demon Hunter Kaldorei… A fun that involves some mind flaying, shadow tentacles and a sacrificial dagger, spiked chains, an altar and a few whispered mind and soul shattering secrets in to his pointy ear on Shath’Yar… as for you? Please don’t mind that screaming Demon Hunter… we could have some… fun…”

She smiles innocently to the big Draenei Paladin

The priest is horrified when he hears those words. Such atrocities… And spoken from a priest? Priest that should serve the light and preserve life instead of tormenting it
“Oh my god. Stop! Why are you so cruel? How can you even think about such atrocity? Every life deserves to be spared, if it doesn’t threaten another.”
The priest starts to beg Zymara.
“It is not late to stop. Come let us speak about how you could spread love and peace. How you could use your priest powers for greater good.”
The priest smiles peacefuly at Zymara, offering his hand, but he doesn’t expect Zymara to take it.
“God save this misguided and twisted soul. Give her a second chance. Give her my blessing”
He whisphered this prayer to himself. While keeping his eyes closed, head towards sky.

“Oh priest… I never thought I would seek one, but one must always try something when he is confused. I just need… Well… I need your guidance. Silly isn’t it? Fel infused elf asking servant of the light for help… Well I am not joking.
Look at me. I am demon hunter. I like who I am, I like my job. Saving our planet, protecting it from evil, just as you probably do. But people around me… They just hate me. Do they hate every demon hunter? Is there any way to show them that we are not that bad? Or is it only me? How can I become a better person? What can I do to make people not to turn me into swine or sheep? I could really use your teachings priest. I am willing to change. Just show me the way. "
The demon hunter is struggling to say the following word.
" Please”

“My question here; how are you not joking?”

Itolya rubs her brow, her eyes closed briefly. A flash of brilliance when they open again, “Did my… distant kin’s words not reach you? Here, let me reiterate for you and all the peoples who have this… strange notion of seeking intimacy with the fel-infused.”

The Lightforged takes a deep breath and continues.

“You have inside you a being, and its energies, who was part of an force that destroyed many worlds, including my own and almost this one too many times. What is worse, you physical being can barely contain it as, we can see it leaking out in the form of various… aberrations.”

After a sigh, she decides to take her leave. The light glistening on her tabard and tattoos, “Do not get me started on the morality side of it.”

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“The demon hunters are an uncomfortable compromise. Nobody really likes them, but they’re useful. Very good at killing demons. I hear the ones the Night Elves had before Outland and the Illidari were better, less prone to getting captured or whining all the time. Just goes to show that ten thousand years of refinement beats one maniac playing the mad mage in the stolen, desecrated temple he defiled with his filthy-”

Zhanag stops and clears his throat. “Ehem. Not an Illidan fan. So! Dating. I know some lovely sights across Azeroth I could show you. Care to join me?”

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“The funny thing is, these hyper-evolved Trolls figured out how to become a ‘Demon Hunter’ and using a consumed Demon’s might against their enemies… but as the Lightbrainwashed colleague of mine said - who by the way have a really cute horn, call me dear - their body hardly capable of containing the Fel’s chaotic powers and they are, while useful tools, have the bad habit of loosing themselves. They are like those little green vermin’s inventions. Useful, strange and sooner or later blow up, killing you… If anyone, we Eredar would be the ideal ‘Demon Hunters’. But our fallen brothers and sisters actually became demons, not like these Kladorei pretenders. Fel-envy, if you asks me. Show an Elf some power and they would do eeeeeevrything to grab it. Nature, arcane, void, Fel, death… I know you said my dear, I am insane, but trust me, sanity is overrated. And I’m perfectly fine! Come darling, let me show you the wonders of the silent dakness between the blazing stars… whisper secrets in your ear I know you would die to know… horribles truths and sweet lies! Give me a chance to corrupt you… no… no… give yourself a chance to prove you are strong enough to resist my temptations… and lets have a fun date!”

"My goodness, where do I begin? It should be telling that in my years I have rarely seen one such as you run free for long, dangerous to your self as much as others. You dismiss sanity itself as irrelevance and praise the lies of the anathema to life itself as if it were no more than lighthearted games, revelling in corruption and in calling your self Eredar, I know that you are truly lost!

At least you have enough lucidity that you recognise elven lust for power and demonic forces being too dangerous."

“I’d be happy to, but I feel like you wouldn’t return the sentiment. I can’t really blame you - the Void is feared for good reason - but it is a shame. You seem nice, and I’d like to get to know you better. If I’m wrong about you, please, let me know. These days I look forward to being wrong.”

“I know you deal with some pretty dangerous stuff and I probably shouldn’t have anything to do with you given our differences… but I’d still like to meet you? You’re cute. Let’s go off to some neutral place and chat. May buy you drinks, if you wish me to. Maybe a dinner.”

Frostavius looks upon the Blood Elven woman before him with shock for a few moments, before shaking his head quickly, snapping back to reality. The surprised look is replaced with one of anger as he comments. “While I appreciate the aesthetics of your faux frosty visage, that is merely all it is … fake! A fraaaaaud! I know the truth! This icy nature you are attempting to portray is not even skin deep, but simply fabric deep, unlike I, FROSTAVIUS CHILLYFINGERS, the true master of the cold arts! Such a poseur is clearly not acceptable company for me! I bid you adieu, madam!”