Would you date the person above you? #44

Roessler looks at Erahe, then at Thyrellas. The old knight bursts into laughter and walks off, shaking his head.

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‘‘Ahahaha. Look dear! I am a mockingbird.’’

The young void elven woman laughs.

‘‘Oh! And no, I will not date you.’’

“Sorry, my fine feathered friend… its a no”

I’ve heard about your kind. Some people in Stormwind value your… sense of humor. Let’s go out to the city, I know a cosy place where live concerts and fine brews make everything understandable. My life has gone wild lately and I will not waste an opportunity, no matter if it was given to or created by me.

“was this set up by some of those weird people, that makes strange arts about cross species? I’m not the Regent Lord, and Neither he Nor I would date a Worgen”

Points at the dating agency agent
“I’ll see you in sheep’s clothing eerie long.”

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“Who makes all this cross race art? How about we find out? I bring bottle of wine from Suramar and offer private island. And no, you don’t get to bail out.”

“Oh my, this a bit… awkward, meeting you here my dear in a dating agency!”

She smiles to her beloved Sahoenna

“Should I be worried?”

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Aphrea gazed with utter disdain upon two followers of the arcane fashion which brought only sorrow upon her people.

-Oh, Elune, here we march again. - she smiled - But let’s keep out of this just once… Demon hunters on the other hand, they look absolutely gorgeous.

Sooo… you are into a little Fel? I’m the guy for you!

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“Oh pardon me, I must have made a mistake in one of the boxes in the questionnaire. I will correct it and return to you shortly. It will take…” Sahoenna is never seen again.

Also @Thyrellas You should be worried and we should meet in game at long last.

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“Good for me that the mage is gone. It would be awkward to explain, why she is not my cup of tea”


Nasuron looks at Shalim with an indifferent stare before speaking.


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“Good that the other Demon Hunter is gone. Would be awkward to explain why he isn’t my type and you just might.”

Kal’dorei mage? What an interesting case and unexpected outcome! I feel an urge to investigate…

“You know as a “Blood Death Knight” I’m more or less a vampire… and we could talk about some ancient rune and blood magic
Tho’ i don’t drink… wine”

“Don’t be ridiculous.”

Depends on how willing you are to get your soul Taken from you and put in some stones,or feed to demon(s). or used to summon a demon.
If yes sure we could have a ‘date’ else no. Not with a gorilla man.

Now girl, you are singing my song!
Let’s give ourselves a chance!

“Lets save us both the worry and just keep things friendly.”

A bit too Holy for me, it’d cause… complications.