Would you date the person above you? #44

Funny you say that… I too have a little problem with Holy…

“You two can go and do dark deeds with one another, and I can find someone who has not been irrevocably changed by the forces of evil magic?”

I think my dear, that would be me :wine_glass:

Pets Thyrellas

“No silly, it is not going to be you. Neither is it going to be me. We have a duel to finish. And few bottles of wine to down.”

I’d love to take ye to a nice meal, m’lady. And some drink as well. I too am a fan of wine. The older, the better. Shall we?

Smiles and makes a polite bow like a true gentleman.

“What a cute beast you are! Who is the good boy? Who is the gooood boy?”

Scratches behind Mordecai’s ear

"You are! Yes you are! No be a good little Wolf and tear some filthy undead apart for me as a gift! Oooh and I absolutly love your fluffy fur! Just like my Panthara

Hugs the Rouge

"Do you need it? Let me flay youuu… pretty pleeeeeease, with scary tentacled thing on top?

“I would rather drink paint thinner than date you.”

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‘‘I thought you meant bleach? Because this is what I would drink if I would be forced to date you.’’

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“They’re about as lethal when ingested. For me, though, I’d suffer through a few hours with you if I had to. I just really hope I don’t have to.”

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“Some suffering is not that bad… any you are a cute one. I’m not picky…”

“Oh. It seems I have forgotten something back in my mansion. You just wait, and I will teleport in and out… will be back soon. Definitely”

Ronae waves a hand dismissively at Sahoenna, not even looking up from his book as he does.

Peers blank faced at Ronae “…”

“Can we just hangout and drink some coffee together?”

looks at the Worgen with one hand on her hip and a slightly bored expression
“Well coffee’s all you get anyway.” she nods at him to follow her “You’re buying.”


I don’t there’s enough alcohol in Azeroth to make me wanna say yeah…but ya welcome to try, toots!

Get buyin’, I’m timin’ ya.

Martok was kicked out of the Shadowlands recently. If I were to go out with someone other than innkeeper Gryshka, he might end up back in the Sshadowlands again! So no, Ms Pinchpenny, Martok gotta say nope!


‘‘Dating you is like a date with my hammer. Deadly.’’

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“I regret to inform you that I must kill you… most violently.”

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“Death Knights are losers.”

It’s canon, totally would of have said that. Do not date me, I only kiss my shield.

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“I don’t agree death knights are losers, and neither do I agree on us dating”

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