WoW Classic 1.13.3 Patch Notes

You where in Vanilla. You could transfer PvP-> PvE/PvP and PvE->PvE. Just not PvE-> PvP.


Yikes. The patch is not live yet pall. Thats why your chat addon still works and why your keyring is not there.

And no… All PvP servers will not be Horde or alliance-only. Maybe the crazier few that are dead already, but they are dead already

That’s not true

Please give us a chance to leave Flamelash :frowning:

Nothing about Faction Changes so far :frowning: Hope to see it in the near future.

That will never come for classic… Was never introduced till WotLK, besides tell me how a pally can roll horde or shammy alliance?

True. There may be more complex factors like if you are a Paladin you will be transfered as Shaman and vice versa or you’ll have to choose another class, but then your items will be useless for the other class you are choosing to. To be fair I think the unique faction classes shouldn’t be allowed to move.
I can’t be arsed to level again a new horde char up to 60 so I guess my hope dies here same as my will to play Classic.

you are the reason of this mess, suffer

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Psst, would be enough to unlock the faction lock for servers…
Psst, blizzard wouldn’t do that because that would mean people would stop paying for another subscription to spy on other faction.

Also, the quality on servers have been very poor these last months, weeks gone by with minute long chat delay etc, but not a single free day added to subscription, like they would have done back during vanilla.

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about a week ago Shazzrah had complete eastern kingdoms world server down so any1 logged of in IF or any place on EK could not log in to the game for almost 8hrs
thats the quality these days for a subscription funded game

I’ve edited the original post here to correct a mistake.

The Keyring will properly scale up to 12 slots for keys, as expected.


If my warlock dies in WSG with a felhunter our, will i be revived with a imp, felhunter or nothing?

True vanilla experience indeed. Hopefully they will release proper patch notes when they go live with it.

Please elaborate on the bugfixes!

Could you please provide information on the planned BattelGroups? Where will the BG participants be pooled from?


Let me highlight

so wait, there is no switch? we have to wait until maintenance then to update the game?

because the US get the update 7am PST which is 6pm GMT. But we have to wait until the following day on the 11th december? well at least we’ll always be second class

is that anything new ? eu was always treated worse than 3rd world country by blizzard

The perfect “solution” that will hit the fast-forward button for all realms to turn into PVE realms. But who cares :money_mouth_face:

As a side note: Epically bad patch notes. Community team should learn how patchnotes differ from marketing material. This looks like amateuris mix of the two.

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Quitting the game as soon as this happens. The balance on our server is perfect as it is right now, paid transfers can only ruin the game at this point.

I get that there are realms that have issues, but enabling all-realm transfers is NOT the solution. This way, the realms without issues might get sacrificed in the process.

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