WoW Classic 20th Anniversary Realms Information -- Updated 18 Nov


After working through a great deal of player feedback, we’ve decided to provide some additional changes that will be a part of Anniversary Realms.

  • Instant mail between characters on the same account
  • The removal of the buff/debuff limit
  • Dual specs

Instant mail and removal of the buff/debuff limit will be implemented at launch, and dual spec will be enabled at a later date.

Thank you very much for the lively discussion!

As part of our ongoing Warcraft 30th Anniversary celebration, we’re excited to announce that all-new, fresh WoW Classic realms will go live on November 21 at 23:00 CET.

Realm Sizes and Rulesets

Nowadays, an individual WoW Classic realm can hold many more players at a single time than ever before. For our new fresh Anniversary realms, we’re limiting the total number of realms to choose from at launch to only 1 of each ruleset (Normal (PvE), PvP, and Hardcore). This will give both new and returning players the confidence in selecting a realm with a ruleset of their choosing, knowing that it will be healthy and sustainable. We may choose to open additional realms for a given ruleset, if needed to address player demand, but it’s our intention to limit the total number of realms to as few realms as possible.

When we first launch on November 21 at 23:00 CET, we expect some queuing, as we will gradually increase realm capacity caps in real time to fit the number of players logging in. We ask for your patience and understanding if you encounter a queue right after launch time.

Burning Crusade Classic

We’re particularly excited to reveal that Normal (PvE) and PvP fresh Anniversary realms will progress to Burning Crusade Classic, after we progress through the Classic Era content phases. This will be our first visit back to the start of this beloved expansion since its launch in 2021.

Our new Hardcore Anniversary realms will not progress to Burning Crusade Classic. Hardcore has always been focused on the Classic 1-60 journey, made truly viable and approachable thanks to Classic’s original mechanics and difficulty. Burning Crusade brings with it a level of challenge (and randomness) that we feel doesn’t fit Hardcore.

#NoChanges and #Changes Philosophy at Launch

With WoW Classic Anniversary realms, our goal is to preserve the spirit of what makes Classic WoW special. While we’re not strictly following a “no changes” policy for these Anniversary realms, our intention is to closely mirror the Classic Vanilla experience, with minimal deviation from the 2019 version.

Since the launch of WoW Classic in 2019, changes have occurred for reasons primarily focused on game health and game cohesion. These changes have included: reporting system improvements, the Dethroning system for transferring guild leadership, the addition of Chronoboon Displacer (and allowing it to stack to 10), the improved PvP Honor Ranking system, and graphics improvements. On the new Anniversary realms, these changes will be in from the start.

As always, we will continue to listen to player feedback and make adjustments as necessary.

User Interface and Looking for Group

In WoW Classic, players have often used a variety of out-of-game tools and methods to group with other players. Given the limited number of Anniversary realms per region, we expect all realms to have high populations. Although we applaud players’ ingenuity to create tools outside the game to ease social connections, we recognize that not having similar functionality in the game itself has been a missed opportunity.

To support group play, we’re introducing a Looking for Group (LFG) tool, which will allow players to create, join, and browse parties manually. We’re also adding a Services chat channel that players can enable, specifically for advertising services such as portals, summons, and tribute buffs. All such advertising must be posted to the Services channel, and player chat of these kinds placed elsewhere are subject to player reports and actions taken by Blizzard.

For those who enjoy the look and feel of the Classic guild UI, we’ve implemented an option for players to choose between using the original Classic guild UI and the newer guild UI. We’re also making plans to bring these updates to all Classic Era realms and appreciate your thoughts and feedback on that.

Hardcore Rules and Progression

For the first time ever, new Anniversary Hardcore realms will progress through the Classic Era phases of content. This means that when the Molten Core unlocks on the new Normal and PvP realms, it will unlock on new Hardcore realms at the same time. We look forward to seeing how players prepare to take on this content as it unlocks with each phase! Please note that PvP battlegrounds and Battlemasters are disabled and will not unlock when non-Hardcore realms reach their battleground phases.

We expect all else to remain the same. Paladins will not be able to bubble hearth, Shamans’ Reincarnation and Warlocks’ Soulstones won’t work, Duel to the Death (Mak’gora) is back on the menu, and buff and debuff limits are removed.

You’ll have the option of creating Self-Found characters right from the start, should you wish to take on the challenge without being able to trade with other players, send and receive most mail, or use the auction house. Good luck!

Molten Core and Onyxia

On the new realms, we want to encourage as many players as possible to level characters and, most of all, feel safe doing it in their own time. WoW Classic really is all about the journey, after all, and although we see the question of “Is it too late for me to start?” asked a lot, there really is no bad time to join WoW Classic.

To further support this, we’re making a deliberate change to delay the launch of the Molten Core and Onyxia raids by a few weeks. They will open on December 12 PST.

Character Transfers

On these new Anniversary realms, transfers will be unavailable (except for transfers to a Normal realm for Hardcore characters). Normal realm characters must remain on Normal realms, and PvP realm characters will be locked to PvP realms. On Hardcore realms, should players wish to transfer either dead or living characters to a Normal realm, they will be able to do so. There is no way to transfer back to Hardcore realms.

Enforced Faction Balance on PvP Realms

In Season of Discovery, we implemented enforced faction balance on all PvP realms. This means that the population of Horde and Alliance characters on each PvP realm remains almost perfectly balanced. If the faction balance ever starts to lean too far in one direction or the other, character creation for the more populous side is temporarily paused until balance is restored.

The results have been overwhelmingly successful, and feedback on this system has been positive. Therefore, we will enforce faction balance on new Anniversary PvP realms.

GDKP Policy

In line with our policy enacted on Season of Discovery realms in NA and EU, we will not allow gold dragon kill point (GDKP) runs in Anniversary realms in the NA and EU regions.

Note: This policy will not be implemented in regions outside of NA and EU at this time, though we reserve the right to change this.

While we understand that there are some benefits for those who find this a convenient way to gain gear, we also recognize that there are concerns surrounding GDKP eroding traditional guild and social structures that are a part of the spirit of the game. Player feedback in Season of Discovery realms in NA and EU has largely been positive about this change, and it aligns with our internal findings.

We will continue to monitor feedback about this topic closely, and we may make adjustments to this policy in the future.

We’re excited for the launch of Anniversary realms. Thank you, as always, for your support, and we’ll see you in Azeroth on November 21 at 23:00 CET!


The WoW Classic Team


And here we go, new fresh realms are coming.

Everyone on the green train please, queue orderly.


Thanks Blizzard, good news. TBC awesome. No GDKP <3


We did it!


HC should not be part of Fresh, what about current servers? They are going RiP hard…


So who is gonna deal with the bots and gold buying? because we all know on classic era it’s like 4k for consumes


Seems like for the first time in WoW history , the Trade and LFG chat will be clean.


Just a quick question, will characters on the Anniversary realms have the option to transfer to Era rather than TBC - always nice to have additional choices!

Thanks a lot!


I think not having GDKPs is a bad idea, the only reason Era survived for over 3 years and was successful was because of GDKPs, me and many others like me only played Era because it was just easier to enjoy raiding without having to farm gold all day, it was easier to just get the gear you wanted as well, just join gdkps, play well, get paid, and in few weeks you have enough gold to buy the item that you want guaranteed rather than rely purely on luck when you reserve the same item 10 weeks in a row and you lose the roll, or just raiding with an unbiased guild LC where you have to be consistent and present every week. Removing GDKPs will not remove RMT, RMT will still be a huge issue, I’d say even worse now that you cannot properly pvp and raid without buying gold, before you could just do a gdkp and get enough gold for consumables for the whole week for all kind of activities, now, not so much. Unless you make changes to have absolutely free consumables that don’t require half a day of herbing for 1 raid, I don’t think I will play this, era is still a good sanctuary in that regard.


Survived for raid logging? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


On the flipside, with GDKP allowance in place, we very soon had the issue in classic that you either already had those large sums of gold (= farming, or ah goblin, or RMT), or you didn´t get an invite to begin with.

In the long run, GDKP primarily benefits those that already have gold and gear, and those are the people generally organizing the runs… go figure :wink:


And where do you think all that gold you got came from? People bought it.


That´s the most hilarious part, he complains about consume prices, but completely ignores how GDKP helped to drive RMT to make this issue even worse that it needed to be.


And where do you think that the gold you get from AH when someone buys your consumables you farmed and crafted? That is right, people that do not want to do that, bought gold so they can do the content they want, we all know this still happens in SOD as well.

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Banning a loot system is yikes. Was hyped after the leak but i changed my mind. Without gdkp i am not gonna take the risk and end up in dead servers after spending hours on my toons. GL to those who gonna play though, hope you enjoy it.


So how will the new HC servers work if they are linked to the new progressive TBC server but you cannot do HC TBC?

Can I play HC during the vanilla period and still move my character to TBC if I hit 60?

Also why not add a system for HC where if you hit 60, you can continue HC when playing TBC and if you die you only go back to level 60? That would be awesome!

Glad to see GDKP is banned. I’d rather gold sellers were actually dealt with but this is better than nothing.


Are you telling us ONE realm for ALL of the WoW players of EU, OCE and US? Or one per region?
I so hope the latter … well I am no way going to play these overpopulated maxi-multi-layered abominations.

And even more no. I was looking forwards to a HC Draenei Pally, my fave class ever.

Oh yes! Bring it to Era! A please remake the Options UI back to Classic looks now you’re at it!

Won’t you at least fix the broken guards that marks people for PvP when being hit by - not hitting - them. Also on the old HC realms please.


So how is this gonna work, every semi serious guild is gonna need to run 8 splits? to get onslaught girdle on their warriors until naxx?

lets say you run 20 warriors with 50ish possible IDs you would need a OSG every 2nd raid ?

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Dear Blizzard,

Once classic fresh is done? Can we transfer the char to ERA? Yes or no.


Can someone please clarify if the fresh servers will progress to TBC only ot TBC and beyond?

Most likely the latter.