WoW Classic Realm Names and Types [Europe]

It’s a disgrace to see the issues with the servers when people can only create a char and secure a name. Was going Shazzrah but it logs me out everytime I try to enter it and on Golemagg my name was taken…

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Thank you :slight_smile:


People complain about queue times, but isn’t this also part of genuine vanilla experience - the ever lasting queues. :blush:


hmu to buy the name Sky on Shaz, im hella rich lmk

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24m stuck “Loading in”…all top 4 name options gone. (On both servers.)

My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.

Now to snipe the new server they will have to open…except it will happen at any point between now and 29th. Which I will also lose because no idea when it happens AND if it’s before launch I still have to delete these 3.
…AND THEN find out friends will move or something. >.>

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I predict they will have to add more servers in the near future.
2 Normal and 2 PvP is far to few for Europe.
Eastern Europe, Nordic Countries, Mediterranean countries, the UK, Belgium, The Netherlands, all have to share these 4 …

Classic hype down the toilet. How is the actual release going to be? Blizzard have 0 clue about classic. They fired their original good staff, and now you have this terrible planning. No info, no idea on their product. Incompetence!


Position in queue: 11003
Estimated time to login: Calcualting

Blizzard is funny

I did not get my vanilla name Re (which one of my characters still has to this day), but least i got the other 2 variants with ´and ` and I was only 1 minute late to the party. I think names went like hot bread.

I did hope to get the 2 letter names I had on original EU launch, but apparently did many others.

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RP is empty
Normal is normal


So freaking disappointed now. What a failure blizzard. Not even sure if im going to play

I’m glad you managed to get the variants at least!

" You think you do, but you don’t "
Their estimates can’t even handle character creation load.
And this isn’t even launch day, this is going to be great !


i got 2 out of my 3 names god i got booted out 14 times but i was lucky very lucky keep trying everyone over and over and you will get in !!!

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Dude think of it this way 12000 people killing boars the same quest same area the lag will break the servers lol

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Looking forward to sniping names on new server in the next 2 weeks, then again on launch (on same server for alts and on the new new server), and then barely contained excitement , on the new new new server 2+ days after launch where all friends will move.

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But oddly enough I see all this not too far off the original eu-launch experience I had - which was sitting few hours in queue and then seeing more server disconnects than there are holes in cheese. Odd way this all entertains me and makes me think if Blizzard has intended us to get it so genuine experience that we never ask anything nostalgia flavoured from them ever again.

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Whoever stole the name I wanted is getting slaughtered in game.


Thats why i think early sharding during release is a great idea

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