WoW Classic Reboot

A couple fresh servers with a change to make WB’s drop when entering raids would be so goooood. I’d like this as an alternative to TBC.

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I love that idea, and kind of make sense for the following adventure, leaving choice to both returning to a new classic experience or leaving for TBC.


Could also be a thing, some kind of Classic + although i think this has very low to zero chance of happening.

That doesn’t answer what I pointed out, not everyone uses both reddit and forums. So it’s logical to post in both places if you want to get as many opinions/answers as possible. I myself have done the same and a few times never received a response on the forum but have on reddit or vice versa.

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Thank you @Punkpally, i also think that it is revelant as people from NA that doesn’t have any characters in EU realms can’t reply in here if i’m correct. Thats why i wanted to get many opinions about it.

Also if you guys want to check it out the reddit post is getting some very interesting point of views.

Here’s the link :

It does but I’ll forgive you for pretending I didn’t address and dismiss your points.

Also nice to see that the tread ends by doing as I suggested and actually linking the discussion even if your all still not acknowledging that and reassuring each other that your still right. Bless you both :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Aren’t you the one that asked for a link between the two posts, i don’t get it…

And i don’t get what would i win by doing this other than just looking for people opinion about the game i love, will it make me richer or something ?

Nothing in your post debunked why it’s a good thing to seek answers from multiple sources. If anything, it goes against common sense NOT to check for answers in more than one place. Read my previous comment again.

That’s because I never said it was a bad choice to seek multiple points of view - as such that need not be “debunked”.

However your replying in a discussion where I am asking why the OP made 2 exact same threads instead of making one and linking to it. Had he done that both parties (Reddit and wow players) would have visibility. All wow players have a account and can view and post here. Only Reddit would be missing out on the discussion on the wow fours… but it wouldn’t be if OP linked to it instead of creating a duplicate. If they linked instead Reddit could see this discussion, Reddit could comment on the discussion and could post here if they wanted to contribute.

The only way to ruin that would be to post the same exact thread on Reddit and not link back to this one - which is exactly what OP did and what I am criticising,

As such I debunked your entire point - not the fact that more than source of feedback being a good thing.

In the end the OP did as I suggested too and fixed the thread and linked them to each other which was sensible.

The answer is still the same, because not everyone wants or cares to use both reddit and forums. If I never used reddit before and found a forum post linking to a reddit thread and nothing else in it, I wouldn’t bother looking at it and vice versa.
And out of all the things to pick out from and criticise on these forums… THIS is what you find to complain about? :smiley: This is just comical, but you do you I guess.


FRESH is a know concept among private servers. With the early 2021 Blizzcon we will get TBC announcement where as “fresh” Classic realms can happen - wherever to handle people staying Classic and not moving TBC or to just have a loop of realms constantly cycling over 2 years.

Dont think we will have both
It will be either few more fresh cycles of classic until servers drop to very low pop. Or it will grew into once more tbc-wotlk-cata-panda-wod-legion-bfa-shadowlands-emerald dream-…

I don’t think Blizzard would want to have fresh Classic realms and TBC realms at the same time, but at the same time, I do believe fresh Classic realms are unlikely eventually. I more inclined for Blizzard to do a full circle of Classic-TBC-WOTLK and after that, one WOTLK has ended, make fresh Classic realms that will continue into fresh TBC and fresh WOTLK, because the alternative will be to have Cataclysm realms, and I don’t believe there will be enough people interested on that, so once WOTLK finishes the whole legacy realms finish, a good time to have a fresh start.

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This is a very good idea, i would love to see some kind of cycle that restarts back to Classic and leave time to build a new hype. i guess it will be hard to satisfy everyone because some people will want to stay in Classic no matter what.

  1. No. I don’t think so.
  2. No I would not. Finally there’s room for slow lewelling w/h being overrun.

They said they don’t want to force people into TBC if they don’t want to.

I got impression that people want (beside classic) most :

  1. WOTLK
  2. Pandaria
  3. WoD

I dont think it will be fair if they stop with WoTLK, not it will be good goal, bussines wise.

Anyway they should have defined their legacy plan, and announced it by now, or at least I hope at next blizzcon

I have not said anything about forcing people into TBC, not having fresh Classic realms does not mean the current Classic realms will go away.

As far as I know very few people actually played Vanilla back in the day. I for sure didn’t.
Of course the community was ecstatic about Classic because this is where all started but not because it’s such a great game.

As far as where they will stop with the Classic, who knows. TBC and WOTLK imo is a guarantee for success. There will be plenty of time to debate what to do next while we consume these 2.

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Come to think of it, I’d actually go for this reboot thing, but with 1 minor/major change. XP gained is not calculated towards avg grp lvl, but maximum player lvl in grp.
Just an experiment to see which of these #noChaNgE troglodytes is going to start asking for LFG tool first.

I don’t want reboots, I don’t think even most pserver players want reboots… the feeling I got from them was that they hated it whenever a server was forced to shut down and start again. WOW isn’t Diablo, regardless of how people try to play it like it is. What happens to the realms with fresh players on it when all phases are done a new fresh again, and again? and what about the dead realms as a result? I doubt very much it will happen.

I don’t really understand the mentality of it, is it the rushing to 60 and steamrolling the content as fast as you can the idea? I understand there are phases we will never get to experience again like world PVP/honor system first being introduced R14 weapons being BIS and AQ opening. I think the general consensus is that BWL phase tied with the PVP system was the most fun and it tends to be downhill from there for people who want a feeling of progression.

Edit: What they should do is a an ironman mode classic for you nutjobs that want fresh realms all the time, you die once you’re done. Get to run around in your hamster wheel then forever. I actually wouldn’t mind something like that, but again it’s an MMORPG not Diablo.

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