What do you guys make of the impending doom that is faction balance?
I’m an Alliance player till I die. Have experimented a bit on the Horde side back in the day and once during Classic, but I always go back to Alliance.
TBC back in the day was fine, because people weren’t as informed as they are today. But with how informed people are today, the vast majority of the total population playing TBC worldwide, will play Horde; as opposed to back in the day where it became fairly even, since a bunch of weebs wanted to play blood (high) elf.
I don’t think getting corpse-camped in Honor Hold for months on end will be fun, so I’m debating with myself if I should actually take the horrible plunge into a PvE realm, since I suspect that all PvP realms will be 20/80 at best; 0/100 at worst.
Classic is dead to me, I only raidlog and (unfortunately) forcefully go collect the world buffs for the next raid. I am excided for TBC because I will finally get my hands on a draenei shaman, arenas, more engaging PVE content, meaningful professions.
Sure, but there are people out there who cleared Classic BWL in 42 mins on launch day, AQ40 in 38 mins, and probably will clear Naxx in 1-2 hours. You know damn well they’ll faceroll TBC content just the same, then whine “too easy” on forums 24/7. My idea would at least give them something to do, other than whining, without forcing the rest of us to do this.
Blizz probably won’t implement it though, cos too much effort, but I don’t think it’s a bad idea in the slightest.
If Blizzard decide to go with 2.0 (bugfixes from other patches should ofc be moved to this one) putting longer debuff on drums of battle so not 90% of server being LW and making already easy content even more easier, doing phases with Kara/Gruul/Magtheridon - SSC/TK - BT/Hyjal & Sunwell (instead of having Hyjal out on release day) making small adjustments so they keep majority of the Allianceplayers (seal of blood/vengance, pvp racials), progressive itemzation, badges in Kara/ZA/daily heroic coming later, revered for keys (again 2.0), realize their misstake with overpopulated servers in Classic -> making them smaller to a max cap TBC can handle so we can avoid layers, reduce layering (like they did) and remove spellbatching. Yes, then I will be very hyped again for my favorite expansion of all time. But if they fail at least we got some Arena again!