Wow current population

why would you even play on a private server owned by some random kid that can get shutdown whenever?
people dont want to waste their time and progress

Classic Official will have 10 million + players the first month and keep 4-5 million WELL into 2020

Well idk about german realms, there are probably less ppl playing on those baseline and 2:30 in the morning is not the best time to check population. That late everyone from my guild would be sleeping or very very close anyway.

I am on a dead realm and I wish we could have some more realms merged. This whole thing just got so out of hand with ppl transfering over to couple of the biggest realms and there is just no movement the other way.
Just this expansion we lost like 5 guilds on the server, including the only one who had 7/9 progress in BoD mythic horde side before they packed up. (they came from alliance to horde because racials but ended up disbanding in a couple months afterwards.)
We also had another guild just packing up and moving to a more populated realm, because its impossible to do mythic raiding on this realm horde side.

I made too many friends here to leave anywhere else, and im fine not having a population here like Draenor, but there is no reason to keep so many servers anymore.

Read comments

I supported you until you posted this video. The creator is one who does nothing but post inflammatory content and videos and simply for views and hits. Really toxic this particular streamer is.


This is my main game and I have friends who stay here purely to play with me :slight_smile:

I do try other games with them too though. But sticking at them is harder.

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We even have guild meetup every year with some of them who can make it. It is impossible to leave them now even if i want to be on a higher pop realm and do harder content.

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Not the video - the comments… and that vid is very positive…

Hmmm the comments in a channel of someone who makes anti WoW videos And is talking about a other game and is aiming at a different audience.

Now pls go to mmo c and see how they talk about FF14

Game is dead in terms of population and people physically playing. I have 3 characters across three different realms and when I moved to these servers around 6 years ago they were packed. Now it’s barren. The only time you see people is outside popular dungeons and cities during peak hours. Outside of this it’s barren.

It’s a sign the game is dying don’t let anyone tell you different, this is physical proof so the forums can rant about what they want but the truth is the game is really suffering atm.

I haven’t played in about 2 weeks and tbh the only thing I miss was opening my weekly chest - that’s not enough to pay for a monthly sub. The entire game is a shadow of what it was. Constant interference and tinkering with classes and loot by Blizzard has all but killed this once great game. 3 button spam fest and controlled loot process = death to WOW.


10 million + players on wow classic?

Thats a whole new level of wishfull thinking, i mean, another dimension level. :rofl:

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Yeah I think that is super optimistic. But I don’t want to rain on anyone’s parade.

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Didn’t you made the few days ago the thread how you are leaving the WoW to play at this point other MMO-s in which you have apparently a lot of fun? I noticed tho how you are strangely active lately at this board for someone like that who is dedicating their time to other MMOS :thinking:

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If you read all the thread today, I said my daughter has just come out of hospital after having febrile convulsions, due to a high temp with a gastro bug… I have been on my laptop chatting to people here as I haven’t been playing any games a few days now as she naps in my room, and I am with her.

I have a right to post here just as you do.

I wish your daughter a fast recovery, on your place I would spend more time with her than on the forums. And nobody said that you can’t post, you have every right to do so, my post was about your noticeable frequent activity on the board.

I am with her… all of the time 24/7… I am giving her meds, comforting her… how dare you make out that I am not spending the right amount of time with her…

I’d say there are a lot of people starting toons off at level 20 with the new races and going straight into dungeons these days.

I generally play these type of characters late and find very fast ques for dungeons.

Was that on the sever, the shard, or the area? I’m not even sure how that tool works since CRZ.

Best of luck with your daughter.

Im broke money wise and my gf just moved in. She’s got a xbox one s and eso… i wanted to play with her from the pc whenever I’ll be able to afford it, are servers shared or only for ff14?
Also I dislike controllers but as I said kindda broke here. Think eso is good enough for a pc player if using a console? Don’t want to invest hours with 2 spells and then learn more and more and not being able to bind anything at max lvl or so.
Thanks :slight_smile:

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Eso console and pc are separate sadly :frowning:

I prefer eso on console - it works so well with a controller & it works well with the amount of skills… I hated the controls on pc.

/who is also limited with how many results it gives you. It’s not infinite. It also tend to limit by level as well.


You can do /who then change the level range value manually.