Wow current population

Where do we see it ? I have 2 minute ques as dd for low level dungeons , 5 secounds arena que and 1 minute bg que while boralus is full.

Where do we see the decline ?

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Just spend time in other mmos… the amount of ex wow players saying they are unhappy with WoW can’t be right if WoW is all roses…

The wow community is toxic, the content is low quality, repetitive rng upon rng, mindless grinds my 7 year old could do. Time gating to drag the content on and on…

WoW rewards a high ilvl reward on par with a hc raid from a few world quests, yet people open mythic+ chest each week being disappointed by the same item, or one they don’t need… worse is when it’s for another spec!

Awful talent builds, gcd, class pruning… Professions that are boring and uninspired… and mostly useless. Dreadful story. Awful armor sets… re-skinned mounts. A heavy nerf to gold rewards.

I could sit here all day.

Keep your head in the sand, but I assure you many have and will leave if things don’t change.


You are alliance, try doing that on the horde side. On this character as alliance I can easily get into the things you mentioned. Try doing it on the horde side and expect 10 to 20 minute wait times, sometimes longer.

MAU’s just numbers, means nothing, they lost money, their share prices plummeted, they made some back by laying off 100’s of employees too.
Facts are the company shrunk and its customers shrunk too and most importantly they continue doing so, those are just the facts we know about.

Shuffling numbers around to make things seem good is nothing new, most Governments do it daily. When you get older and have been in the busines world and understand what these things mean, you understand most of the time its just “cloak and Mirrors”.

I prefer to see and experience things personally myself and not just take media BS as fact as most of the time its just heavily manipulated fact

The article below might be of interest to you:

Odd , when I asked around in other MMO they told me they all are quoting and are going back to wow. Seems we have meet different people.
But dude trust me on this one. 100% true and a legit source.

Not only blizzard and only not developer , while increasing the developer team by 30% O.o

Wasn’t that always the case ? Horde always had longer que times. But you could tell me the que times if you want/ I will test them later.

You are toxic. I was having a civil discussion and you resorted to insults.

I have no interest in your thoughts anymore :wave:

Well you definition of toxic seems to be kinda lowY

But to quote what you said, you can’t decide what I post and to whom „ but you can always close this thread.

I mean, if you want to turn a blind eye and deny everything you see that doesn’t suit your beliefs, do so :man_shrugging:

Ye this has turned into a boring debate on who’s ego is bigger and who is right or wrong :joy: I’m out from this thread aswel going to find something else to discuss.

I won’t deny facts if you can show them to me. But I kinda expact people to atleast be able to prove some of their claims.

And not my friend list is empty = game is dead

Or saying blizzard removed hundreds of employees and is going to stay smaller, when it’s not true.

Edit : btw I really hate BFA too. But I stay fair towards it


Yeah read that, TLDR is Blizzard “promising” better things for 2020

Think we’ve all heard that before too, Remember this thread when the exact same Media BS is posted in 2021…and 2022

Interesting quote: “The good news is that management’s expectations for the year held steady. And if Activision Blizzard can just make it through 2019, there could be some bright spots in 2020”

and please note the “could” which pretty much sums it all up, more promises.

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I think you need to read it again…

Could, would, should.



Anyway, at the end of the day for me personally WoW is currently at its lowest, worst state ever, Lowest player base ever and BFA as been the worst expansion ever, it was all over hyped up full of endless promises of great new things that was never delivered. if no one can actually prove any different that’s how I feel.

The biggest concern I have at the moment is there seems to be no light at the end of this tunnel and more so the fact that Blizzard themselves offer very little in hope of anything great to return, they are all focused on increasing revenue income and not a truly great game again, which it could be.

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Many of us were disappointed with certain features and changes to the game. We’ve had so many topics about them. Blizz must have seen them, and it’s not like they don’t only take feedback from the forums, they keep their eye on other popular mediums too.

I am looking forward to 8.2 though but I’m not going to blindly hope everything will change. This still isn’t my worst expansion as I haven’t unsubbed (only one expansion has had that affect on me for an extended period of time). Obviously people take breaks from time to time, that’s just how it goes with most games.

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Easy. Aside from power gap gear situation I’m enjoying this addon a lot.

It honestly feels as if the entire warcraft franchise is on life support by the sheer existence of Classic until the next expansion.

I pray that they learn from the upcoming success that will be classic wow and actually roll back the game to a simpler time in a lot of ways.

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Really depends if classic is successful. It only had 100k active players on the biggest FREE server. And that was said by the owners, who have no shareholder = they could be lying.

But i know a few who will try it , but more who won’t because of the bad pvp.

We would need a cata / mop Server to see what people really like

I don’t think it’s going to overtake or destroy the main retail game. I’m more worried about ending up on a dead realm on Classic when the hype and initial interest dies down.

Time will tell but I will definitely carry on playing both. :slight_smile: