Unless you mean to be very casual about them, playing both would be really hard.
Fs in the chat guys
I bought this game in feb 2007. The TBC had just kicked in. After I started to play WoW I lost interest in all other games and have not owned a console or another game since apart from heart stone and Warcraft 3.
Recently though something sad i happening and I am beginning to think about other games. This game has lost its sparkle. The thing that pisses me off the most is the silence. No chat except toxic people or Mythic run adverts.
I honestly thought WoW and I were solid but now I log in and then just log out and I do that with the alts I play then log out.
I do not think that I like this expansion to much. I cant put my finger on it but something is wrong and I dont know what it is.
I have a funny feeling that I am not the only player who feels like this.
Lots of free times at my hand .I am housewife and no children . So I can even play three mmo at the same time with not much of trouble . If bless unleashed that is coming out later this year is any good .I will cancel my wow subscription for it.
3 things changed due to player feedback .
Flying wod
Targetable legendaries legion
Caverns of time portal coming back BFA and azerite changes.
Making an immune bubble on MoP world bosses thats 5 changes due to player feedback .
Well anyhow, I think low population servers struggle alot atm. People will transfer/reroll on higher population servers more and more(Not all thou). Perhaps this game could either need to remove the boundries a bit to allow for shared AH’s and Guild creation to help out the community side issues.
Not being able to find a good/pleasant guild acctually severly impacts the joy of the game for alot of people and tbh. I recommend some loners to try it at some point, just because you have had bad experiences in the past don’t mean all guilds are bad. The AH are also a significant part of a servers economy, regardless if you like it or not.
Or propose free transfers or even server merging on the servers blizzard(which always will have most accurate data) deem as “limited”. I mean too few players on the same server(and faction) do cause issues.
I think server merges will be a lot better then this sharding that we are facing at the moment .or they can just make one huge server if population gets very low .
Also it is about time blizz came up with a new mmo or at least a wow 2
Lucky you. I only play ffxiv, but even in that case, I can’t find enough time to do everything.
Yep some people are more busy then others .but I hope you enjoy whatever you play .I do play single player games from time to time and sometimes skip mmo games for few months
I agree, single player can be great too. I really enjoyed playing through the Witcher.
Yes…all diff terms can be put in the box. If you do /who then delete everything in the bottom box you can type 30-40 or whatever level you are looking for.
I’d have to agree with you on them constantly changing everything.
Its like every new expac i dont even know if i am playing the class i once fell in love with.
I don’t know why Blizzard feels the need to reinvent every class, i thought that around Wrath/Cata they had figured out pretty much what every spec archetype was but since then everything has just gotten tuned, pruned, and streamlined so much everything just feels the same.
I picked up Feral in Wrath because i enjoy the ramp/hybrid playstyle, but in BFA it just feels like a watered down rogue, sucks the fun right out of the game
The amount of times they changed Warlock drove me insane… and my Hunter.
Having a character for years and logging in on a new expac to see stuff removed or changed… losing that connection to a class/spec I loved - to the point I wanted to reroll my main, but didn’t want to because of how much time I had invested in a character.
Hope your little princess is doing fine now
I understand that you don’t like BFA but trying to project your opinion on the whole playerbase is pretty sad. ESO? That game currently is losing players and it was doing better before BFA came out. Unless you think losing 3000 players since then is a huge succes. These are just facts that can be looked up on steam charts by anyone.
U do know that eso is also available on Xbox one and ps4 and also has its own pc game launcher .so just taking out the steam numbers to paint a bleak picture of eso is without facts .
Also it is known fact that eso doesnot play well on steam and as a result a lot of people switch from steam to the elder scroll main launcher from website .
So if u want to act like smart at least get your facts right .
Thanks so much, she is much better today and I took her and her little Frenchie x Pug puppy out for a walk… I got him the other day and he has cheered her up a lot x
Eso had to get new servers to cope with the influx of new players…
Google PC-EU Server Update - April 11
Aw so cute - the kitty is even giving massages lol
I cried at the vid with the dwarf pony and the braces…