Wow current population

That is your opinion and i dont agree with it and thats fine.

Its ok to disagree.

Okay then?

Yes and in that matter i have to agree. we are no saying other games are perfect hell no, we are saying, what was mentioned above. if Blizz cant take the hint, well… it is them who had to face and deal with the outcomes of their… well… “actions”

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Yeah, but they are things WoW “used” to have like great community (pre sharding) and very relevant professions, they are things that have been basically removed from WoW with no real reason and which have dramatically changed the game for the worse , which is fact and very relevant with the thread subject.


Like I said on another thread I have never seen another game change stuff so dramatically, take stuff away, give it back - WoW really struggles with it’s identity.

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I don’t enjoy ESO or FF systems so it’s not something I’d like to see imported here. There is a reason I don’t really play either after trying them both. People are all different.

I don’t really see other games as having an affect on WoW populations. The only thing that turns people away from WoW is the game itself. People get bored, go play other things, some people play multiple games at the same time and only log to raid etc. Despite every supposed WoW killer game that has been released over the last 10+ years, none of them can.

Can WoW be improved, of course. They’ve had plenty of feedback since the beta came out and beyond. However we have a nice big patch coming in 8.2. I for one am looking forward to that. For now I’m enjoying doing stuff on alts, which I had no time for while constantly grinding AP.

I personally don’t feel WoW is in some terrible dire spot, certainly not dead or dying like some like to portray. I can always find groups, I can queue up for any activity I want to do. There are lots of listed groups for old raids, new raids, mythic plus, mount runs etc. CRZ and Shards have a lot to do with that too. The world around me feels busy even if I don’t necessarily see people from my own realm.

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They do not listen to feedback, and if they do they choose to ignore it.

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They do listen to feedback, they aren’t going to act on all feedback. If they acted on every single thing the game would be in a terrible state.

We’ve had various changes that they’ve made due to feedback. They aren’t always going to do what the playerbase wants.

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Ok name me 3 things they reverted at many players request?

WoW used to be an amazing game but it’s been butchered beyond recognition.


The problem is , for some reason you enter every conversation and talk about how much better other games are. What are you still doing here ?

Go talk in the forum of the other games. If they are what you prefer or start making specific WoW related comments.

I don’t go in the Dota forum to discuss why Kindred is the best champion


Because as I paid for the sub I can still post… not ran out yet.

I helped someone with other subjects just as much… so please don’t talk :poop:

Get all these random internet people who think they can tell you what to do :rofl:


Well to be honest other games are DOES effecting The population of WoW becasue other games have those features and immersivity and so on that WoW lacking now, and honestly it makes me sad, because i loved this game, but this time it is just so empty, everything is gated so badly that basicly it DOES effect the population.
And about listening to feed back? sorry if am beeing rude but LOL. :smiley:


That game isn’t killing itself though is it :wink:

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It’s less about telling what you can do and more about it being sad/ annoying and quit pathetic to be honest

Thanks for your personal feedback random internet person :+1:


It is nto pathetic to share your opibnion about the state of teh agme that you love mate, it is how ever pathectic that to see how the current state of the game does.


I don’t know how much I spent on WoW in 12 years… ofc I am going to be annoyed when it’s all gone South.


And Rightfuly so. And i share your opinion as well.


I spotted you, ForestWithin !

Let’s see, 11 x 12 x 11 euros : 1452 , and you add the 5 current months *11 = 1452 + 55, roughly 1.5k bucks.

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I share your opinions aswel but I can’t quit this game because I made alot of friends and my guilds in game need me they became in a way a part of my life now they would miss me and I will miss them and all the forum friends I gained here will be no more if I just left like that so wether I like it or not I will have to stay and hope this game improves and stop being stricked with some of their unfair policies towards many things that limit’s the players freedom that we have to play their way instead like an actual MMO.