Wow current population

Not even close, server moves in the past when my server died, race/faction changes, pets and mounts… I have more than done my share of supporting WoW.


Of course I can’t count what extra you paid, I’m not Nostradamus. (yet)


I would be scared to add it all up!


so am i :smiley:


Hahait’s over 9000!!.


It prob is … and some :rofl:


so far mine is realy lcose to that end and i did not even added up my TCG stuffs.


Only in your opinion. Personally I don’t want a shred of content from either of those games. That is purely your opinion and your personal preference.

If game X came out and a huge proportion of players quit WoW to go and play it instead of this game then yes you’d have an argument. However, that’s not the case.

When 8.2 hits you’ll see the influx of players again, then as content becomes stale they will trail off again. It’s just the cycle of gaming regardless of the platform.


Aww I will really miss this forum :frowning:


Yeah mee to :frowning: But you know when a door closing in another will open. and we only have to do is to follow our path and moving foward.

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Don’t say that madam I will miss you alot :sob:.

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I dont know you but im gonna miss you too :slight_smile: so far that i have read out of your comment it painted from you a very nice person picture :slight_smile: and i love it.

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It’s funny, people ask for additional forums to discuss different things. Then people just ignore all the other sub forums and post in General Discussion anyway. Blizz can’t win :laughing:


Thank you so much… I am out of likes today… I would if I could :heart:


becasue they made it that way thats why they cant win :frowning:

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They can’t win because people wont use them. Players ask for them, then don’t use them. I don’t really see how you could twist that into something else.


:shushing_face: we’re having a :hugs: moment here :wink:


Leave it alone madam if nobody complains there is no need for it.Unless of course forum mod comes and tells us to stop then we will.

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Here are some hugs for you because :heart: :hugs: :hugs:.

You have to be careful saying WOW is dying or the population is dwindling because the shills will attack you from every single angle.

I have seen many ex WOW players in FF14 and ESO. I tried ESO and really did not like it but I love FF14. There are things about both games that WOW could try to implement before the game bottoms out fully.

I do think that for WOW 8.2 will have to be pretty amazing to bring people back and at the moment I am hearing mixed reviews from the PTR. So it will be a wait and see approach. I do think many will return to play classic but how long will that hold their attention?

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