Wow current population

I left so many fragments from self throut this tower. I gues i leav another one here as well.

Thank you :slight_smile: :heart:

I agree… but I don’t let that stop me :wink:

People need to continue to be heard if change is ever going to happen.


I am agree on that.

I agree with you fully. I got called a liar after quoting Blizzard’s own annual report from Q4 2018 to Q1 2019 that showed a decrease of in service revenue and MAU’s across the board for all their games.

Even pointing this out to show that yes there is a decrease of players for all their titles, including WOW, I was jumped all over, but I do not let it stop me. Things need to change and the ones in denial are just as bad, because they are content and not seeing the bigger picture that without players there is no WOW.

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But don’t go to far Blizzard is known for silencing activists for positive change cause it doesn’t agree with their model per say.

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I reply if someone replies to me (if applicable). The system notifies me there is a response.

You seem to be implying your conversation with some trumps my conversation/responses to Transmoggu. I have as much right to talk to people as you do, we are all equal on the forum (unless you post in blue).

This topic has been heavily derailed. Keeping it civil will help avoid any locking.

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I won’t be able to post much longer as sub was cancelled.

What? We are all calm here (apart from some person who called me pathetic)… I let it slide though :wink:

We are going full on tin hat mode now. No one has been silenced on the forums unless they break the rules.

I realise not blindly siding with the wow haters earns me the title of shill but I have embraced that at this point.


Yeah they do listen to feedback sometimes, and there as been some changes but the current trend by Blizzard is they only act on things that are easy to change and in most cases also generate income revenue in the process.

Blizzard currently greatly lack foresight, unless it concerns upcoming quarterly revenue time, and again any changes are quite obviously aimed first and foremost at income revenue

Doesn’t mean I am playing though does it ? maybe I am one of many hoping Blizzard actually finally come through on some of their many promises to improve some content, WoW was a great game at some point its longevity has proven that, Maybe it could be Great again, I do have hope, but with each patch and each broken promise and the ever increasing use of short term " band aid" fixes for what are major issues wears thiner and thinner as more time passes.

It sad to see some changes Blizz keep making and I can clearly see the downfall or negatives and can see clearly how players will react to it and somehow negate it, while the so called Developers seem to be totally oblivious to these obvious outcomes. It’s more than obvious is the fact many don’t play the game themselves.

What’s happened to Developers actually developing ? being innovative and designing good things that actually last, past few expansions everytime that they have done something good that the population realy loves and does good for the game it gets completely removed each X-Pac.

Probably because people who post statistics specifically for wow say other wise and you don’t provide any prove :slight_smile:


I have not implied any of that you are just being hillaruous right now Because you can speak to whoever you please :grin: just for that one moment you ruined it :stuck_out_tongue:.Also don’t go crazy with me I mean you no offence.So relax.

I am not a WoW hater… wow had my heart for many years… I would love nothing more for it to be fixed to win me back.

I think you will find many feel this way.


I think they changed it so that people who unsubbed can still post on here. I remember seeing a post where someone was complaining about people who had unsubbed were being too negative.

I think that’s old inactive accounts?

It came directly from Activision Blizzard’s actual company earnings reports, so not sure how it is not providing proof.

It was the people that made wow… the original creators, the ones in jeans and t-shirts… now it’s all suits… and the heart is black.

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I agree with you, I have played since Orcs vs Humans. I even supported BFA all the way up until early this year, until my wife who also was a long term player quit the game and went to FF14.

I then realized just how bad things have gotten with WOW. i still play the game because I like it but things do need to change or there will not be anyone left. I do think that vast improvements can be made that can save the game and bring new and former players back.

Some of these changes have been posted on these forums and on the NA forums for years now and have been ignored. I think that players are just simply tired of being ignored and realizing that nothing is going to change or if it does, it is too little too late.

Ah , sry my bad than. Could you link the one which is specific for the WoW sub numbers ?