WoW is not pay to win

You don’t seem to understand what you’re talking about. It doesn’t matter where the gold comes from, you pay real money and get gold, it’s that simple. The distinction you fail to grasp is whether the game facilitates or opposes this practice.


Difference between us is that I do understand how it works and what did it change while you on the other hand don’t.

The only real difference between pre-wow-token and now is that blizzard is getting a 5$ cut. And those who sell gold can’t use that money on anything else than blizzard shop or game time.

If we could only obtain gold through in-game means!

Oh wait we can

So whats this pay to win nonsense?

You think you do but you don’t, stupid people don’t know they’re stupid.
I’ll repeat one last time: if the game, by design, offers you the ability of buy power with real money, then you can call it pay2win, HOWEVER if the game doesn’t offer you this ability but you go on your own, against the ToS, and buy power with real money from a third party website, then, at the very least, the game isn’t designed to be pay2win.


+75 corrupt on 465 or 460 > 470 + socket, if you can wear it. So its temporaly bis, after its not. Thats why armor crafting proff sucks.

You are probably talking about yourself then.

I’ll repeat last time: this is purely your own interpretation that is wrong. Since you cannot buy power either with money nor gold. Period. You are able to buy only couple of items which by no means - alone - make you powerful. You are able (and always were) to buy real power using against TOS methods.

This is a concept you cannot grasp.

That assumes your bis corruption is on one of those two items though; I can get guaranteed tentacles on daggers once the dumb things drop

Btw next week horror vision drops fix corrupt items, and gloves, boost, legs rly common loot from it, and start at 470 i lvl (the first 5 mask full clear each week). Also you can socket it for 25k memento.

Keep thinking you are the know it all and everyone else is wrong at everything. So far you have been arguing everything anyone has said you got wrong/misunderstand. learn to read what others say, instead of feeling like it’s an attack against your person. Currently there is no way to discuss the subject with you, that’s what the forum is for after all.

Says the person who did not read with comprehension, news flash, I did not attack anyone, just returned the words which was attack on me first.

From economical point of view there is a huge difference where the gold comes from. If blizzard would be selling gold, then you could call it pay to win.

So I will repeat myself once again, think about it really carefully:

There is no way to earn gold except for playing the game. There is no additional source.

I checked the AH again tonight, no item over 415 Mail or weapon showed any corruption at all… seems like I have an uncorrupted realm :slight_smile:

That’s not an answer. What do you ‘win’?

You do significantly better than your opponent and you win arenas against him. You do better than your guild mate who has no corruption and you take his spot in raid.

Don’t pretend to be dumber than you are.

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No you don’t. Maybe against a hugely undergeared player; but then you’d already do significantly better.

So what do you ‘win’ then? You get to do stupid content? Sounds like a loss to me. :grin:

Seriously though… that’s not a ‘win’. But this is the case too with people who get ‘lucky’ with RNG. They ‘win’. At least the person who bought the gear did it by his own actions and not because of RNG. Right?

I’m not. I just view playing this game much different. I don’t care about dps races. I don’t care about world’s firsts. I don’t care about ‘ahead of the curve’. I simply don’t. Stuff like that isn’t winning the game for me. You win the game if you have fun as far as I’m concerned.

Did you even watch second video? Maybe in your bracket it’s like that where people don’t know what corruptions are the best in PvP but when people stack proper ones corruption deals big part of someone’s damage.

Why am I even talking to you if you… if you don’t even understand simple terms.

Pay to win - gaining advantage by buying things for real life money and that’s what you can do by buying tokens and exchanging them for corrupted gear. Even low ilvl items with proper corruption is better in arena than high ilvl.

If you don’t care and don’t have any ambitions don’t comment because there are more competitive people than you who care.


My bracket? You mean the ‘I don’t do pvp’ bracket? :upside_down_face:
Sorry, but I couldn’t care less about pvp and any balance or lack of. I really don’t. I don’t like the very nature of pvp; it’s toxic to me.


And they are making an issue out of a non-issue.
And I do have a problem with that.

Firstly you pretend that corruption doesn’t matter in arena and then you say you don’t play them. Any mental disorder or what?

The fact you press buttons randomly and that you don’t experience end game content where corruption matters doesn’t mean that the problem is non-existing. Maybe if you’ll get better you’ll understand how stupid this system is. For now just continue playing this game like “The Sims”.

Check rings section :sweat_smile:

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