WoW killed itself for raiders over 7 years ( us repost )

I don’t think being an april’s fool joke is considered being established.

Important to understand the april’s fool part of it was before it was added to WC3 it was a joke that became real in WC3 and the lore got spread out from there

Appeared in CANNON content, therefore part of CANNON lore, no matter what you want to believe.

and yet the high end players are actively having a harder time playing the game and disliking it more than most of the casuals, but no the game is definately 100% designed purely around “elitists”

its also worth adding that the OP complains about there not being enough for solo players when they are actively chosing to play an MMO, which unless im mistaken has the word multiplayer in there somewhere.


tbh i dont see any mockery in it, if anything, i always thought of it as a dedication to asian/chinese culture.

are they maybe portraited a tad stereotypical? yeah, probably, but thats what wow is thriving on and mop isnt the exception. the whole game is basically a mixture of various cultural stereotypes and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it as it is not malicious in intend.

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It is a good post but sadly the EU forums have no connection to serious discussion about the game, only memes, complaints and cutesy topics here.

Best leave serious topics to the US forums where the devs/blues actually engage.

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They were already intended to appear in TBC but got scrapped because Draenei made more sense.

Meh, raiders probably hated 9.0 and 9.1 more than anyone else.


Ok…and then you proceed to insult him in the very next sentence.

What an hypocrite.

This whole post is a very sad atempt to farm some likes…Youre pathetic.

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wow has been and will continue to captivate people for a very long time, new players at least, but they need to start listening to the playerbase to maintain that

And World of Warcraft is a game that doesn’t cater to the audience with limited time.

As far as I know, they have been people in the past making the same point and they were just like the argument in itself: Entitled. Ergo another type of audience the game shouldn’t cater to.

Time the working people don’t have, as you gently put it. Meaning the people who don’t have a lot of time to play will be, according to your above quote, locked out of such content since they lack the time. Ergo a bad decision to make.

And yes, I know what you’re gonna say to this and no, you’re wrong. And I’ll tell you. The above I said is the basis of the argument that people don’t have time, and the proposed idea would lock people out of more content cause they don’t have the time. Alas they wouldn’t notice the metaphorical lockout but it’d still be there lol.

As long as all sets, excluding Mythic raiding gear(for obvious reasons): are equally as effective without the bonuses in all other content activities then It would be an idea I would gladly support.

Pretty much. My GM went on a rant for the shoulders on a weekly basis because of dom sockets alone. 9.0 was bearable dependent on class. 9.1 is just as annoying as it gets.

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Guilds are disbanding left and right, some due to burnout, others simply cannot put the time to be an efficient raider /korthia, torghast weekly Qs every wednesday after work before the raid…/

It’s even worse for the guilds that are not in the top 300 range.

Weekly Korthia quest can be ignored until later into the week to be fair. Ye sure it may grant the renown required for an empowered row but its nothing to lose brain cells over. Doing Korthia daily for research and rep was more mind numbing and im glad im done with that.

The only ones that probably hated it more were the PvP’ers. The way the systems and content has been sctructured is most definitely not to cather to those seeking to mainly do endgame content like rated PvP, M+ and raiding.

A fair few WoW races are even largely based in something stereotypical about a real group of people with trolls being the prime example. It’s just by far easier to take direct inspiration from real life cultures and people than to fully make something up (which isn’t feasible anyhow since there’ll always be a source of inspiration for it).

I don’t know, does vikings being barbaric savages sound familiar to you? That’s how they consistently are being portrayed in most pop culture references. Same thing with USA predominantly being depicted through a rather archaic view of the southern states.

so wait - now even raiders whine about SL ? expansion that was supposed to be their holy grail because literaly everything else in game was meant menaingless just so raiders were happy ?

so what they are saying is that catering to raiders was always mistake .


this happens when game is designed for top 5%

while saying to 95% - "Well go … yourself its elitest expansion for elitest toxic people "

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Except the developers are doing rather contradictory design if they were indeed doing it for the top 5%. The entire concept behind the covenants this expansion, AP farming in early BfA and the legendary system early on in Legion (not to mention how annoying it was to keep your offspecs functional with the artifact weapon in the beginning) is something far removed from being for the top 5% since it hinders them more than it helps.

An ideal scenario for a raider would be more akin to early/mid WotLK in Ulduar where there only was raid gear to get and only a 10/25 man split so it wouldn’t lead to complete burnout. The real burnout was once the normal/hc split got introduced along with the 10/25 man split due to the sheer amount of raids some did for the sake of gearing up to progress on hc mode.
Now the burnout content is more so in the systems and world designed around those systems to keep people grinding and has been so since Legion.

WoD may also be worth mentioning as a good raiding expansion but it was void of more or less anything else besides that and some rated/non-rated PvP.

I think that it’s another example that some people can twist everything to fit their narrative.

The game has for years tried to please everyone, and in doing so destroyed it for everyone. The only reason you and other people think “us elitists” are happy is because we’re used to having to jump through thousands of hoops to play the small corner of the game we enjoy, so we’re quite used to having to do that. The difference is now everyone has to do it.

“Hardcore elitist” or w/e you wanna call us.
We dont want silly rep grinds for gem sockets.
We dont want silly time gated grinds for power.
We dont want to do pointless WQ/daily in the maw for some currency.
We dont want the powerful RNG fiesta that’s domination sockets.
We dont want the target cap (And no, it’s not being removed in 9.1.5)

Take covenants for example, i still say at the core, it’s an amazing idea. But blizzard destoyed it by attaching player power to it… Imagine, if instead of doing that, Covenants were only cosmetic, and with all the free time from not doing BS like soulbinds (Which some people blame on “elite players”) You could unlock covenant tints to your regular spells/abilities, it would actually become a meaningful choice and an expression of how you see your char.

Stop blaming the elite for everything you don’t agree with, most of it we dont want either, so instead of blaming part of the playerbase, actually blame the devs that makes the silly decisions. It’s not our fault when blizzard makes content, they spent more time on making systems that force everyone to do them, instead of making the content actually engaging.

This so much


Wow is like ur own real live , deal with it:)