I think instead, people should stop being so influenced by others’ opinions. I mean, do you like Warcraft? Play it. Who cares if BellularSomething says whatever.
I play on a supposed “low pop realm” but I haven’t had any issue playing, finding a good guild and enjoying the game.
I can’t believe how gamers are so deeply unsure of what THEY like to play nowadays. Does it make any difference if there are 1 million players or 40 millions to you?
Ok I honestly cannot understand people at this point. On one hand people say they quit etc etc cause no loot and on the other hand the same people say they quit cause the reached their milestone of effort they wanna put in the game and there’s nothing more to do. Make up your mind guys…
Now, don’t get me wrong, I do believe that one loot piece/10 bosses is low and 210 ilvl is also low.
In my opinion m+should drop heroic level gear maybe with some slight drop rate increase and mythic raids should be the best PvE gear available.
Great Vault is actually fine cause it gives you an amount of choices to pick according to the effort you put last week but it should have some kind of bad luck protection so for example you don’t get x3 same items for 3 weeks effectively lowering your chances for an upgrade.
What I wish we never see again is a loot pinata like BfA tho.
Weekly loot box being best source of gear is simply design issue. You have no means to overcome bad luck from weekly bingo lottery.
Amount of choices don’t matter if end result (probability) is low. And that probability gets lower each time you get some upgrade from it. Then a true RNG fiesta comes.
It is nearly impossible to design a BLP with this garbage system as it is once per week and there is nothing guaranteed.
“Loot pinata” is a buzzword that means nothing. And if you wish to be more specific that loot piniata originated from LEGION, not BfA. Droprates weren’t changed much since then.
People that played up to like 10h a week did not see even a quarter of that “piniata” and but had option to overcome RNG. It all boils down to parroting streamers/youtubers without giving it a second thought.
There is the effort of needing to get the loot, to be able to get the loot, to get the loot, which gets me the loot that makes it possible for me to actually fulfil the dps requirement for the content.
I’m perfectly capable of doing +15, it’s just the grind needed to get there which is depressing. Especially since you’ve got to repeat it once next major patch drops.
And quite frankly, none of these rewards should have been locked behind one season only. They should have all been added to a pool of rewards that you could pick from once you fulfilled the requirement, such as with vicious saddles.
When you get x5 226ilvl to choose from in the start of the week the possibility of one of them to be an upgrade is super high. APPARENTLY when you reach a point where you have almost all slots upgraded this possibility is getting way lower but that goes for any type of content. For example if you target a helmet that only drops from 1 boss in the raid you get 1 chance/ week.
Pouring down mythic level gear from any type of content is loot piñata. As for streamers and what not, I assure you the only thing I watch on YouTube is old live concerts as I’m missing them a lot. No time to watch someone play the game I do play myself.
people play mmorpgs to feel constant progression of their chars power.
if they dont feel it - they leave such game
in both Legion and BfA they had AP and TF to farm and see this tangible progression there - everything they did had a chance to give them upgrades.
now ? this progression got removed - people have no reason to do stuff giving them X itlv if they reached this X treshhold .
its time to admit that removal of AP and TF in their form from Legion / BfA was a collosal mistake and blizzard is now paying for it
so what if 200k of nolifers are happy about this change when 3-4 mln of casuals left game.
this happens when you design game to satisfy tiny minority of vocal population lead by streamers. your game dies.
bald streamer and Preach were always whining about how TF is bringing apathy to the game - where are they now ? when players apathy and unwillingnes to do anything has reached maximum. ah ye - they stream other games because there is nothing worth to stream in SL.
Which just isn’t the case for vast majority of playerbase. At best they have 1-3 options. Thus people say blizz is catering to hardcore part of playerbase.
Probability is getting linearly lower each time you get item from vault.
To put it simply, out of lets say 100 item pool. Usable loot pool from next bingo lottery is minus 93 (assuming each slot is equal).
Getting one lucky item per tier isn’t “pouring down mythic level gear”.
As having skipped the launch of SL due to IRL myself I both agree and disagree with you. Yes it is not everyone that gets to choose from x5 226 items every week simply because of lack of progression that is totally fine. Still x3 226 items is decent enough imo. Even x3 223 items from +13s are fine, I think you would agree on that.
It is indeed but at the same time shows you got less upgrades to pursue so…
The issues are it was more than one lucky item, that it could drop from anywhere making farming essentially impossible, that every non TF loot was a let down and frankly using a previous tier item on Mythic N’Zoth was a bit of let down and a terrible game design IMHO.
If you were played in legion or even if bfa you would know that the hype rarely dies after the first few months. SL was already started to have less players when people realized how bad the gearing is in the second month.
Actually as someone who has played right from the start, it is instead the case that after the first month or so, people will start wailing about an expansion, then a Streamer will make a video, then the other streamers, not wanting to miss out on the cash cow, will also make videos saying the same thing, and the masses will watch them and go “oooh, that must be true, there can’t be any ulterior motive there”.
So no. This is fairly standard pattern for an Expansion. Nothing new.
hey keep that little secret to yourself buddy, don’t want the general population to understand this.
The futility of players repeatedly grinding the same mindless content, forever in the hope that they will eventually manage to get that one piece of gear, then suddenly ‘they’ release the next mini patch and everything goes up by 20 levels.
So clever.
It’s like finishing a marathon race then being told they increased the distance by another few miles
Lack of tier sets has been such a knife twist since BfA. Especially since Azerite armor is gone now. They have always been one of the coolest aspects of the game gone because designing them is too hard? idk…
Ye i know that hype is not going to die after 1-2 months but hype in SL died mainly becuase of trash loot and blizzard killing game for casual players
Every expansion numbers are going down even in legion people were quiting game because of terrible RNG on legendary
and many people left when there was nothing new in BFA for 6 months just like now in SL
BFA was on the other hand more casual friendly people could do fast WQ and islands expeditions and stomping old content
right now you can do PVE PVP or you can log off and not play i feel like wod all over again
Y’all are crawling back for more next patch, burn through the content and quit again when there’s, I quote, “nothing to do” and that’s the business model. Retention via grind until done, bait players back, add more grind. Sub money flows.
Doomsayers fail to recognise the pattern and remain perpetually offended that their loot didn’t drop this week since 2004.
So … you got M+ in Legion, and still have it, but it is not enough?
Well, try thinking about WoW just like you think about a car, at the moment you got all those base systems in place (AC, all those protection driving modules, integrated GPS, and so on), you just need to become innovative, and that is the hardest part. If we look at WoW’s history features, most of them were invented in other games. The comparation to cars is bad just becasuse we have two main competitors in the MMO business (WoW And FF), so it is even harder that something new and revolutionary comes up in an MMO. While in the car industry, there are 1000 car developers and once a producer invents a new thing, all other producers produce their own version of it. And at the moment, what is the rate at which something innovative, revolutionary comes into the car industry? Once each 5 or 10 years maybe ? BUT even big names like BMW do … lousy stuff like " Control Hand Gestures".
Still, I have a personal problem understanding how people are expecting WoW’s every epac to be something “breathtaking”, someting revolutionary, unless they do dislike the general gameplay of WoW.
I mean, Counter-Strike is the same game since 1998, with 2 new itterations (grafic updates/revamps/versions), but in core, it is the exact damn simple game. Dota is the same gameplay since 2001, with Dota 2 being a graphical update, but as its core, it has the same exact gameplay.
WoW’s core gameplay, for me, it is the only reason I’ve started playing it, not the story. Since 2004, every expansion was a repetitive of the same, new mediocre story, new 7-10 dungeons, new 3-4 raids, rarely new class, and some systems that come and go, and tbh thank god for that, cause who wants corruption at the core of the gameplay. So rare that there’s a new system like M+ that really is innovative, World Quests (meh), that really is something new and at the same time works well.
Sad thing is you know if you quit right now , came back in 9.3 you really haven’t missed much. You would catch up on all the renknown that tooks weeks upon weeks for those who stayed in less than 2 hours. You wouldn’t be behind, the catch ups would allow you to raid and m+ in less than a day tops.