One of the …most idiotic comments from WoW Fans are this type of …comments who believe people buy an x-pac just to play a bit and then /quit , regardless if its any good or not.
…wrong! People buy an x-pac, yes, but they /quit IF the x-pac sucks.
You don’t believe me? TBC and WoTLK would like to say Hi. Also to some degree, MoP and Legion, with the last holding strong numbers, even after the hype “run off”.
So please, stop this nonsense that this happens every expansion. It’s a lie!
Yes, usually is OKish for total subs to drop off after few months, but dropping off this big like in WoD, BfA and now Shadowlands, means 1 thing : This X-Pacs are bad to begin with.
Shadowlands had great potential in the first … few weeks, but then as OP said, you literally have nothing else to do in-game, except Raids and M+. Same as with BfA.
I gave this x-pac 6.5/10 in the first …month. Now is around 5.
I beg to differ. I quitted since I don’t like to wait 30mins in the LFG window, just to play 2-3 arenas and then go back to LFD. I’m a solo player, so no guild, and don’t have any gamer friends. 5 communities in, the biggest, people barely speak. BUT, I really liked this expansion, it is the most relaxing, non grindy expansion that WoW ever had. And for me that is great, giving me the choice to only play PvP without HAVING to do PVE, and so on.
MMO genre is moving from mainstream to niche, or it allready moved years ago, so stop comparing TBC/WOTLK years. It’s like comparing the numbers of renting movies on VHS in 1990 with 2020.
LE: BTW, can you please explain what stuff you had to do in TBC everyday ? Since I remember grinding my head, just killing Fire Elementals in Nagrad for 2 weeks in a row without doing anything else, just to sew 3 tailor items and be able to start doing Karazhan.
I think people are mis-interpreting my post. It’s not to celebrate WoW’s downfall , doom , death what ever.
My post is about my concern for the game i love. The lack of " Blizzard quality" These guys have been the top of mmo for 16 years. We had better in older expansions. I know Puny elf hates TBC but in TBC Blizz threw stuff in the game to see what stuck , what engaged the players.
Thundering isle you had to faction progress to unlock it and access all of it. That was cool.
In wrath i was making gold on all my professions from start to the end of the expansion. That was cool ! Dks came in they were super cool !
Cata brought us a whole new world in the old world. Huge lore and story updates in every zone. That was omega cool the first few times. They released new classes to older races who previously couldn’t be them. Very cool ! Okay only 3 people rolled a Tauren priest but the rest were popular!
MoP gave us too much to bloody do and long legendary campaign that made people wanna raid. Monks were cool it’s just it took a while for the community to realize that.
WoD leveling is still by far the best leveling experience i ever had. So many followers and treasure hidden about. That offered real prizes like pets and toys. Yeh the expansion died out very fast but that 1st month in WoD was super exciting time.
Blizz have made cool things , i just wish they had a white board with all the stuff players like so they can look back and go hmm this worked and this worked.
M+ worked really well in Legion because it was new , but also a chance for that leggo drop !
You are really looking at TBC from a wrong angle. Keep in mind that your current idea about TBC doesn’t make TBC justice, because Vanilla → TBC and not Shadowlands–> TBC .
But let’s go on. Things improved from Vanilla to TBC.
Expended Class Design
More Mechanics, especially in Raids.
a BIG change in Specs over Vanilla.
Revamped PvP System in a very good way.
Heroic Dungeons
New Classes and Shammy and Pala playable on both factions
AND this was just the beginning over the last X-Pac ( Vanilla ). So of course things were very fresh and new for that time and saw a very positive reaction from the fan-base ( subs were gone up like crazy ).
So all this were NEW things to do/experience in TBC, over Vanilla. Aka people were really engaged into this new stuff and hold their interest much longer than say … WoD, BfA, Shadowlands.
Now, do tell me…what really NEW we got from last x-pac AND excited? Legendaries? Covenants ?
Legion is a VERY good exemple of how to add content in new X-Pacs. New Class, New Legendary System, New Features like World Quests AND Mythic+ , etc.
I don’t care you don’t have the time to “grind” anymore like you used to. To each his own, but this games is going downhills.
Add another to the list…I just unsubbed.
Shadowlands for a start is worlds apart from what was advertised in all the pre launch hype, grossly miss advertised.
Its not Warcraft anymore, its not fun to play, full of too many convoluted, badly designed systems, most of which are clearly unfinished, rushed and badly designed.
And on top of all the actual game issues Game stability is the worst I’ve known, constant lag, server, client issues, its near weekly there is at least one issue with either login or the client
Hey TBC gave you a reason to log in everyday. SL doesn’t. This char is an alt once i’ve got my 20 souls 1k anima, mythic key done … there’s nothing to do but tmog run and old world mount farm. But some how SL is superior to TBC apparently … kk dude … kk
Professions are useless , why bother running about on a ground mount for 4k gold for 200 ore. When i can go on my flying mount in wrath content , farm 200 saronite ore in 30 mins or less in Wintergrasp and make 9-10k gold.
You are looking at it from a wrong angle TBH. Since you should look at it just as you would look at a born child, growing up, learning stuff, walking, talking, eating, learning and so on, and at a certain poin he will stop “evolving” in that kind of radical manner.
Well, that was surely needed. And class balances with allways be a thing in WoW, just as people killing people is a thing in the real world.
Aren’t you happy with how raiding mechanics are these days ? You want 100 mechanincs at one boss, just to feel satisfied that STUFF WAS added ?
This is the most great point, since in SL we really have the greatest revamped PVP systems, imho.
We sure got them. Now, with M+, great thing they didnt discard that
Great, but as point 2, I don’t want WoW’s classes to be like dota, 130 classes to chose from And they will add them when it feels right and ok.
Just like we were when we saw the first colored TV. But now, do you feel joy just watching at that colored TV, or you need more then that ? That it is in fact what is happening. WoW as a whole, was a great, new abordable game, that everyone was talking about, but now, other games are doing that.
Just like with the VHS example, people have stoped renting/buying VHS, because they can get what they want from another form/medium.
WoW’s LFG wasting time is not related to SL, it was in game in any expansion.
PvP Vendors + PvP upgrade system, great addition.
No more FORCED grinding. (no artifact/azerite power and the NEED to feel up to date). You do the 1-2hr per week content and you are up to date with your power progression system.
No more forced crossing paths from PvP to PvE. In Legion and BFA I had to do M+ and raiding just to be relevant in PvP.
Well, I don’t mind grinding as long as it is not enforced on me. For exmaple, the TBC tabulk mount grind, or the Netherwing, are similar to what we have in today’s covenant cosmetic grinds, but now the grinds are more defined.
Can you please elaborate that, in what way it gave you a reason to log ?
This is what I don’t get about WoW gamers that do this every xpac, they say that the older ones were far better, hell you people include BFA in that …
My only reason to open the game is to PLAY it in what way I want. Not in what way blizzard forced me to, hating myself, in Legion or BFA, when I had to do m+ and raids, like a low-morale women, just to be able to do 2s Arena
What reason do people who play Overwatch, Dota2, Fortnite, Warzone have, unless they do like the actual GAMEPLAY and the mechanics involved.
If you need blizzard to force you by sending you to GRIND artifact power daily, reputation to get essences, raiding to get essences, then I think that is just a bad relation/addiction, when the battered victim just got used to being hitted and doesn’t want to get out of that relationship, and doesn’t want to fill in a complain.
Would you start building cars with 5 wheels even if the cars with 4 wheels work just fine?
I understand that the addiction hits hard, just like drugs, the more you get the even more you consume. But, I ask again, during TBC there was no grind, you leveled up, and you starting GRINDING normal and heroic dungeons, then raids. The design was kind of bad since the raids were released at a high, not ok, pace, even blizzard admits it by the way they changed Vanilla and now TBC raid release orders.
In TBC we got non power grinds netherwing faction = ogrilla faction= shatari faction, non daily tabulk, and actual power grind Isle_of_Quel Danas with dailies.
Everything was so fast paced becasue we weren’t still used with the leveling, with how the zones are and what they hide, we always explored since we tought we will might discover something … NEW, something that no one still knows about it. Cause we were naives, in the nice way, but since then, we know how development works, we know that there is no hidden GM Islands if you swim for 10mins in one dirrection, we know how leveling works, how gearing works, how to cope with normal and heroics andd then raiding.
Yup, this Blind WoW Fans have no real understanding of what the problems with the game are.
They are saying us to leave, but in the end, they will be leaving too , because “Blizzard!! Please merge servers or I /quit. I can’t even complete Heroic Dungeons!!! PLZ BLIZZARD!! THX”
Another thing you have to consider is how many subs are bots, how many are classic WoW players. Because botters tend to run 3-10 accounts at once as well. Legion and onward has been so heavy on bots it’s pretty crazy.
You mention cars and wheels, but no mention of GPS, heated seats, bluetooth & better speakers etc. I feel like thats what people are looking for in an expansion pack, less so reinvention, more so addition to what they can do that’s engaging and keeps people logging in - not arbitrary grinds.
You are bringing this up, do you know how are the distances between those additions ? And when they were added ? How was it for people whining for the past 20 years “man … in 80 we got the AC and the stereo, the heated sits, you people are not bringin anything new to the table”
If you count them like this, then in the past 20 years we just got the electric cars and blutooth.