well i did press the unsub button but i can still play and troll the forums and vent out my disappointments until the next billing date…or should i say NOT…billing …date
It’s not just the wow’s fault. The MMO genre has been slowly dying out for a long time, but most players don’t want to accept that fact. Today’s versions of mmo games do not respect the players’ time and that is why even the biggest mmo fans are slowly turning their backs on mmo games. A typical example of this is pvp. Most players sit in the lfg for 1-3 hours, sometimes playing a couple of games and sometimes none at all. Even when you find normal people willing to play longer then you run into the problem of boosting and big differences in gear/power. You come to a situation where you have invested 2-3 hours and there is no progress, you just wasted time. Although you can say it was fun, but of course it’s not. There’s nothing fun about wasting time and nerves without any progress, and why would anyone do that to themselves when they can just play some shooter and literally have fun, or play diablo for example, do what he/she planned and always have a sense of progress. In my opinion, the quality of wow has dropped significantly in recent years, but I repeat this is not the only reason why subscriptions are falling significantly. Today’s children and people like two types of games, games where they will just have fun or games where they will have fun with a constant sense of gradual progress, where the time invested means fun or progress, and best of all, both. I’m not sure today’s mmo games, especially wow, provide such an experience.
This game will always have unlimited potential, but at the moment I am not optimistic about this game. I think that the game in recent years has gone in a completely wrong direction, there is always a great lack of understanding of what the players want, and of course mmo as a genre is slowly becoming obsolete. My last hope when it comes to Blizz games is Diablo 4. This game has a great team, huge potential, and it seems to me that it meets all the needs and standards of today’s players. We’ll see.
dont worry all the RP comunity members still are subed to wow
I wonder if that would still be a thing if they had to stay in a LFG tool for 2-3 hours every day, for half the RPing time
all that you said stands, but you havr to admit that its not like blizzard as the main mmo developer in the world is making an effort to make the genre good and interesting again to a larger audience…heck…not even to make it interesting to its hardcore fanbase
This is a very good post. Todays games popular with kids have very low barriers to entry and a constant shower of skins / cosmetics to prove how pro you are.
WoW was that back in the day, it had a very gentle learning curve. It’s really been overtaken lately.
Well, MMO as a genre is not mainstream anymore, if it was and the only problem with WoW was the xpansions, then Classic should have been over retail or maybe double then retail. But it just shows us that those people that left Vanilla/TBC/WotLK were actually boored of the genre, they changed their lifestyle, and so on.
People that played vanilla and still play WoW these days are just a few and with all that, part of them play retail part of them Classic But it is not “ALL OF THEM CLASSIC”.
So it is not WoW’s devs fault that WoW is not “interesting” anymore, it is just the genre, just us changing. Just like getting a new console, a new car, you are crazy about it for 1 week, 1 month, then in is always there, you don’t look at it in that “in love” way anymore, you even curse it for not doing what you want it to do
Idk about you but I still enjoy classic the way I used to enjoy WoW. But sure, ‘community’ may change because one of my complaints about WoW is how the community of people wanting to min-max and boost, play it like retail killed some fun of it for me in the group content and leveling areas.
I will prob play Classic when I will retire. Atm I hit lvl 25 and stopped there, since all is going so slow, and I can’t play 8h day like I used to when I first started.
Yeah, that was something, leveling to 60 in 4 months, taking my time, visiting every corner, every cave, trying to climb any mountain with the jump bug.
But all that turned to hell when I’ve entered TBC, grinding to level 70 to be in time to raid with my friends/guild. That was such a bad design. If anyone would want to relive Vanilla days, they should make WoW’s startup xpac to have no raid for like at least 1month.
Sure, tryhards and elitist will go crazy, but the majority of players will enjoy the leveling, will enjoy and apreciate the details that the artists made.
Great times. Maybe after retirement, I will play Classic at the same pace I’ve played in Vanilla, but dunno if it will be remotely the same.
I have a week left then I’m out of sub time, logged in twice since Christmas, looked around and then logged out again, completely uninspiring game play, a chore, and a bore. I read every word you wrote and could not agree more. Take care.
wait wow lost half its scrubs but i’m still here oh wait subs … nevermind then
Can we weed out the whingers and wailers without a shred of self respect who insist on publicly flagellating themselves and baiting others? I think it would be a more positive gaming experience for those who are still enjoying themselves if we didn’t have to put up with the constant dirge of misery and woe and “A streamer said…”
That is because the problems are subjective. what is one person’s ‘problem’ is something someone else couldn’t give two hoots about, but the younger generation are all about “I Quit because X” or “They didn’t Nerf the class of the person who killed me in PvP last week” or “Where is my welfare item Blizzard? OMG two weeks without one, worst game ever”
Hopefully these people will have the courage of their convictions and actually quit…Before then resubbing in a few weeks and starting another thread about how awful it all is.
Would make it a much better game to be honest.
That has been a problem forever. PvP’ers have never been happy, they weren’t in Vanilla and they still aren’t now, they also aren’t in other games, because they are the type most likely to whinge and wail, you just have to look at the constant “OMG NERF X CLASS OR I QUIT” threads to go “There is an angry child lying down in the supermarket kicking their heels because their parents won’t buy them sweeties” or, as is more likely, they simply got outplayed. but of course, it can’t be that, can it?
Bizarrely, you’re not wrong. Which is good. We’re used to carrying all the “I WANTZ LOOT NAO” and “OMG PVP SEASON HAS ENDED!” crowd.
Happens every expansion to be honest. But then, we do play it as an MMORPG, and not as some pathetic idea of an E-Sport.
Don’t worry, we’ve got your back until you return. As usual.
Interestingly that is part of the problem isn’t it? Your LFG tool is going to still be ticking over if you wanted to actually play the game as an MMORPG. An RP’er (Who by the way use the same LFG tools) would have the identical problem, but because they are playing the game as intended, would have something to occupy their time whilst they waited…
I mean you’re not wrong. A lot of the people who played Vanilla first time round visited Classic and went “Nope, full of kids” and returned to Retail.
Player style has changed. The Classic playerbase is not the same as the Vanilla playerbase, and the thing is, it never -was- going to be. People even said that before Classic came into existence, and were promptly proven right. The “Go-Go-Go” mentality prominent amongst younger players was immediately evident in Classic. It was nothing like Vanilla. Because it couldn’t have been. It never could have been, because that is like trying to turn back the clock 16 years.
“Oh I wish I could be 30 again” Well yeah, I wish I could be 30 again, I had it all going on then, but I’ve learned a lot -since- then. So what we got wasn’t Vanilla. What we got is one of those bizarre things like those 80’s movies where a father and son swap bodies for a day or something. So you had Vanilla players going to Classic, knowing how to abuse the hell out of it, and this time with websites telling them how to min-max and what happened?
Two weeks in, last raid available was cleared. I was online on Classic when it actually happened, and I remember a) thinking “Well that wasn’t the Vanilla experience at all” and b) seeing so many people posting in general going “this is (Redacted) I’m off back to the real game”
Think I stuck it out for a couple of days longer before going “No, this really isn’t Vanilla anymore…” and jacking it in. I dip my toe in now and then, and it is just…uugghh…
We were never going to get 16 years ago back again, that only happens in movies. There was too much min-maxing going on in Classic…
The Playerbase changed basically, as someone mentioned. The game is still vaguely the same, but we’re not, we’re 16 years older…
That’s a whole lot of post to be completely wrong on everything. Lmao.
‘weeding out whingers’ would get rid of yourself given how much you’ve done so in that post alone (and I can only imagine how many others) People at least on the forums have always posted about problems in the game, because you’re far more likely to talk about a negative experience afterwards than a positive one… Because you’re too busy enjoying yourself when you’re having a positive experience.
There is a whole lot of problems with streamers, content creators, but most of all minmaxxing which kills the fun for a lot of other regular players. See: week 1 of SL and my tank friend getting kicked from dungeons for not knowing the routes or the dungeon. Because people wanted the fast and easy, I guess.
Younger generations? Nah, it’s not a generation thing. It’s really not, just what people do in the first place. Been that way in Vanilla, will be that way now. It’s why you’ll see certain threads about problems get tons of comments and other ones get basically 0, it also completely depends on how the OP’s post is constructed. There are indeed thousands of reasons to quit the game at any point, and it’s pretty sad to see how many complaints go unsolved without changes for ‘not getting enough public support’ to sway the devs minds whom are quite stubborn. Asking for more people to quit is never the answer because then all you’re left with is people going “No one around? Not worth playing this isn’t an MMO anymore.”
That’s like saying PvErs have never been happy and it’s pointless. Again, PvPers are not the ones to ‘whinge and wail’ because if that were the case then there would be a lot less of it now because the amount of people that actively PvP continues to dwindle every expansion. I was one of those people that enjoyed PvP right up to MoP where I saw a decline, and it’s gotten worse every expansion since to the point I hardly recognize it and can’t enjoy any aspect of it. Class balance plays a part in it, gearing plays a part, wanna know what else? Boosting, RMT, people smurfing at low ratings constantly. PvE gear being so strong in PvP still, because no good PvP stat but vers which is also on some PvE gear anyways.
I know a lot of RP friends that have quit so far, or hardly play. Unsurprisingly RP scene sees lulls from content drought too because RPers are not RPing 100% of the time.
Playerbase has changed how they play the game and how they socialize, especially because of min-maxxing information. Which indeed is the problem that wasn’t resolved before they pushed to release classic. If the community is not good enough to self-regulate itself then Blizzard should stop relying on it to do so and do it themselves, as they used to do. Not ‘hands off’ until something hits critical mass.
Even actively enforcing their rules and looking at Every report like they used to would be a good start.
Sure why not, I’m racist to a fictional race.
Again sure…
Sooo remove one of the most played races in order to create more of the one of the least played ones. This is some grade A Blizzard logic there, you might just have what it takes to be a dev there.
Why and how ?
Nah, if the game was only trolls, tauren and orcs I would still hate gnomes.
Stop exposing me like that it makes me feel naked.
Add playable Gnolls and Naga to the game. : 3 Don’t mind me, not biased here.
Ok, but just because the thought of a naked gnome might haunt me in my sleep.
You know what? Likewise.
Careful all these replies to a velf is making you racist towards gnomes.
Guess blizz is lucky theres so many RPers as they sub to RP, but no one likes to run unthankful dungeons with no loot, seen people say they’ve run 10 heroics without loot, it’s so difficult to gear up, I am so tired of running Thorgast and I’m not even done with the questline including running it…So much repetition and so little reward (basically like real life and I game to flee from it sooo…) but, I’m a nerd RPer, and I keep sub to RP.