WoW should steal more stuff from GW2

Yes dev from vanilla that left with TBC release, as i remember. Anyway the game is dead, but the housing was just so nice ^^

I would not be so sure of that. The fact is that Blizzard made their reputation by picking ideas from others and improve it. And Nephalem rift came with Reaper of souls. It can be the two different idea that are pretty much from the same base, but thinking Blizzard don’t steal ideas everywhere they can is being blind ^^

I truth i prefer MM+ than Fractals. It’s a better iteration. And i would want Blizzard to do what they were the best at, stealing and improving, again.

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stealing the best bits from every other MMO would just end up with Frankenstein’s monster :slight_smile:

Lets say, be inspired by :slight_smile:

Anyways, Guild Wars 2 is a nice game, while u level, go through expansion for the first time, grind some events for masteries. Unfortunately the structured endgame is boring. Back in 2011 i thought lack of trinity will be amazing, but I was wrong :slight_smile:. Having structured gameplay is better, IMO ofc :slight_smile:.

Last time I heard Structured PVP is in bad shape nowdays, WvWvW is still decent.

I like to hop in and out from time to time to GW2, just to run around, do some events, jumping puzzles and log off. Sadly there is nothing there that would keep me for longer. Many ppl say gear trademil is bad, but at least its something that keeps u log in to the game and work on that gear :wink:

Now that I think of it, in addition to having killed the game, Legion stole most of its new stuff.
Gliding, WQ and M+ were stolen from GW2.
For the design of DH, they stole from already existing classes (Monk, Warlock and Hunter mostly).
And their story was all about re-using previous characters and assets (Illidan, Kil’jaeden, Karazhan, Gul’dan…)

Damn they really weren’t inspired for that whole Legion fiasco.

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Was still planned before D3 base release.

Havent said that. Neither have i implied that.

Wow IS full of stolen idea. And it’s not bad at all. The whole Warcraft universe is base on the Warhammer universe. World of Warcraft Vanilla was a glorified version of Everquest.

They always stoled most of their ideas to enhance them. They build their reputation on that. They just missed the mark the last time with Thorgast XD

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don’t know if it’s right to call it stealing though, it’s always been a staple of the fantasy genre to borrow from itself, well actually it is because we are talking about more than lore…:stuck_out_tongue:

edited content

Dont know how GW2 advertises stuff but if it advertises as F2P and then comes around with “pay X to get access to this quest” then i can understand his distaste. However i cant say if he is exaggerating or not and if its truely like a couple quests instead of you know an entire expansion area (in which case i would say thats absolutely fine for a game that charges no sub)

WoW at least tells you thats it wants your money before you can log in.

The new auction house is straight out GW2. Except GW2 does it better. I’ll never complain about its auction house again after the diluted version Blizzard scraped together. At least in GW2 you can just dump your items to sell in it and be logged off for as much as several months and log back in and find your sold goods income in the nearest collection place. If you’re going to make the AH into a dumping place at a minimum, don’t put in the 48 hours of maximum sellout or bid time like WoW’s AH has…


It’s B2P and the Living World episodes need to be bought with gems if you weren’t active while they were current. They’re however cheap and you can turn in game gold into gems and unlock the episodes without paying any real life money.

Hell you can buy everything on the gem store if you learn how to make gold in game.

Just a lot of time to farm the gold, which honestly I would waste on something else. Like making actual money.

You can make a solid amount of gold per day and it’d take you a few days to buy the episodes. That’s hardly a bad deal imo.

I love the idea of GW2, I own all of it myself.

My only gripe was although the lowers areas are well populated I found the max level ones to be empty - so when I was trying to get things done I’d end up ganked by elite packs that just spawned on top of me in world because there wasn’t anyone around :frowning:

Curious, they’re usually the money making ones, and there are Hero Points trains because expansion Hero Points grant 10 points each.

In any case, my sub is running out and I’ll be moving to GW2 as a result. If you want some help doing what you do, we could play together. I’ll be more than happy to help.


I have gw2 and all of its expansions and living stories. I would honestly play it more if I had any friends in there but oh well, all of my friends play wow. Nevertheless it is an awesome “off-mmo” to play when you burn out of your main mmo. I do wish they’d borrow more ideas from gw2 because they have some really nice stuff there, like the mount system and map wide meta events.


If you log in while it is actual content, it’s free. You don’t need to buy anything outside of expansion. It’s their way to make everyone at least logging once per 2-3 months. And it’s always a new zone to explore with a whole progression system in it. Sometimes bigger than other though.

I was in the Path of Fire expac trying to get things done for my mount mastery. I just gave up in the end.

I have already pre-ordered ESO’s Blackwood which is out very soon, and Endwalker for FF14 so will have plenty to do.

If I ever give gw2 another go I will take you up on your kind offer :slight_smile:

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Sub’s running out in early June, hopefully you make your mind soon! I’ll cheat you a way to your masteries with Mesmer portals. :sunglasses:


I really enjoyed the original Guild Wars and played GW2 when it launched when the level cap was lvl 50 or so I believe.

Lack of pve endgame always put me off though, the original was always more pvp focussed. Is there any meaningful pve content (eg raids) in gw2 like you have in wow?

Have been thinking of giving it another go but I prefer FFXIV over GW2 and with Endwalker coming up I don’t think I’ll play gw2 much :stuck_out_tongue:

Which FFXIV realm do you play on? :slight_smile:

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