WoW should steal more stuff from GW2

They’re adding more and more PvE content indeed. Dragon Response Missions are basically an introduction to raiding, Fractals are M+, and raiding is its own thing too with unique and insane looking cosmetics.

they need copy the pay to play feature from new world u buy the game and u can play so muth you like no sub to pay copy that blizzard …

I still play that sometimes… still plenty of people around

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There is, but less frequently than Wow and it’s still not really the big focus of the game.

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Ah cool, thanks.

Maybe when they introduce the best class from GW1 I will give it a go (Dervish ftw best class).

Zodiark :slight_smile:

Finally bought my own house in the Lavender beds by the water :slight_smile:

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Ah okay, I play on Chaos.

Man I can’t wait for Endwalker tbh, haven’t played it for a while but you could say I have dabbled a fair bit. :sweat_smile:

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Oh very nice!

I started just before Shadowbringers came out myself.

I have alts and on my main I have focused more on crafting/gathering to get it out of the way

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Ah cool! Shame we’re not on the same realm, I love crafting for people, especially sprouts :stuck_out_tongue:. But I see you’ve got that covered already. Honestly the crafting in that game is out of this world, probably one of my favourite things about it.

Okay enough off-topic sorry OP :stuck_out_tongue: Back to gw2

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I do love it! I’m currently losing my mind with the level 50 fishing quest haha

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Everything is reasonable if you are activision shill.

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People like to argue fractals and m+ are similar. Or m+ is a refined fractal system.

Not saying I agree just saying what he’s implying

GW2 open world is amazing. WoW feels super empty and it’s all about instances now.
In truth, all WoW is focusing on is Raids and dungeons, and any type of instanced content basically.

I’ve played GW1 in 2005 and until GW2 came out. Then I moved to GW2. Those games will always keep me. I just love them and I feel progression in GW2 is glorious, far superior to WoW too, which is all about gear chasing. In GW2 you get your gear and you can do raids and never worry about ‘gear drops’. It also produces a far less toxic community due to its systems. You appreciate your fellow players.

In all honesty both games have things each game needs.

Gw2 does pvp open world WvWvW and things pretty well. It also has alot of horizontal progression with account wide rewards and achievements.

WoW has alot more verticle progression and end game progression.

It’s a shame because if gw2 could get raid releases to be more consistent and quicker. Do something with their fractals to keep it relevent and things. Gw2 could be huge.

I dunno if their too limited to add stuff onto what they already generated. But we can always be wishful haha

Store mounts can be bought with tokens. The problem isn’t that it can be earned with ingame time. The problem is that the game is harassing you like you’re a young Hollywood actress and the game is Harvey Weinstein. This is the main reason I quit f2p games these days. I don’t like feeling like I’m being nickel and dimed. Asking me to farm for 2 hours to buy quests… no. That’s not gonna happen.

You’re not gonna talk me into tolerating this monetization. If they want these quests to be used as an encouragement of loyalty (product loyalty is only for stupid people), they should remove them after their free period expires. That way, new players won’t see a huge list of quests they can buy for money. The mere fact GW2’s team felt comfortable displaying the quests in that way is telling enough. GW2 felt like a minefield of monetization and as such it doesn’t deserve my time or my money.

true. i just wish gold was a little easier to come by. i am lucky i have about 1400g, but that was a lucky streak at the end of the ecto gambling achievs. maybe i dont know how to make gold good, but overall i agree with you.

sorta, yes. like i said in another thread, WotLK/Cata took a few items from other MMOS’ that were coming out at the time (W.A.R., A.O.C, SWTOR & GW2). i dont know if this trend continued, (garrison/player housing) but def at the start of the last decade they were using ideas from other games.

true, most generes will have staples. BUT, atm WoW feels as far from a RPG as it can be. the 3 things you mention are basically nothingburgers now. leveling? lol quests? lol dungeons? lol (M+ is a separate entity)

  1. you picked maybe the hardest class to play :\
  2. if you only lasted 15 mins, (im presuming game play, not including character creation) then you barely had time to finish the first couple of quests. unlike WoW, (iirc) your first tasks in GW2 are the start of your story campaign, not zone questing.

cause it is the lowest common denominator. i could be wrong, but i’ve heard that other MMO’s around the time of Vanilla were a lot harder. WoW made MMO’s more accessible to all, and kept the comicy artstyle etc which makes the game seem like a starter zone all the time. it does take the more popular ideas from other games and throws them in the pot.

the downside is that for the since MoP or so, the direction and intention of the WoW creators has gone downhill. while unrelated, i was talking to a game store staff member 2 days ago, and he was telling me how he’s quit all activision products after how the crash bandicoot devs were given no choice but to quit their jobs.

the attitude of blizzard/activision/activisionblizzard/whatever is what is getting worse all the time.

add to that that blizzard relies on addiction of its playerbase, whether they are aware of it or not.

Wintergrasp was taken from the massive city battles proposed by W.A.R. & GW2. also, vehicle (dragons, giants, demos, catas, sieges) use was taken from another mmo. cant be sure which one though.

it is a fine game, but lacks in some places. however, are you saying the bank and storage tab system in GW2 would not be MASSIVLY welcome in WoW?

they were in a fix lets be honest. if Legion had failed, WoW could maybe have been relegated to the bottom of activisions concerns and would never again had had much effort put into it. they had to pull out all the stops to trigger peoples memories. thats why so many people/locations were reused in Legion.

it is the same in SL. they know BfA was a low point, not as bad as WoD maybe, (cause they wont release figures) but even still) so they are trying to trigger the “good memories” we have by putting in old npcs.

he is sorta is and isnt. the ONLY quests which you have to pay for are the living world quests. a sorta secondary storyline. as others have said these are free if you log in when current, and are not the most expensive items ever if bought.

each “chapter” usually opens up a new zone, so if you missed out on a chapter, you will not be able to enter the new zone where a lot of people may be. however, if a living world season has 6 chapters (usual?) if you miss chapter 3, that doesn’t stop you from learning 4-6 if you log on when current. you dont HAVE to complete chapter 3 to have 4-6.

however, the core storyline of each expansion is always available, as is the full world content of available zones.

i do agree however that as a core part of the storyline, they should be free to entice people in.

yes yes yes! i said this for YEARS until blizz finally took some steps. but like with everything blizz seems to do, its a watered down version of what people are actually asking for. it really feels sometimes like blizzard WANT WoW to end :\

Divinitys Reach.

i say no more…

yup. and will most likely never happen in WoW cause of the way the models are designed :frowning:

same. but i played it a lot on release because i didn’t play MoP. some of it feels smooth, but there is something i admit. i cant put my finger on it.

there are raids. i’ve only done one raid so tbh not sure how they compare to WoW’s raids, but from my experience, there is less corridors and corridors of trash, and rather just a small amount of trash/events and then the boss. i could be wrong though on the other raids.

i personally have enjoyed not needing to upgrade my weapon in Legion (artifact) or my gear at all really in SL. the fact that i can buy the pvp gear, and that stays with me the whole patch is great. it is the FIRST time ive bothered to gem and enchant since i raided progressively in ICC. if gearing had been like in BfA or other expansions, i would not have gemmed/enchanted.

i feel the opposite tbh.

i will first off agree with you, that i think that the living world should be free always.

however, the LW seasons are a tiny fraction of what is on the shop. TINY. however i have never felt forced to buy anything from the shop ever. i wouldnt mind some of the home instance nodes, but thats about it.

compare that in WoW to feeling like missing out collectibles (pets, mounts, toys, transmog) because they are only available on the shop. or wondering should you server transfer because your server is dead.

it probably depends on the player, but i have never felt the need to buy anything from GW2, whereas i have in WoW. however i will never give blizzard a penny more than i need to.

their stupid new time card design already means i have had to give them £0.92p and i resent them for that.

and the living world quests can be bought with gold. FAR CHEAPER to get all the living world episodes than it is to get all the store mounts. :\

edited content

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This is the argument I don’t get… if it’s so cheap, why not make it free? I do not buy the “you can buy it with ingame currency” argument. Let’s say I farm gold for 2 hours to buy some quests. My time is worth around 20 euros an hour. That means for the time it would take me to buy quests in GW2 I can buy a discounted AAA game. Is that worth it?

They create a problem - fomo quests - and then sell you the solution. But why bother making the game worse just to sell me a solution? This is why I don’t like mtx like this.

I do not own any of the itemshop mounts in WoW. They’re not worth it to me. Mainly because they’re not a manifestation of achievement, which is what makes a reward worth it to me. They’re a manifestation of my wallet.

Every time you have the option of buying something in a game with real or ingame money, the player can weigh the value of their time versus the value of their money. And money is always more valuable. To everyone. Everyone who says “But you can buy it with gold” doesn’t value their time. At all. I used to be like that, too. Then I realized the value of my time.

When you work, you do something annoying that you’d rather not be doing because you need to.
When you play a video game, you have fun. Hopefully, that’s kind of why you play the game in the first place.
Besides, farming gold doesn’t just grant gold. Since you partake in events, you 1) explore the map 2) unlock collection achievements 3) most importantly, gain XP to unlock new masteries which in turn unlock or improve access to mounts, gliding, merchants, utility/crafting perks and other means to travel and access secret areas (trampoline mushrooms, leyline gliding, etc).
In other words: when you’re farming gold, you’re also passively making progress in areas of the game completely unrelated to your gold-making objective. And at the end of the day, you’re left with enough gold to purchase whatever you want off the gem store or the regular store for that matter.

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lol you are right, i do. basically said Divinity’s Reach. no more needs to be said :slight_smile:

i already said i agree with you! they should be free!

HOWEVER, the GW2 shop is nowhere near as invasive as the WoW shop as you are suggesting (at least for me).

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