WoW TCG loot in TBC Classic ❓

So, as you might know WoW TCG had loot cards for mounts/pets/items that could be redeemed in game, spectral tiger being the most famous one. These cards and loots were available during TBC.

“The game was announced by [Upper Deck Entertainment] on August 18, 2005 and released on October 25, 2006.”

Fires of Outland


Release Date: 22nd August 2007
Loot Distribution:
Reins of the Swift Spectral Tiger 1/484 booster packs

If I have a card with an unredeemed/unused code, should I be able to redeem it in TBC classic?

I don`t see any logical argument against it.

Also, what if I already have WoW TCG Items redeemed on my retail account, should I also have them in TBC automatically like the CE pets in classic vanilla?

What do you think


No, different game, so different item sets. Should the items be obtainable again? Wouldn’t be against it, but I smell cash shop RNG loot boxes…

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Most likely TGC items will be handled the same way as collecter edition pets. If you have them on Retail you will be able to get them on Classic.

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So, I’ll be able to enter the same code again on the redemption website and get a new in-game code for the TCB realms? Because unlike collector’s edition stuff, these weren’t account wide.

TBH, would be best if they released something for TBC, such as making it a reward for Blizzcon virtual ticket, putting them with random purchases from Blizzard gear store, or releasing a limited “Win a Spectral Tiger in World of Warcraft Burning Crusade Classic” series of Doritos.

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TGC things could be in hearthstone to promote that game, buy / luck it in hearthstone and be happy in classic

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If you redeemed it in TBC 2007 you should get it in TBCC 2021, like people did in Classic with some items. At least that’s what I hope.

I think it was a really nice addition back in TBC and I see no reason to remove it in the Classic version of the game. Seeing a rogue with dual glaives and spectral tiger / ashes was the biggest e-peen back then.

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Nah this would suck since every player in the game would then be running around with spectral tigers, whats the point if everyone has one. Same as ashes of alar on retail now, no one cares since everyone has one.

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Exactly. Just like “has been” weapons of legends from Vanilla (Sulfuras, TF, Might of Menethil, Dark Edge, Corrupted Ashbringer etc) mean nothing nowadays (imo) in Classic because everyone seem to have them. Hardly bought from GDKP runs etc with RMT. They are far too common to mean anything anymore. Even if they are BiS. They lost their legendary status.

I do not wish to see the same thing happening to TCG mounts. Players are used to throw cash at anything nowadays.

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If you own it on retail you should get it in TBC, like collectors editions :slight_smile:


I just want to be able to use my ethereal portal hearthstone, best looking hearth animation. even better than the dark portal one in my Opionion

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