Wow's biggest problems

The only e-sports thing going on is MDI, TGP and AWC.

Regular players don’t really partake in any of that and it doesn’t have any effect on regular players either.

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You’re crazy. I can’t talk to you anymore.

You have absolutely no idea.

Are you seeing a high frequency of people trying to do MDI or TGP stuff on live realms? I sure haven’t seen any of that in any high frequency.

M+ is a product of Esports.

Sure MDI is where the “professionals” play. But M+ is still an Esport.

Or are you saying that Kicking a Football around your local park with your friends isn’t a sport because it’s not being played at Old Trafford?

Go Troll someone else please.

No, it’s an improvement of the CM system that was implemented in MoP.

You’re not competing against anyone in regular m+ runs.

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you mean when Blizz were testing bringing Esports into PVE?

What’s the point of Ratings and keys then?

Stop Trolling me.

Are you going to try to claim that any game that locks stuff behind prerequisites is e-sports?

No, because claiming that would be claiming that Raid Attunements was an esport. Which is definitely wasn’t. It definitely made the game more of an adventure and journey. But it didn’t make it an esport.

What Keys and Ratings are, they are Scores. They are ways you rate your Character against other Characters. Like a Score board. That’s part of the sport.

But to remind you:

If you treat it that way, that’s on you.

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I don’t personally, because I don’t care for Esports.

But that is the exact reason why they are there. I have friends who go out of their way to be the Realms number 1 Spec/Class of the Season. I tell them there is no point doing it. But at the end of the day, that’s why they’ve introduced these systems… for the sport!

I’m still waiting for your thoughts on the below statement:

These 2 things are kind of opposed. You can’t have unique and cool abilities for a spec to make that spec feel unique and cool and then also giving those abilities to other specs.

Not a fan. I wouldn’t be opposed to it perse, since it’s something that can just be ignored, but I myself wouldn’t be interested. Also; how would gear be handled in such a case? Switching from a mail armor class to a leather armor class for instance. And then there’s the transmog rules, those would have to be completely opened up (that’d be a good thing imo).


Nooooo. Definitely not.
It’d ruin the part of the game for me that I enjoy most.

Fundamentally disagree with you here.

Meh. No. I like simple encounters.

Let him. He does not understand there is only a ranking/competition for the top of the world. For the rest it is just a personal log. No competing but just a personal/friendsgroup challenging adventure.

And actually the top of the rankings are people who get along with each other too. They follow each other and compliment each other on their next achievements. The real competition is of course in MDI and TPG.

No, not really. was the only way to know your score(on a 3rd party page) prior to Blizzard implementing their own system, as a result of popular demand by people. Up until that point, there was no score accessible in any of blizzard’s systems.

Arena rating?

We’re talking about m+. Did you forget that?

Still that doesn’t make it a constructive addition to the game.

You’re viewing it all from how it adds to your own game play. Not how it’s destroying other peoples game play.

Thats your problem. You don’t realise how you style of play is destructive to other peoples. People who have played this game since it was launched.

It’s not destructive to other people in any way.

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  • Promoting Elitism Mentality
  • Changing the game from a fun adventure to Rush rush rush rush.
  • Adding Toxicity through Elitism and Rush, Repeat, Timer stress trials.
  • Blizzard using Repeat nature of M+ as away to keep players occupied, so they don’t need to make engaging World Content and indulging quest lines. Also an excuse to push out less content, less regularly.

Those are just the points I’ve been arguing here in this thread… I’m sure we can continue this list.

Elitism have existed since vanilla.

Only if you let it.

Nobody wants to be stuck in a dungeon for ages. Not in vanilla, TBC, wotlk or any other expansion. Adding a timer doesn’t change this. It’s also a huge plus to not have a lockout preventing you from playing the content.

M+ became popular because it gives people something else to do than only raid. World content has never been really worthwhile to do at any point in WoW’s history.

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All these problems are not when people just join a community. And pugs have been terrible toxic before M+ or CM was in the game. Nothing changed except we now can play every dungeon more than 1 time per expansions lifetime.