Hear this Blizzard. Give players what they want.
For a billion dollar company, that has literally based it’s success on a game that runs on servers, it should be 0 effort to keep a couple of WOTLK ERA realms on. I know I’m oversimplifying it, but it should be a push of a button for them. And the best thing would be if they just leave it alone and let the realms form an ecosystem organically. That’s what happened to Classic Era and it works perfectly. I think given some time, the same would happen with WOTLK ERA. They lose nothing, only gain a bunch of subs. And for people saying, that this will draw attention from Cataclysm or anything else, I’m pretty sure, that a huge majority of the playerbase who will have WOTLK taken away from them, will simply unsub. So instead of keeping those players and having them occasionally jump into the other versions of the game, they will simply push them away completely… It has no logic…
Im fairly sure the reason they’re not doing wotlk era is not because it’d be hard, but because they don’t want to fracture the community further.
You might be right, if 70% of players who would have stayed on wotlk unsub, that still means the remaining 30% go to cata.
Yes, but what I was trying to say here is: that if they give WOTLK ERA to that 70%, that means, that they will keep subbing and playing the game and while they will keep playing WOLTK, many of them will jump into Cata aswell, thus, there will be a 30% steady playerbase for Cata + a huge percent of WOTLK players that play Cata aswell. To put it very simple, all I’m trying to say is, that in my logic, taking away WOTLK fractures the community more than keeping it running. But hey… I’m just talking my mind here… they are the ones that have the actual numbers. All I’m hoping for is, that they will not act out of pure stubberness.
In principle i’m not opposed to wotlk era servers, even if I dont think they’d be very popular, but I don’t have hard data on what kind of numbers we’re talking about.
There were a bunch of representative surveys they did on the topic during ulduar that I also filled out, and I assume they’re basing their decisions partly based on those responses.
I guess wotlk classic is overall less popular then we thought.
Which also tracks, it has kinda degenerated into a highly toxic raid log fest with extremely stratified meta comps.
Upwouting everything that saying for keep woltk official servers
It’s absurd that they don’t intend to make separate realms.
If i worked at Blizz that idea would not even be on the table.
You already saw what happened to wotlk when they introduced SoD.
How will it go when they get ANOTHER “game” out there? People will complain about nobody to play with.
You gotta be real delusional to ask for Wotlk servers. Who are you even gonna play with lmao. Even the private people players should be getting tired of cata at this point after 10+ years of playing.
The amount of people that would play on those are tiny, it’s understandable they don’t want the hassle.
About the same who’d play on, oh I don’t know, classic era?
More than would play on classic hardcore? (lol I can’t believe this is even a thing still and they’re even adding a new game mode to it).
It is rather curious that their most popular expansion ever became more unpopular the more changes they added to it, isn’t it?
I assume if they were faced with the decision today to make era or not knowing how it turned out they wouldn’t
Its not cos of changes really, wrath is simply outdated expansion with many flaws.
Of course it is, while TBC and vanilla were just masterpieces in their time, WotLK was mysteriously always just… bad.
I never said that tho. It was good in 2008 however now 15 years later you can see some disgusting design issues. Look at ulduar for example i’ve never seen such a bad raid. It got praised for some Reason while even back in 2009 they had to introduce toc just cos ulduar was disaster and everyone hated it.
Its crazy how some people are unable to comprehend that in todays market there are simply way better games even for free so its impossible to keep stable healthy population for 15 yo expansion.
… lol right then.
So your example of why WotLK OG is bad is cause of one of the raids they changed for Classic, and ToC was somehow implemented cause … Ulduar was bad, not cause development of ICC was slower than they expected?
But all of this applies to classic and TBC too?
It’s fair not to like WotLK, but blaming the classic specific changes for the original being bad is just levels of stupid no one should have to deal with.
?? Og wotlk was not bad cos it was a good game for 2008 standards, however its not good enough for 2024 standards so people started playing the best expansion ever and found out its not as good as people say so half of them quit during naxx/start of ulduar. What I said is changes have nothing to do with the fact expansion itself or ulduar for example is bad. Changes didnt change mechanics really, most of bosses are just dummies with like 1 mechanics, vezax/council were disaster etc. I mean naxx bosses died before their first mechanic even after getting buffed - how is that a good design? Icc bosses are also dummies except like 4 of them. Pvp is absolute disaster however still slightly better than tbc which isnt much tho.
Anyway ulduar was one of shortest patches ever (icc lasted more than twice as long btw) which speaks for itself. Even blizz in bluepost admitted ulduar was disaster and they had to make togc just to make up for it.
Yes thats why vanilla died after tbc and is still dead compared to retail etc.
Except i’ve never said that. On contrary i said changes are not the reason why is wrath bad expansion by todays standards. Wrath had its flaws and for some reason people act like these flaws didnt exist till wrath classic.
If this was the reasoning the classic experience would’ve simply never happened in the first place.
I’ve explained it before - people are stucked in past and can’t move on, older people hate new things etc. If all expansions came at same time imo vanilla would be the worst game ever, tbc would be worst expansion ever. However both of them were absolutely insane in 2004 and 2006. People who played it loved it. However the issue is most people from my experience who play wrath rn are like 30+ yo, classics target audience is simply too old to get new players therefore the game is doomed since it can’t get new players cos those who started playing wrath for first time did quit already long time ago since even retail is a better game rn. Basically classic has been slowly dying and theres nothing anyone can do just cos there are better games.
Tldr that guy with you think you do but you dont was actually right. People dont remember its flaws and now when they get to experience them they act like they did not exist. Even youre acting like ulduar was good patch back in days And the only Reason why its bad Are items buffs in classic while even blizzard said it was disaster.
But this completely falls flat on explaining why this matters for Wrath and not vanilla or TBC which is the problem with your argument.
Yes, classic was absolutely boosted by a worldwide spanning pandemic but… you’re somehow arguing that Wrath was always bad cause… reasons?