What other way can you manage a relatively huge playerbase with vastly different interests and wants. Heck I can say how to improve WoW and the next guy in line will claim I am complete dumbcensored and WoW should be improved like this:…only for the next guy after him and rebuke him as being a clueless ignorant and etc…
Well, actually classic seems to be the root of all sl issues. For some reason, boomers made it look popular and blizz got free money for almost zero effort, so they actually think ppl like classic and made shadowlands closer to classic experience. But what about the rest of us, who are happy that classic mechanics are gone, because gaming industry evolved in the past 20 years? Gaming industry idd evolved, only wow stays the same. And for some reason ppl are still willing to pay for this obviously super low effort content instead of giving a try to new games.
This is what bothers me a lot. I was kinda unlucky on loot early so im already a bit behind, but the fact that I can play all days long allowed me to almost catch up. But once the work starts? I think many ppl who cry here for no loot dont even realize, how garbage experience it will be once they actually start living their real lives. Like you do your work, rl chores, wow chores, you will be lucky to do lets say 2-3 dungeons, zero loot and go to bed. What a great example of entertaiment industry…
I honestly cant imagine anybody new would stick to this game. Archaic mechanics, horrible combat system that makes basically all classes and specs the same, generally very low effort from the devs and paying in advance just to realize you got baited by fake advertisement…that cant work for new ppl. I can imagine only super stubborn ppl to stay here, because the game just becomes worse and worse with every expansion. Nice location textures wont fix the game.
What is it that you bootlicking whiteknights do not understand?
We are already farming for them, a lot, with little to no reward for it.
To put it in perspective:
My dk main was 200 itemlevel this reset. Having done seven heroic bosses, one +12 dungeon, one +11 dungeon and eight +10 dungeons. In addition earned 6250+ honor from rated pvp in rival bracket.
This is eight slots, with six of them offering 220 item, and two of them offering 213 items.
Guess what, four of them were items i already had on same itemlevel, with worse stats, the other four were itemlevelupgrades with bad stats for unholydk wich in reality were downgrades to my overall performance.
Can you mr whiteknight tell me how this is a rewardable system? Can you legit tell me i need to farm more?
Its trash system and me and many others are considering just quitting this mess because of it. Why the heck play for 8+ hours a day when you get nothing back for it?
Only to hear the whiteknights on the forum tell you that you need to work for your shinies and that we are rained down with loot.
You’ll get used to it. You’ve been doing the same thing in BFA. The difference was, back then you were farming for titanforge. Now you’re just farming for the gear itself.
At least, now you can socket it yourself and you can craft your own legendary and you can target the gear you want.
stop whining.
Classic-loving bootlicking whiteknights? What are you? 12? Grow up and stop name calling people.
I hate playing classic, but i realize that the way bfa was going was bad. even though, It took me 3 weeks to upgrade my garbage heroic dungeon trinket to a lvl 200 trinket. Sometimes farming takes a while.
40% chance of loot for successful keys, 20% for unsuccessful ones and up to 9 chances of weekly vault choices is more than enough. If you can’t handle it, then by all means, leave.
Not by a mile, in BFA you had better itemlevel on dungeondrops and you had more items drop per dungeon. = Less (Still much) effort to get the gear/stats you needed.
So what? In BFA you could buy the azerite gear you needed or farm it from raid, in 8.3 you could socket what you wanted and the rest was also target the gear you wanted.
I still target the gear i want. I do the m+ dungeons that have the gear i need, both to get it from dungeon and to get it from the great vault, still great offers me crap and that is after 8 hc bosses, ten m+ dungeons at +10 and over, and farming honor in arena and rbg unlocking 3 vault slots.
Still i got NOTHING worth taking at itemlevel 200. With a broken leg im on a sick leave from work and also quaranteed so i have been litterally spamming end game content, how did i deserve absolutely no rewards for it ? How is this nice design? And im not the only one , 2/3 people spamming the same content together with me in my guild are in the same situation, a couple just logged out and wrote on discord that they need a long break and to consider if this is worth it at all. Im in the same boat, im not gonna get used to this, im just gonna leave yall to your nice great system if this continues probably.
Then you will sit there and ask yourselfs why most of the already shrinking playerbase left, because everything was so fine.
It is what it is. Classiclovers have been demanding classic-like features implemented into retail for a long time, and it seems blizzard have been listening to them.
Again, i cleared normal, did 8 hc bosses, had a +12 for 1 m+ slot, and the other two filled with +10 dungeons, + all three pvp slots unlocked at rival bracket.
Again, thats 5 220 items, one 223, and two 213.
At itemlevel 200 none of the rewards were upgrades. The 223 was gauntlets i already had at 220 with worse stats, and the other 220 items were items i had at 220 already also with better stats, and items i had lower itemlevel but with much better stats.
= No upgrades. None. Zero.
And while we are at it, at all those m+ runs i had two items drop for me, both were downgrades that i luckily could trade to guildies.
So yeah, i guess this is more then enough.
Remember, im not alone in this situation, its a fact for a huge amount of players spamming and grinding endgame content.
“By all means, leave”
Yep, i will if it continues like this, but remember, many people will, because the design you think its fine is not fine.
Bad RNG for you doesn’t devalue a system. It means, bad RNG for YOU.
Also, what you call many people complaining, I call Typical Tuesday. People complain all the time. The loot system had to evolve and grow. Not the garbage we had in classic with 4 gears for 40 people or even the bigger pile of garbage we had in bfa that gave you gear for breathing.
People in wow are like spoiled children that were given too much christmas presents and now that they tuned it down, are crying about it. But sometimes, improving things comes at a cost. And after seeing both ends of the spectrum, Even though i personally hate what they did with raids and how useless it is to do them now, I’m still going to stick with the decrease in mythic+ loot. It should have been done ages ago. And it’s still dropping more than everything else.
Already pointed out that this is the case for a huge part of the playerbase. Actually you are discussing this in a thread that adresses exactly that.
Tuned down to the point where you raid, m+ and pvp all week long not getting one single upgrade.
And still you are claiming me as a spoiled complainer. What am i spoiled with? And how did i not work for it?
Thats the answer you get from the white knights when telling how much effort you put in - and how you got zero reward for it:
“You are spoiled, you need to work for the gear” - But i did work for the gear, actually dont think it would be possible to work more for the gear as my guild is not ready for mythic raiding, and we have spammed m+ all week long together with arena/rbg.
You will see when subscribers have sunken to the deepest bottom its ever been into, who were right and who were wrong.
Then ask you the question “How did it come to this?”
People have stuck with ups and downs and terrible desisions through all of the expansions. But people also get enough.
Explain to me how people will be happy with spamming endgame content 8-9+ hours every single day without getting anything in return for it.
Its like working for free with rng on who gets salary each month. Eventually people will quit that job.