Blizzard have already changed the game in ways that players despise (GCD changes for example) but now they suddenly “listen” just because they move from an extreme to another? You blame the balance team who doesn’t play their own game for that, not the players
this is myth completly started and spread by raiders . and aparently it worked becaue as always raiders destroyed game for 95% of playerbase
the best proof of how many people are leaving game is prices of wow tokens - we havent seen tokens going for 150k for past 5 years - that shows how many people already left game.
wait 2-3 months and tokens will hit 100k due to players leaving.
People are informing on these very forums and in this very thread how much effort they have put in in endgame content - And how little to zero rewards they have gotten from it.
The answer they get from notorious whiteknights: “Go work for the loot”
They point out that they already did, the day doesnt have more hours to work for the loot if not total insomniac.
They still answer “Go work more for the loot”
“But ive been raiding, doing m+ and pvp for 12 hours a day”
“Well then go work for the loot, you are rained down with epics”
Can confirm, people are leaving, good and loyal players in my guild who stuck with legion and bfas ups and downs have taken a brake until something changes - others considering retirement for good, me among them.
Players leaving are the best proof of poor game design. Who would go to work if it were some kind of lottery if they were recieving salary or not?
Small problem. You expect salary when you still havent worked for your salary. Yes doing 12 hours of content is nothing. If you would gwr 1 or 2 items thats more than enough fo such effort. You could in past go several weeks without getting single loot. So of couple entilted players quit becouse tjey cant get their full shiny armor 4 week into expansion is good. Game will better without such players.
On top of all this crap loot system, imagine, in 2 weeks, if I’m not wrong, we will get full 200 armour set from covenant… And it has set bonuses…like what is the point doing 10th of m+ for crap loot if you just w8 little bit, and everything is fine and dandy…
You can’t call entitled only those who demand more loot, those with lots of free time, nolifing in the game are acting like entitled too, since well, we work for loot more than you…yada yada…here is a thing - loot, ilvl is not accomplishment in WoW anymore, it’s just an indicator of you having lots of free time… that’s it.
The new systems isn’t targeted at 1% raiders nor hardcore players.
Players themselves wanted TF and WF to go, what? You thought you’d see a expansion you gear within a few hours cause u kept your drop rates without TF/WF??. Ofcourse not.
What do you mean? You spammed m+ and no doubt a strong TF would proc from at least 2 items in a week, so people who ran a ton of +10 sddenly had +30 ilvl TF proc, same for LFR dropping mythic ilvl TF procs…
Morer sources of loot isnt a bad thing. The bad thing is the execution,
There are chances I will not be able to properly gear at all this season. What do you want me to do? I dont play pvp. Never hadinterest in it. Alot more people like me.
Thats what all this problem was about and yes, while it is targeted for everyone, is is still wrong. No way I as a casual player would be max geared within a month.
This only benefitted those who can play alot more then 12 hours. And not only in the looting way. It also means theyh have less competition.
Quoted for truth, and funny enough, not even raiders farmed for TF. The only notable exception was Unstable Arcanocrystal but it was problem with that stupid trinket not TF itself.
when in the past u could go several weeks without loot? I am asking as someone who playe wow FROM DAY ONE, pal!
Even vanilla loot was more abundant than now, and we had more to do in game than we have now.
And just becouse you have less.time game should be butchered for you? Classical entiltment from casual audience. “i no longer have tim becouse i changed and Blizzard should change game for me becouse i want to”.
Hahaha you whiteknights are a funny race. People all over the place telling how much content they did and still the only answer you are able to come up with is “Work for it”
I can imagine you whiteknights, sitting on a privateserver-sized game where every sane player left cause it was not worth it.
Yelling your classicfanboy-memes in your echo-chamber: " OOH THIS WRIST I GOT IN SEASON 1 IS SO MEANINGFUL AND MEMORABLE #lootismeaningfulnow#longlivekingionthefirst"
Go back t o your classic wow, you got it last year, go play it.
this is such a lieeeeee… i cant even .
why do you lie so much, oyu get a kick off by being a contrarian on forums, i see you pop everywhere trying to stir up shi…t ?
What do you mean by butchered? Loot was fine in BFA, minus TF and corruption. No one complained. So why suddenly this drastic cut on amount of loot all kinds of players get? I would understand if loot in dungeons was interesting, like with cool effects, some set bonuses, but it’s not, all loot in dungeons is just stat sticks…it’s not even memorable…ohh and btw in terms of who gets more everything would be same, ppl with more time in game would still get more loot then those who has less time…
Ppl leaving M+ if it’s not timed was a big problem in BfA.
Now, having only one item drop if M+ isn’t timed incentivises leaving even more.
I know I do. No way I’m spending 40 minutes for nothing, except for potential benefit of a single potato that ruins the run in the first place. It’s not healthy. Just leave, thxbai
Even in BfA, we had raids where after the entire raid people got one item Raiding just started and you are whining that you don’t get a lot of loot lel Idk if you are an entitled spoiled kid or just a salty troll
This is BS… in BFA you got loot every 3 bosses basically. In SL you get loot every 1 in 5 on average! So if you get a drop you already have or dont need youre screwed for a full week. 1 in 3 you basically always got 1 upgrade or something to use in M+ offspec.
M+ you got 1 loot every 2 dungeons, 3 in some cases specially if not timed. But you had a feeling when you were due loot and felt satisfied your time was well spent. In SL you can do 8 dungeons and come away with NOTHING or out of the 7 usable drops you get 1 that you dont need.
PVPers time is never wasted, they get currency, which can even be saved up and used when they want to spend it… M+ NEEDS CURRENCY. I wouldnt mind spamming M+ if i could save my points and buy something like PVPers do.
RNG is beyond a joke right now, specially with all the cluster f ilevel brackets making trading gear worse than ever…
People defending this decision are the strangest bunch… Everybody seethes when Blizzard time-gates anything, but having to do the same dungeons 10/20x more often to get that one piece of loot you otherwise would’ve gotten in BFA 5 times is A-OKAY.
If you were lucky and when you aren’t you get maybe one piece
You fail to realize that there is no rule which says that you need to get X items per X content. We can now gear fast (or even too fast) enough that the current drop works fine. The only problem is that 1% of whiners who post their salty complaints on social media can’t handle not being rewarded for every fart they release from their entitled butts
The problem is not that we don’t have enough gear to gear up.
The problem is that people don’t like getting less loot.