And it’s dog sh1t
Peeps: ‘Too many shinies, Blizz!’
Also peeps: ‘Why so few shinies, Blizz?!’
Titanforge: ‘Me?.. I’m just passing through…on my shiny way, to Shinyville, in the Realm of Shinyness…did I drop something?..Nope!’ sniggers
post on your level 60, troll
Yeah, this is fine early on. What happens when you start getting these “upgrades” in the same slots as you have them in now? What happens when the only good piece is in your legendary slot? Are you going to be back here when you haven’t received an upgrade in a month telling us it still sounds good to you?
It took me 13 dungeon and 10+ raid boss kills to get ONE upgrade. It’s honestly pathetic.
but it already happening - when i did 1 mythic + 6 this week - got belt - which i already had 200 in this slot when i have literaly 3 slots out of 16 with gear that is 200-213.
idiotic loot system punishing players for playing.
Il just repeat again BFA was a bad expansion when it comes to gear(throwing gear at players in dungeon content).And most of the arguments about scarce loot come from lone wolf type of players who pug,when it comes to gearing those are the worst combination and ofc team play with freinds should be rewarded,playing the game inefficiently and whine about it is pointless.
Dedicated teams share loot between and they all geard up pretty fast.Not to mention alot of gear stacking.(leather,plate teams)
we are a social guild , did 4 bosses 1st week , 6 the second and 7 the 3rd. I got one rnd epic from trash which I exchanged with someone else for my bis hands, and got a ring. Pretty much like one item per week from M0 and +.
I get my items from the reliable sources as Vault and epic calling quests… else is the drop rate is so low I pretty much given up to try to do more M+ than the minimum for vault. Getting too much before (Legion and BfA) but now … there is no way to work towards anything. It is STILL ALL RNG.
Oh yeah, Blizz pretty much killed Shamans, none of my guildies wants to play it anymore, before we had like 4 -5 shaman now I seem to be the only one. There are multiple plate runs and leather runs, but mail? nah… I can watch other guildies equip their 3rd alt already … and let me tell you it feels sh**y. And I put in time for my main Shaman really , but nothing comes of it , it hurts me deep inside.
Oh yeah, Blizz pretty much killed Shamans, none of my guildies wants to play it anymore, before we had like 4 -5 shaman now I seem to be the only one. There are multiple plate runs and leather runs, but mail? nah… I can watch other guildies equip their 3rd alt already … and let me tell you it feels sh**y. And I put in time for my main Shaman really , but nothing comes of it , it hurts me deep inside.
You should link this to your guildies;
Shamans with resto are in fine spot raid and m+ wise.A for dps a good shaman will always performe better then someone who is fotm hunting.
will just be easyer to gear up tru PVP or Coven armor or Crafted gear …
if you want more choices do more mythic +
you can run a full raid that gives you 3 items to choose from
you can do mythic+ runs that will also give you 3 items to choose from
you can do pvp weekly also 3 items to choose from.
at the end of the week you can choose 1 item out of 9
Legion was a well liked expansion, you could probably ask anyone who played back there will say they loved it. And it had titanforging, even more loot from m+ than in bfa, raiding wasn’t a must, world quests a lot easier and faster, pvp was more balanced, and the zones were bigger and more alive.
who is fotm hunting.
Doubt on this, hunters are straight up broken and makes every other class irrelevant if it was not for buffs. Soak abilities and DPS the only two metrics any class is ever measured on in raid content. Hunters tops both list, everything else is redundant at this point.
post on your level 60, troll
Right, so how does posting from 60lvl char instead of 50lvl char changes the facts?
Not everyone enjoys your complaints in game, some enjoy anonymity and only wanna share their opinion on the matter, just having my own opinion i do think loot is little bit on the weak side altho not as weak as everyone claims except in few scenarios
You know each time I’m making m+ group there’s always a lot of players with high ilvl 205-215. This new system just shows who actually paying game and who’s just complain on the forums. Get fffiin good bruh. Play and you will get it.
All I see is a bunch of cry babies that want to get gear literally for doing nothing in game. Uh oh I did 10 not times level 5 keys gimme the loot .
Well, ofc …
Why wouldnt i have right to keys.
You enjoy running a competition on who does the dungeon faster, sure be my guest.
But i have payed the same amount of money as you have, so i have the same right to experience the expansion, regardless of my comunication skills.
No where in the game it is stated that if i dont make friends i wont be able to do any content.
Literally this. I’m doing timed casual 7-9s and hit ilvl200 just from m+ (I never raid or pvp). Loot is scarce, but you get pieces eventually.
People want Blizzard to shower them with gear for showing up in a dungeon?
But i have payed the same amount of money as you have, so i have the same right to experience the expansion, regardless of my comunication skills.
No, actually you don’t.