Wtf is up with loot?

I just got 6 choices from vault and they are all bad the best item is a 3 item level upgrade come on what the actual f

Your story is sad. But this is still the correct system, no system can solve everyone’s problems, and you won’t always be unlucky.

World boss drops are making me sad now. Not had a single item from 4 characters so that is 16 kills.

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Ah well, as the hardcore players would say: “Work harder your % has now increased, you’re garanteed to recieve the loot on the next WB!”

Or somethin’ like that.

At least we get a nice reward of 35 anima for all those mythic + dungeons at the end of the run :slight_smile:

I agree this system is annoying


Care to explain why in a monitary system i have no right over a product that i have payed for ? :smiley:

loot cursed so muth drama so they deleted it totaly :rofl:

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You get what you pay for, you don’t pay and then decide you want something else.

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I was farming the DOS dungeon on several difficulties for the tanking trinket.
I did countless dungeons and didnt even see this trinket being droped for anyone. I was aiming plate grps for more chances as tank loot specialization. 0 loot,
Is so frustrating to keep wasting time for 35 anima or higher on high keys. Is a damn waste of time.
And i am not one of these who did 10 dungeons and expect to be 200 i lvl but i cant loot anything. GL with this trash game. BB

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You pay for a complete product. If you don’t like it, why do you pay for it? If you buy Cola and you don’t like it, you buy again and again and call their hotline saying something like: “i would like to get a little bit more salt in my Coke, yeah I pay for it and I want a little more salt please.”

I got more gear from trash than boss.


Exactly :smiley:
I cant seem to understand why are we in disagreement but so be it.
I just feel it is tiny bitsy witsy unfair to timegate content we have payed for so we can also pay the subs.
That is a case only because the content they provide have 0 replayability if you dont hope for a drop ;/

Shadowlands on every corner feels like machine designed solely to squeeze people from subscription money using dirty tricks here and there to convince them to “resub one more time”.

Timegating on everything coupled with nerfed drop rates and also ilvl caps so you have to rely on weekly welfare from uncle Ion, dungeons feeling pretty overtuned and unrewarding and so on. “Just try to endure one more week, maybe you will have something nice in the vault” - and week after week repeat the process.

They know this expac would be dead after a week if there were no timegating. All the campaign quests are for like 30 min. This is like a week of content AT MOST. Timegating is not for “casuals” because this expansion is actually more aimed towards absolute hardcores that can force through RNG with their unlimited time, it’s just a method to hide lack of content and making it “casual friendly” was an excuse, because this expac is by no means casual friendly.

It’s beyond my understanding how can people buy this marketing BS while they have eyes and brain to actually see that all of this time-burning and RNG reliance is in fact not casual friendly at all.


Sadly i agree. This is my feeling so far. It is not designed with a soul and a passion for the beloved wow universe, but like forcing players to keep the subs going. Though this time, it has pushed too far for me and one month into the expansion, I just dont see these treadmill grinds getting somewhere

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Except loot in Classic was actually useful for the entire game.

In Shadowlands we’re going to replace everything except our legendaries 3 times over.


I do m+ exclusively. Feels like ive done 15+ dungs without any upgrades and when i finally get a drop its for the same slot as my lego. The great chest also gave me items for slots i already had my best gear in. Feels bad.

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I have 4 items on my main that are from M+ and the rest is from either Great vault, Auction house or PvP Vendor. So you can’t really expect loot to drop, you have to make it up with all the other different options you have for loot.

Currently, i am thinking about passing out ANOTHER expansion, because Blizzard is unable to balance things out. In legion/BfA, we had s*ttones of useless piece of gear, in Anima loot simulator, we barely getting anything. It is like they are blind in the fog and moving from one extremes to another extremes.


I ran 11 mythic+ until I got gear. This is not balanced nor rewarding, it is just simply a big f*** you.
Imagine now being a high end player doing +10> mythics or heroic/mythic raids and dont get anything mythic after mythic.
If not make gearing like in BFA at least give tokens back so we can buy/upgrade our gear.

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im actually have no idea what to do in wow out of my mythic raid. like 3 hours, four days a week i have something in wow, i wanna do. i cant get in any keys anymore and i dont want that hard actually - i didnt get ANY loot from 10+ keys in this expac. so one 15 key per week - already done it.
im not going into maw, if there is no weekly fat quests. im already have rep there and i dont rly need stygia, since i have no loot to make sockets.
other than that there is only WQ for useless anima, useless rep or even more useless low ilvl loot.
so several weeks into addon and my main already doing nothing usefull.

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