Wtf is up with loot?

False, or just lucky. I’m sitting in the game at least for 4-6 hours every day and I’m 187 while playing since release on single character most of the time. And there are a lot of such people that are progress starved because they are not as lucky as Ion expects them to be. I do mythics and see no progress whatsoever because even if something drops it’s worse than thing that I already have in that slot. If it was not for GV and mythic chest I would still be 184 today.

Game literally forces me to count for welfare to keep me afloat, because with merciless RNG effort is not worth anything anyway.


theres a free 213 to claim + 1 week passed with Vault of uptoo 226 ilevel dependign where u fell.

168 Crafted armour avaliable + M+0 Weekly farm and M+ Farm. with raiding. and PvP Gear avaliable? i did also get lucky tho, 3 pieces of loot from 1 M+_0 yesterday :smiley:

Yeah, that’s the welfare that I mentioned. I have barely anything else than welfare and M0 gear from first mythic weeks. One big draught after that.


The drop is reduced for everyone else.

So that instead of doing 10 instances per week and keep doing that for 2-3 weeks, then being largely done, they do just 1-4 instances per week and keep doing that for 8 weeks or so. More sub time for same amount of content.

Really, SL rapidly starts looking similar to BFA.

Azerite power fail = massive loot reduction fail
Islands boring = Torghast boring and damn slow
Warfronts meh = the Maw meh

I mean, maybe not completely like BFA, there are still some good sides. But SL seems to be falling pretty fast. They should take measures to stop the fall immediately or SL might end up being just barely above BFA in terms of quality / reception.


I got 1 188 ilvl, doing mostly PvP, including 1-2 days RBG, some bg/ebg 3-4 days + some other casual stuff, 1 day torghats + 1 day maw. 5 alts 52 lvl, login to do some dailies and very, very slowly(omg) leveling - think i will lvl up them for a 3-4 month.
Stopped raids in BFA, coz a lot of time + melee unfriendly, stopped M+ un SL, coz drop and ilvl reduced and now u must live in keys to be optimal.

can agree with this… i started playing boomkin because im reaslly struggling in M+ with melee this expansion

Not much more to do I guess. Everything feels like waste of time.

Torghast is worse version of islands, maw just a mandatory if u are want to strong char in future coz cockets thats will boost your char a lot.
Idk i stopped almost everything here, instead of some casual PvP, thats time spend into this game not worth it. If i will find something better i will drop this game. Now idk.

That really kept me warm, even with 7 “loot boxes” I am way behind on the gearing curve.

you dont seem to understand that you can have fun with friends while “in your RNG system”. And calling someone 14 is a weak insult man…

Ýeah. 1 week… but why wouhld you do LFR for GV if it doesnt scale up?..

Friends already outgeared me because I don’t have meaningful drops, they most of the time can’t even give me anything because trade lock and even if they could then they are not even plate. Game is heavily hostile towards melee and I don’t even see melees often, not only plate ones.

All I hear is people mad they can’t be fully heroic geared in one day like in BFA.

… Doubt these are your friends or thay dont want to trade you, you are only trade locked if the drop is higher then your current ilvl. And this exp is not “melee unfriendly”

Funnily… the game shouldnt be set to the top 1% nor the bottom 1% of content… LFR is the bottom 1% content.

They CAN’T trade me. You don’t even know what mechanics Blizzard implemented. If they drop anything that is ilvl upgrade for them for given slot - they CAN’T trade it. By design. Even if that’s only +1 ilvl and they would just want me to take it because it’s +15 for me.

It is. Meta for current dungeons is stacking MM hunters from what I know.

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Doesnt matter if j +5 GV gets a +13 ilvl boost on GV I am pretty sure LFR can do that too for the 187 drops.

“so we could at least rng an epic every 2-3 run.”

Not sure how you missed the rng part. I’m not a fan of particular items too. But at least with getting a chance to purchase a random epic every 2-3 run for token, would make it feel like progress no matter if you’re lucky or not (you only get these materials if you didn’t receive epic). I feel so pissed that bottom dps deadweight always get the loots, meanwhile I’m at my 6th dungeon without any

184 is low, after that there are only 3 ways and those arent guarenteed. You need ranked PvP, M+, or Raid. All are crap, except ofc ranked PvP.

If u equalising Players doing higher difficulties it does matter. if u go up +13 ilevel every other setting does and we overbloat in ilevel gains.