Are people surprised? Blizzard don’t do half measures they go in full extreme, every time and have done for years, there’s no such thing as a middle ground.
I recall them saying due to TF/WF being removed loot would be reduced across the board, however, before they reared their ugly heads, raids used to drop more loot than they’re currently doing.
So this just feels like an excuse to keep people subscribed.
It completely Deleted your ability to “Finish the game” as in earn your BiS in the level of content u play within.
It also made some Player experiencing M+ for the first time, Suddenly get a Drop which puts their Next reward uptoo 10 levels higher.
you have any idea what sorta problems that causes?.. telling some dude doing his +5s weekly he suddenly gotta do a +11 to earn his next ilevel increase?
it breaks the game in so many directions.
If you only play LFR, LFR offers the Rewards you need to do that content with, the Aim of said matter should be ur progression towards a BiS List at the highest ilevel achievable by yourself.
there are 100 problems with the system, the problem is, none of those problems affect you specficially, so u ignore their existance.
If you do full PvE and never do PvP and you want “only freebies” (no raids, no dungeons), you are getting your renown set which you can upgrade (shocking, right?), WQ increase and world boss drops.
At one point, what exactly do you want to receive for doing laps in Oribus?
they lost 5 mln players in 3 months of WoD last time they tried this stunt - after removal of VP gear and they had garrison literaly giving out normal raid gear to players each week .
now they dont offer this 1 piece of normal raid gear a week .
be honest and ask yourself how playerbase will react to this.
I know… but i never expected it to be this bad…
Dont get me wrong im also a bit sour after my 4th-5th m+ with no loot but its gonna happen at some point.
IMO i think blizz wants to keep this ship going for longer for more players then see players decked out in 2-3 weeks and then not logging in untill new patch.
“you are getting it 2 months after expansion launch”
how many people will wait those 2 months to start playing game ?
most of them will be gone by week 4 of expansion and are unlikely to return till maaaaaybe last tier of expansion - and even that will be only if blizzard fixes gear for casuals and legacy buff for legion raids.
U consider WoDs failure to be down to loot?.. did you even play the expansion or bother to read its feedback?
It lost Players because
they Restricted the player to playing witrhin a Phased Garrison with NO ONE ELSE
Failed to release Barely any content for the expansion
These are the things WoD Failed on and the reasons it hemorraged.
The last time they did this was in Cataclysm. a Time where they pee’d off both Sides of the community because they couldnt settle on one side of the fence.
and if annything half ur points agree with the motives of this expansion… as u admit that giving loot freely Resulted problems.
TF/WF Did the exact same thing.
problems with the compensation of no loot, not with the Pace of loot 35 Anima for a +10 is a Slap in the face… not because its not a direct reward
but they’re giving players in a compeititve enviroment Optional Story content rewards equal to WQ Rewards.
I’m not saying the loot scarcity is good or bad, I don’t know how I feel about it yet, but hours spent means little if you are not actually doing content that rewards you gear though. You’ve timed three 5+ keys.