Wtf is up with loot?

No it wasnt, whenever u talk to anyone on WoD the first thinng brought up is the lack of content.

Because the Expansions first major Patch gave us a Selfie Stick and 0 content.

WoD had like over half its content cut from the game, it resulted badly because players have nothing to do at all.

the problem is, you want to focus in on loot. because it fits what ur trying to push…

M+ wasnt anythinng to do with WoD. there isnt any connection there.

they Would have built M+ for Legion before WoD even hit its Draught of content… as they develope the next expansion the same day they release a new expansion.

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I am going to ask exactly what content are you doing and what you are expecting as a player. I was replying to a post that says “just wait 7 weeks for 200 item level pvp gear”, and stated exactly how bad of an idea this is. Mind you I never said I am a fan of the current loot system, nor that I appreciate how blizz tries to rope me in a hamster wheel. I am just pointing out that people are using broad definitions and flat out miss information in order to push a personal agenda.

PVP gearing is busted.
Raid gearing is busted.
M+ gearing is busted.
Casual gearing is busted.

Saying “well atleast pvp-ers/m+ runners can get gear if they run the wheel for 7-8-10 weeks” is flat out busted argument that pisses me off to no end, as I participate in all forms of content yet I am continuously punished for that.

the game is not only for you my friend. Blizz wants wow to go for a long LOONG time and you cant do that with just giving away BiS items in the first few weeks of a new expantion.

I already have my “bis”, remember?

The fake golden items that require two brain cells fighting over a piece of sugar and will be most likely bis until the expansion ends?

You do that by givingg the game full content.

You dont do it by releasing a half expansion…

I am sorry but… Another thing blizz should learn from games like FFXIV.

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You know that saying: Be careful what you ask for?

Yeah… it applies here.

There is nothing wrong with doing other stuff and I did not say that. I’m just pointing out that if you are not doing a lot of content that rewards gear, it’s not strange you aren’t getting much of said gear.

Because it’s a chore to find people to play. Even guildmates are not very fond of doing dungeons right now. Rewards are pretty low and these dungs are very mean.

For example yesterday we tried to do Necrotic Wake +6 and second boss was basically impossible. W tried this key 3 times with various compositions (we had many NW +6 keys from last week when it was horrible due to Fortify), each time we lacked DPS to smash through second boss. I was a tank so DPSing is not actually my job even if I tried to help by luring trash near boss so they can AoE them.

With PUG I don’t even want to go there, just no way in hell.


This thread :sweat_smile:

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That’s fair enough. I’m not a huge fan of m+ either :stuck_out_tongue: But then again if you are not running dungeons or raids how did you expect to get gear?

If it’s any consolation I think it will even out more in the long run with more options for gear opening up :slight_smile:

I’m running, just these runs don’t end happily pretty often so we are forced to do low keys that barely even give upgrade for many people.

This triple NW +6 failure yesterday demotivated guys so badly that it was end of M+ for that day. And from what I’ve been listening on Discord when other guys were doing other dungs - it wasn’t much better experience for them too.

I can’t even blame them they don’t want to do M+ at this point. It doesn’t feel rewarding enough to go through that for many (most?) people.

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math isnt your thing i guess :unamused:
If chance to not get loot 60% (2 items per dungeon)
then chance to not get loot N times in a row would be 0.6^N where N is number of runs.

Yeah, but then if you use this very same equation to calculate how many runs you need to do to find BIS trinket horrendous numbers start to appear. N grows to the point where you actually are willing to just accept you are most probably not going to find this trinket in this raid tier, and if that trinket is only thing that has value for you from that dung - you will just not do that dung, no point.

Retail is turning into classic. It’s obvious.

And honestly I’m not happy with this change. If I wanted to play classic I would but don’t bring that junk to retail.

When people said we wanted gear to matter…

We meant stop doing heroic raid give aways… which they still do!

Stop making previous raids obsolete when new raids open…

Stop making wq drop previous raid ilevel gear!

Stop making pvp having better gearing than pve… not only pvp is guaranteed loot its choice based too! while pve is full rng! Its dumb.

Running 8 m+ and killing 8 raid bosses getting no loot is a massive waste of time. If i spent the same time in pvp id get loot but i hate pvp.

Pve loot farming needs currency like pvp simple as that. They are totally catering to pvp players this expansion but ditched everyone else?

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exept the effect they are achieving is alienating majority of playerbase on week 3 and next to nobody playing “longerm” on week 12

gg blizzard - perfect business strategy there

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Indeed when so much of your loot comes from the vault, you will just do a single run per week and then do something else. We had raid-logging before, well, welcome to M+logging. I doubt Blizzard wanted that. Because they know what the next step is - skipping a season or even an expansion.

So much for “playing longterm”.

and who sane does this ?

slow down for a second and think .

who logs in - goes one mythic + 10 - logs out till wednesday and pays 13 euro a month to do it ?

oh wait - you can log in - raid - log out.

ye sure there will be like 5-10% of raid addicts who will - but normal person ? will just unsub and do other things .

mmorpgs cannot function without proper over time gear progression

at this point wow could be as well turned into moba - where you have predetermined stats templates - log in already in instance X and do it

maybe thorgast is such alpha test for future wow ? who knows

where you no longer get permamanet gear - just temporary AP powers which expire when instance is over.

Yes, I don’t disagree. The distance from only logging once per week to skipping a season is even shorter for M+ than for raids.

I mean, it’s like a phone game which gives out loot for logging in at regular intervals. Except it is designed badly enough to have the interval being as long as a week. You will play it for a bit and when you realize what it is you are playing - a single run per week for a chest - you will unsub.

What is with the hate sword for raiders (again)? Most people that log in for 2 hours a week log in so they can play with their friends, can you please take your bias out?