Yeah, this Pelagos is a problem

I’ll reiterate in case people were confused. I’m not saying guys playing girl chars is wierd. There’s nothing wierd about that at all. As some have said, sometimes you have a concept, or a class idea that just works well with one gender in particular. Sometimes one gender model is much cooler to you.

What I find wierd is those male players who state that they play female characters because they can’t deal with the notion of having to have a male character’s backside in front of their screen without it “gaying things up” and so feel compelled to roll a female character and make them as sexually attractive to themselves as possible. That is just bizarre to me personally.

I also find it wierd because it usually comes from people who will say stuff like “it’s being thrown in our faces (of LGBT)” and that stuff like that “shouldn’t be everywhere” and yet there they are making something as mundane as creating a character in an MMORPG an expression of their own sexuality. It’s farcical.

And birbs too

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yeah I am going to do that, no question about it, I am most likely going Night fae unless I get more intrested in something else when I level in SL.

also going fotm can backfire big time anyways.

every day i’m more and more convinced that humanity is to stupid to live and we’ll sooner or later wipe our self our with hatred and bigotry thanks for proving me right


[quote=“Bjornson-nordrassil, post:210, topic:207423, full:true”]

And memes.

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Actually Tahra, our entire civilization is built on memes.

A meme is basically an idea that people consider good enough to replicate it.
The best memes never get old or take decades to centuries to do so.
The wheel, Fire, metal smelting, etc were all memes that were far too good
(video link removed because it might offend some helicopter parents, just search for “The Memes BEFORE the Internet” on YT)


How about the actual topic of this thread.
Should offend good parents tbh. :thinking:

Religion in itself ain’t the problem, it’s when someone tries to use it for his own agenda.

Religion in itself can do some wonderful things, like giving people a reason to be good to others, giving them purpose, something to lean on in hard times, a community.

It can be abused in horrible ways though, as was often demonstrated.

But it would go too far to discuss this here, so I won’t mind you answering, but won’t answer back.


That’s why I said ‘organized religion’.

That’s when the trouble starts and power becomes a part of it.


Basic pack behaviour for survival makes us hardwired tribalists which means we’ll fight over useless differences until we invent a weapon we can’t recover from.

Anyhoo, trans people are valid, art imitates life, representation is good and human rights are only controversial to those who oppose them.

The big yikes here is that Pelagos had to die and go to “heaven” in order to be his true self when he never could in his mortal life.


Lol I thought this was going to be about the soulbind tree being too powerful rather than some gender stuff

well, same thing could be said to you, “people like you are like the worst thing in the world and need to be erased off the face of the earth” since people like you are supporting the spread of illness instead of trying to to actually make people with realize that this is wrong

speaking of religions, even true Christians and Jews believe that lgbtq movement is a wrong act

and you come here with your ill, weak and idiotic mentality talking about other people don’t have the right to exist ? just because they happened to stand against the wrong and the spread of such illness

EDIT: this post is no longer directed to the individual I replied to, since I missed his point

rofl, how about you read the entirety of my post in context before taking it out of context and making it look like i said that. I was MOCKING that viewpoint. Or more to the point the viewpoint of people who only tolerant religious people when they’re useful to them, and then as soon as that is done, they discard them and being discrimnating against them.

Next time READ before you start namecalling people. I have no issue with religion itself. I have an issue with people who use religion as an excuse to peddle hatred and call it “divine intention” and nowhere did I say that such people should be removed from anywhere. I was talking about what others say.

I’ll take an apology for that “weak and idiotic mentality” comment if one’s going if you don’t mind.

I don’t care that Pelagos used to be a woman.

I DO care that he’s so fricken overpowered that half the specs need to choose him…

Most did. We could discuss that part of it, if you like.

Your assumption that diversity is pushed into games to “fight anti-semitism” is rather stupid. The reason why diversity is put in games is because diverse people exist.

WoW has always had black and Asian skin tones, they just didn’t have the deeper customization. Some of that is memory restrictions of the old game, some of it is just not putting enough time to create different customization options.

WoW is a global game, where you’re supposed to have a certain level of freedom when creating your character. It would be nice if you’re a Chinese or an African player who can play a person who looks like you.

It would also be nice if a game didn’t pretend you didn’t exist. Trans and gay people are not a political issue. Irrespective of politics, they exist. Period. Therefore it’s okay to have all kinds of people represented in the game.

You recoil because the game is demanding of you to adapt your worldview to a modern one. It’s all there is to it, mate. You think it’s politics, when there’s literally nothing political about representing people that exist in real life.

Bizz did not make a big deal out of adding gay and trans representation to the game. It was people like the OP, who cause it to be huge drama. Blizz didn’t exploit these issues for money, you don’t see gay elves in the marketing. They’re just in the game. It is you who makes this a big issue.


Take a deep breath, calm down, and read the post in its entirety.
When I read the first part of that I got quite agitated myself, then I understood what he means.

The real question ist:

Did he become a male to fit him being overpowered, or to compensate for it?

Threads like this stay up for days, meanwhile I say my cake was too sour and i get 27 month ban :joy: :clown_face:


well, I apologize for missing your point than