Yeah, this Pelagos is a problem

Play a caster-healer in PvP and you’ll get to play only Venthyr!

Accepted. I got no issue with people believing in x or y religion, even if it means their views differ to mine. But I really don’t like it when people who usually discriminate against those religions and harass them, suddenly decide they’re buddies with them so they can “use them” to forward their own agendas.
It’s deceptive and hypocritical of them to do so and you can bet your bottom dollar that as soon as their agenda is in place, they’ll go back to discriminating against the religion in question. History has shown us this several times.


You say ‘even’, as if they’re any better than other religions. All religions are as equally stupid.

You call it an illness is disrespectful in itself.

Now, don’t get me wrong; I don’t ‘buy into’ the ever growing list of ‘genders’. It seems to me that some people just want to feel special.

But who am I to disagree with it; even if I don’t ‘get it’. It doesn’t harm me. So I respect those who feel that way.

As long as I don’t have to ‘change the fabric of my reality’ and call someone a ‘butterfly’, people can call themselves what they want. It’s fine.

As for it being disrespectful; I hope you are aware that people have been calling lots of things ‘illness’ before we truly understood how things worked. Before ‘illness’ it was ‘demonic possession’ or ‘being a witch’ or such nonsense.
Humans like to label things so they’re easily explainable. Easier to judge.

So what you’re doing is basically the same as the people of old branding someone a witch. Think about that for a moment.

Good parents are not helicopter parents though.

Good parenting is probably the hardest thing one will have to try to do in their life. Always finding the balance between neglect and too much intervention.


Exactly this. Omitting these groups from the game is the political choice.


Anubis will claim my soul :pray:

I think you will love this strip from Oatmeal comics

I thought that this thread will be about how Pelagos is one of the, if not the best soulbinds. :joy: :joy: :joy:
Was mistaken. :sweat_smile:

Tying power to covenants was the worst mistake Blizzard did with SL, I should NOT have to choose between power and artistic style, wasn’t that the whole point of transmogs?

Well, you won’t be for the most part. Pelagos is the best one for most specs, but all that stuff was nerfed very heavily, so I doubt it’ll be a big difference anymore.

Even so, it never should’ve been a thing, these power systems should’ve been something every player regardless of covenant choice can access.

A good solution would be to make them apply only in outdoor areas, that way they don’t affect higher end content.

i know right

I’d rather not have the effects at all, than to just have them in outdoor areas.

It feels horrible to have things outdoor and then get them taken away once you join instanced content (same with PvP talents).

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U just sum up whats wrong with our current sociëteity, goodluck fixing that bud.

Okay, we agree on the whole backlash against LGBT thing, but I have to say, in a thread where you’re wagging your finger at people for calling stuff like LGBT illness or sickness, blanket slamming the entirety of all religion as “stupid” is just the same kind of short-sightedness.

These people berate LGBT because of teachings or whatever or bad experiences on their part. Their perception is misguided and arguably false. They have a distorted picture of reality (that LGBT people are literally just people).

Unless you have experienced the sum total of every religion in the world, and advocates of each, it is equally presumptuous for you to slam every religion as being “stupid” when your experience of them is based upon but a few (or your perceptions of them from media).

does religion have issues? Of course it does. It’s tied to humanity, we’re literally a walking cesspool of issues in some respects. But not all of us, and this goes for religion too. Some people use religion to do bad things, some religious people are probably the nicest most grounded people you’ll meet. They differ only on one principle: religious belief.

The message of tolerance is a lot more convincing if it comes from the mouth of someone betraying an open mind than a closed one is all i’m saying here.


I don’t agree with that statement. Because we have thousands of years of evidence that organized religion leads to horrible things.

And let me be clear on that; I’m talking about ‘organized religion’. If people find some comfort in believing something, sure; great for them.

No not ‘a few’. The entirety of recorded history.

Again; I’m only talking about ‘organized religion’.
Because with that comes power. And where there’s power; people abuse it and fight over it.


That’s an issue with power, not religion. The same can be said of politics in general, where it pertains to organisation of power, it leads to abuse of power. It’s not a very convincing argument for an apolitical society however.

I think the general principle is humanity has problems with exercises of power in fair way in just about every sphere we try. We do so successfully in many respects but in others not so, and people tend to reflect on the darkness more than the light.

I agree history does not show some aspects of religion favourabley. Within the same history it is all too often forgotten that it was additionally religious individuals whom were also the ones who contributed towards pushing us away from some of those mistakes of the past and contributed towards stuff that has arguably lifted humanity as a whole.

If we’re to damn things on a chequered past due to those instances where they were abused, there would be no grounds for humans to have confidence in many ideas we hold today, because pretty much at every point there has been something about that idea directly, or the forebearer of it, that was used to facilitate horrific stuff.

i guess I tend to advocate for a more positive view of things going forwards that looking backwards in anger. This is not to handwave away horrific things undertaken. Rather i’d use it as reasoning to advocate why those things should be used for good and how we should examine them and alter them so they can do this, rather than just dismiss them or treat them with scepticism. As said if we were to do that, we’d be able to have confidence in very little. The law, democracy, education. All of these things have been used to facilitate abuses and horrors in the past.

I’m sorry you’re triggered OP, but WoW isn’t the safe space you want it to be. You can’t just push your censorship and politics into the game. :confused:

Did I do that right? Or does that argument only work when it’s in your favor?

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We all got Jebaited!

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