Yeah, this Pelagos is a problem

Don’t worry. Not everyone on the internet carries the ignorant “hurr durr Russia bad” mentality, even though it is very commonly on display.


Thanks :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Believe me, this morbid picture is hard enough to live with, but it will change one day - we’re working on it.:slight_smile:

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Any organised force with malicious intent dangerous - be it religion, political force, minority group or any other one. When the identity of a self is robbed in the cause of such tribe or ideology - it will only lead on boosting one viewpoint in expense of the other. In short it leads to same kind of ignorance.

Religion might have bad rep and one might say it carries shortsighted viewpoints. But overall none of them preach hatred and discrimination, but rather acceptance and peace of the soul if read and understood properly. All religions do carry almost identical ideology to its core - its individuals who dare to abuse and twist it to serve whatever cause.

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This is just not true.
They preach plenty of discrimination. Against women, against homosexuals etc.
Most of these religions adhere to millennia old norms and values. Heck, even using 50 year old norms and values becomes problematic.

But we’re going way off topic here tbh.

Yeah your tears are pretty delicious, considering you’re super upset over 1 NPC being trans and only would affect your experience with 1 whole optional dialogue.

So anyway, transphobia doesn’t belong anywhere but in the :wastebasket:


I beg to disagree. Yes having seeing such actions displayed by members of religion has been reoccurring pattern but as I said -

Religion preaches about the individual and how to aquire peace - megre subjective and objective reality as much as possible, its a guidebook and not a do and don’t of physical world. Such representations itself are butchered versions of the whole ideology.

There is a parallel of one individual not being willing to accept one aspect of diversity and another - different type of diversity. :slight_smile:

But yeah enough of this, we both stated our opinions and none of us will change each others minds.

P.S. this thread has covered many other topics to make a note of that now :grin:

??? It’s not out of nowhere though. WoW has always has black customisation options for humans. They simply made the existing ones better.


I have to agree with you which is very strange in itself :wink: fun and ironic threads are closed and posters actioned very fast but threads like this full of homophobic ,transphobic bigots and other threads containing racists are left up for days and the OPs and trolls taking part in them are left untouched to blantantly flame bait and troll .

To be fair it was only 6 :stuck_out_tongue:

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Well, that may be true, but I’ve never seen one such diversity kill millions of people in the name of some ‘powerful thing’. So I feel I’m not wrong.
Religion had a place in the ancient world. It has no place in modern society. That’s my opinion on the matter.


And the fact that we disagree on this, doesn’t mean we can’t show each other respect (though that is often exactly what it means unfortunately and that is another reason for my opinion).

Have a good evening! :blush:

Any ideology that can discriminate one parties in the favor on one. Fascism, communism have done no less damage to humankind. And any fantasy world that can entertain that idea - such as GoT for instance.

But that wasnt the point I was making :slight_smile:






I thought this was gonna be how overpowered his soulbinds are, but this is some gender hating blah blah thread.

That Palegos is a trans is okay, but those broken soulbinds aren’t :sob:


Completely forgot about Pelagos, thanks for the reminder OP. still not sure if I’ll GO Kyrian or not, need to look into the convenants, but it’s nice to get incidental representation, rather than THIS CHARACTER IS TRNAS NOW

Read my mind :flushed:

there’s the thread

4 months and 2 weeks!

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I’ve been summoned apparently

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Just linking thread for serebae

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No. Begone foul demon!

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No, I don’t think I will

Can’t handle facts, stay mad.