Yeah, this Pelagos is a problem

I know you are very mad, which is why it’s taken you this long to reply. It’s ok, but your bigotry is not.

I don’t care.
I could take your reply seriously but you can’t accept different opinions.
You can’t argue so you strike my statements as invalid with “bigotry”.

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I can accept different opinions, but denying me and my fellow LGBT+ folk our basic human rights and calling us unnatural etc is not an opinion I will respect or agree with.

So yes, you are a very bigoted individual.


Oh god he’s back

Search the topic to where I called any of you unnatural.
You still just shout things at people you can’t “counter”.

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I will let this phrase from your OP speak for itself.

Transphobia is also being bigoted. So yes you are a bigot, I can also point out how you’re not so subtly racist from your OP as well.

So sure I can’t argue, but I weren’t the one going into denial about being mad and calling others mad :>


So, this is exactly the problem. Just one trans character gets representation in a videogame with literally thousands of characters, and all crybabies lose their minds. They call us the snowflakes! Hahaha! Grow up!


Sorry, can’t take dumb comments seriously.
You literally make no sense and you’re so close-minded you can’t accept actual ways of people explaining things.
Too sensitive, don’t care.
Ignoring you just like Johnfred.
EDIT: 31 people seem to agree with me regardless.
Maybe it’s not just me, eh.

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The moment its not another chris redfield its political and a problem for the Gamers™ :pensive:
God forbid I get some rep in a game.

Then explain to me other than calling people like “changing genders for fun”.

Not really, but go on.


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People like you are like ET to me strange and alien.

Why waste your short existance on this life to such non problems?

I could think about billion problems before someone else’s sexuality would bother me.

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I’m what I believe is now called a ‘terf’ (note: I’m not a radical feminist, but I do not personally believe in the new religion of gender identity, so that is what I am insulted with) but even I don’t care about Pelagos.

I believe everyone should have human rights, the right to love/wear/be whoever they want, I just don’t believe that the rest of the world has to be forced to partake in a lie to validate anyone else.

Body modification also makes me uncomfortable but at the end of the day it isn’t my body, and as long as the person is over 18 I have no skin in the game. However I don’t see Pelagos as a representation of this as they have magically literally become the opposite sex.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ll probably roll my eyes and skip through any text involving ‘being my true self now’ but it’s just one in game character.


Didn’t get the point but thanks for trying.

This is what may have caused a stir. A person that goes under the knife to try and change their gender does not do it for “fun”. It is an irreversible action. Even if the person is mentally ill, or under the influence of drugs, pressurised, depressed, whatever, still it is not for “fun”. It is much more serious.

Yea i get the point you moan about corporate greed i dislike that too but i really doubt creating one transgender character that seem to divide people to two camps really makes them the money people think they get i would bet that they make lot more money by making new sparkle pony to ingame shop.

What i don’t get is who really cares about Pelagos really and if you are so butthurt that you can’t get any sleep over some fictional trans character i envy you because your life must be perfect if this is the biggest problem you have in your life.



necrolords are bis for dk pvp at least lol

Cry me a river because they added ONE transgender character in game. You life must be fun.


That’s present day, the comment was written when pelagos was bis for 80% of the specs.

Thanks for an actual smart, elaborate reply.

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There have been multiple elaborate, smart replies. Its just that this one is the closest to your own opinion