Yeah, this Pelagos is a problem

He/she really is.

I wanna pick Kleia waifu, not Pelagos for Arms PvP.

What happened to meaningful choice Ion!

a whole 31 people wow thats amazing out of 7.5 billion people in the world .


41 actually

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I see your point and I kinda agree BUT it’s not like he’s a main character that we see a lot of.
This is just some guy we will never see again after shadowlands.
Which also kinda proves that he’s not there for inclusions sake but to meet political correctness.
Because if they would want to be more inclusive of certain groups of people they would make an actually important character with those traits/qualities.
You know, someone with an actual impact on the story who will follow us through multiple expansions and become a recurring character .

The way they’re doing it now is literally just for show and completely nonsensical in this case.

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How do you know ?

Cmon, do you honestly think some random Kyrian will stay relevant after shadowlands ?

Its hour 3 of a new expac who knows what will happen and if they do i am very happy for it to happen

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TransPride swing em flags harder

Good for you

Thank you i am very happy more LQBT+ are here .

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What is LGBTQ+

I mean plus (+) is it a buffed version of lgbt

I think it would have been the same with any other character.
It proved to be the right moment for them because of the “new life” this NPC has.
It kinda bothers me because it did come out of nowhere.
People don’t understand that without any sexual relationship there just wouldn’t be NPCs lmao, as if straight is immediately a form of living/lifestyle in WoW.
NPCs need to exist, so they came from somewhere.
But overall, thanks for ANOTHER elaborate reply, showing the angry people that you can indeed argue, showing that people who keep shouting “bigot” and “homophobe” are just skewd insults because they lack argument.

if you believe in reincarnation every single of you have been a man, women and gay at one point in time …

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Crazy to think this is still a thing lol…

Who cares, get on with your lifes, stop imposing on everyone elses to ensure they “agree” automatically with your own ideals to how others should see others.

Noone cares anymore.

OP speaks the truth and this bothers a few people…
Also forcing love/inclusion on people, of yourself (or an idea), will only result in the opposite.
But don’t believe me, time will show.

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I care, not only because not caring is dangerous for society as a whole, but only some people can actually see that. It’s fine, others will make sure you sit tight and comfy.
Not sure you’re talking about me but no one is enforcing anything, except maybe Blizzard, but even enforcing is probably too much of a word.
Including, more like it.
The NPC isn’t promoting an agenda or anything, so far atleast, so im fine with it.
People still don’t understand OUR gripe with it, but I can explain it to those who can actually talk with others.

Lmao. I just did the Bastion storyline involving Palegos, and he did not even mention a single time his gender. You have to go and directly talk to him and ask him about his past life for him to bring it up.

You people are such delicate snowflakes.


Anyway, pretty sure you (along with tons of others) are the snowflakes here since you got triggered by me questioning the existence of this NPC, but go off lmao.
It still exists doesn’t it?

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No one cared about his existence until threads like these started popping off because it triggered your homophobia.

What are you if not a snowflake that got triggered by an NPC’s gender?