Yeah, this Pelagos is a problem

Welp, here comes the no argument person.

Go on, tell me your argument.

cricket noises

Nothing wrong with caring were all human should all make each other feel welcome and comfortable

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Its only ONE npc lol,we brag to trans we have 99,9% whos straight.

Indeed we should.
But no one knows your gender or sexual orientation in the game.
You’re safe from harm unless a random hacker wastes his time trying to find out about someone’s ordinary life.
Why aren’t orcs vegan?
Because it would be hard for them to eat nothing but plants and vegetables in Durotar.
Being “vegan” could have other meaning in terms of words.
The Tauren are known and proud hunters. They’ve always hunt, even though it’s not entirely for the meat.
Night Elves also hunt, it could make sense that they wouldn’t eat meat, but these aren’t LOTR elves, they’re Warcraft elves.
They’re all different and that is what makes them better.
We don’t need to bring anything from the outside world when it doesn’t make sense.
It’s done just for the sake of existing.
Just to appease some people who are so blind and proud to admit something doesn’t need to be in the game that they will throw a tantrum.
And people still don’t understand that this isn’t about sexual orientation, because same sex couples can’t have children.
If you want lore, you need sentient forms of life.
There isn’t a single npc who is known for being “the super flirty chad”.

What? Howzat you mean ? :rofl:

Ye dude, some guy that decided to take a different form after he died cannot make sense, but everything else in the game makes perfect sense.

Yet someone that is different than you is apparently something that should not be in the game.

How is that of any relevance?

Trans people exist in real life, yet for some reason this doesn’t make sense to include in the game, however having demons, zombies, and time travel are all perfectly fine.

10/10 argument


Don’t Tempt me Frodo!
Even now I get concerned about choosing between the Kyrian mogs and the Vulpin form (moving inside the “indoors” rest areas is so slow for a priest)

you didnt moan about the talking pandas and foxes but a woman turning into a man bothers you? jesus christ I hope you never used the character creator where you can flip genders at the push of a button! your head probably came off!

the fact it bothered you that much that you had to make this thread says all it needs to about you my ignorant friend

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Some peoples mental may not be though.

Where are the talking pandas in real life, though?
No argument, as usual.
Just angry emotion talking.

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Someone: Provides argument.

Gannash: No argument, as usual. Just angry emotion talking.
Also Gannash: Makes this thread which is about him being emotional over an NPC.

Yes, there isn’t much about it except the super loud forum snowflakes who hate it when something isn’t about them :laughing:

Enjoying the game so far :+1:t5:

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there is no argument to make its a character in a video game! really who cares??? you saying theres nothing else in wow that makes little sense? have you even played this game? im simply saying the fact you take such an issue says a lot about you becasue theres plenty in this game that makes just as little sense that I dont see you making threads about…woman>>>>man is plainly your own personal trigger so that says a lot about you pal

Oh so you do admit you’re making no sense in what you’re writting and you’re fine about it.
Ok, 4 so far.
Thanks though, was genuinely confused wether you’d want to discuss or not.
Thanks friend.

what is there to discuss? its not a problem for anyone with any sense. why is it a problem to you?

He’s trying really hard to validate his homophobia. That’s the whole point of this thread.

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So we aren’t allowed to question things around us?
Even if we just try to understand certain reasons?
So why are we in democracy anyway?
I have my rights.
I wanna find out why things are the way they are, and im ALLOWED to do it.
Anyone that’s got a problem, settle it with me.

its ironic as I didnt even realise the character had that backstory till you mentioned it, thanks for drawing attention to it and well done blizz for doing something different…thanks op. keep flying that rainbow flag high and proud its good to see you giving props where due :):):slight_smile: