Yeah, this Pelagos is a problem

But try not doing that in the middle east…
Or do.
I don’t know, lol.

Someone: Homophobia is bad.


31 likes a few hours ago.
It’s 51 now, maybe im not the only one, y’know?

Oh we know that there are a lot of homophobes out there still don’t worry. Luckily they are a dying breed.

Based middle east?

51 people out of the population of this forum? first of all thats nothing and secondly mate most of those likes are probably pity likes for the laughs your giving people…whats the middle east got to do with anything btw? we arent in the middle east are we?

oh and I certainly do have a problem with you, interesting how your gonna get me to settle it when your big enough boy eh? :stuck_out_tongue:

I already am, haha.
Wanna pass me your discord? :slight_smile:


Bad boy Gannash ready to rumble on Discord!! :scream:

Imagine being triggered by the personl background of a pixel-made, non existent character

YA KNOW IT :rofl: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :triumph: :triumph: :triumph: :100: :100: :facepunch:t2: :facepunch:t2: :facepunch:t2:

If you’re going to smash heads on discords atleast make a youtube video out of it or something

I dont have discord and I dont see how anything on discord could be considered settleing it

omg your funny its like arguing with an angry 15 year old call of duty kid…good job your not on voice gannash because id probably hear your mum in the background eh? tell you what when you grow up and actually learn that this lame attempt at justfying your predjudice and homophobia is not fooling anyone…then we will talk.

until then kisses to you little man! pmsl

you know what makes a real man…when they try to fight you on discord! pmsl

Atleast he came up with something :upside_down_face:

I think he probably comes up with a lot maybe thats why he has such an issue with these things…denials a scary thing :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


How to spot an insecure man 101.


I know right… someone want to tell him that women aren’t the tiny weak characters he has in his mind?

“it is a problem” is not questionning, mate. It is stating that a little line of text that represents maybe less than 1% of what you will read in game is a problem. In game, I talk to friends, guilds etc, about quests, how they like which aera, covenants, etc, I think nobody cares about what is such an annoying “problem” for you. I think no one even noticed it. SO yeah… It is a slowflake forum post.

Hes not just triggered hes personally offended that they ‘dared’ put something he hates in ‘his’ game :joy::joy:

I cannot stop laughing. I seriously hope that this is some next level sarcasm, for his own sake.