Yeah, this Pelagos is a problem

To the people upset about this inclusion I pose a question: Does it effect you in any way? Does Pelagos’s character block your path and demand you listen to his story?

I’m sure his character has made some people happy and for that I’m glad we have him, alongside other characters that some might consider ‘‘forced diversity’’

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To be honest the only problem I see is the OP’s bigotry is on full display and I don’t want to see that, Thanks.


It is entertaining though.

It would be harmful not just to him but societally in general if a prominent platform started promoting racist propaganda.

Yes because bigotry should never be tolerated which is why people have an issue with attitudes like the ops

This guy out here comparing the inclusion of a trans character in a video game to racist propaganda. :ok_hand:

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Wokes are here again xplaining how everyone else belong to dinasaur era but they have year 2350 brains.

Pelagos’ voice acting is terrible too.

Same guy who just said women being bigger then men in a video game make him uncomfortable… Are you suprised? :joy::joy:

‘wokes’>>>>>people who aren’t bigoted morons.

Fixed it for you :yum:

That’s like saying that since we have black people in WoW, we should also include NPCs saying, “Black people should be slaves”.

You are an amazing specimen.

Last time I checked there’s no mummys basement dwelling right wing bigoted idiots race on this game… So your point is meaningless :yum::yum:

No it is not. You want to include anti-LGBT characters because there are LGBT characters in the game.

You are a bigot and now everyone on the forum knows it.

And his guild… Hopefully some of them are reading this… I certainly wouldn’t want homophobic trash in my guild.

And you are a bigot that is soon to be banned. Bye. :wave:

Indeed it would affect us! This is why we are happy to see some representation in game. When will you understand? Do you need something else than english, mate?

is there anything more cringeworthy than people who by default think they have the “authorities” on their side and go around telling people who they will “report” and soon have “banned”?

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It would effect people negativly. Imagine hearing you’re a freak from all around you and then even in the world you’re trying to get immersed in says the same…Yeah that would suck big time.

I never said I reported anything but he made a thread that instantly got flagged. Maybe know the full story before throwing out cringey statements. :wink:

I guess you are a big fan of cancel culture…

Hate always affects me, wheter it is racism, homophobia or anything else. I don’t want to be in a world full of hate and rejecting people who are different. I have suffered all my life for being different, isn’t it normal that I dont want racism or transphobia in the video game I play? Any more weird question?