Yeah, this Pelagos is a problem

Whats wrong with pelagos? Can you pls do tldr? Its annoyimg to read wall of lgbtq/antilbgqt text everyday…

These people’s argument is that hate is “an opinion”. That’s how they think they justify what they say.

This is not a question of insecurity. People are being harassed for who they are. I will never stand for that kind of hate, irl or in a game. Anyone who thinks that’s a good idea is quite frankly a bit behind the 8 ball.

Really close to suicide at some point. It was a few years ago.

Hahahahahhahahahaha you think blizzard have a political ideology because they made a little bundle of pixels have a back story you dont aggree with… Your either a child or an extremely sad individual mate. Take your pick… I pity you… Do you want a hug? Yeah? Is that it? :joy:

Discriminating against people because of how they where born is not an opinion, it’s hate.

Amazing how many times I’ve had to say this over the last week.

It’s not really hypocrisy to be opposed to seeing a sentiment promoted that questions some people’s existence and validity to exist as they are, as opposed to seeing something that reinforces their validity.

I quote that just so it can be read again.

I just want to join this guys and the ops servers so i can find them and spam my toy rainbow generator at them while blowing kisses :yum:

I don’t hate you, you asked me if I would be affected by direct hate in game and I replied. When did I say I hated you. I don’t know you.

Being gay is not political.

Get your right and left wing nonsense out of here.

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Only agenda i have is finding it amazingly funny that esp in a game with the outright wierdness of wow people like you can get so offended over the gender of a bundle of pixels… You are a snowflake on another t level mate. And that is why your mocked. End of.

“Oh no I’m receiving backlash because I’m trying to dehumanise an entire group of people. I am such a victim!”

‘‘But the left-’’ It’s not an argument. I do not hate you, Nindoriel. I disagree with your opinions. Someone getting bullied all their life for something they can not change is not the same as someone recieving backlash for their opinions on a public forum.

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Aww here we go the bigot trying to turn it around and make us feel sorry for them… Bless… Tell you what mate ill light a candle for you eh?

What “agenda”? Besides wanting all people regardless of background, ethnicity or sexual identity to be able to live their life free of persecution.

What an awful agenda, truly.

To be fair, the hate coming from the LGBTQ people does seem bigger…

Based on this forum thread.

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There are people who are more virulent than I am and I can understand that since you are agressive and your questions are… questionnable. (asking if we would be affected by direct hate in a game and linking hate to politics.)

You mistake hate for laughing our asses off… Mate you have to care to hate in the first place… This loser isn’t even worth hating… I will however laugh at the hilarity of this thread