Yeah, this Pelagos is a problem

Where is it being pushed???

There are countless of straight relationships and heterosexual NPCs in the game. Why are you not complaining that straight people are pushing their agenda as well??

I will never understand that “agenda” thing.

People existing = agenda?

Agenda and political apparently.

So now your outing yourself as a whacko conspiracy nut also…I bet your qanon and believe bill gates traffics children don’t you? You sound exactly like one of those fruitloops :yum:

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Not an actual “leftist agenda”, trans awareness=/=forcing kids to transition against their will.

Sounds like a pizzagate type of conspiracy theory.

Yep, the bigot has outed himself as a bigot.

How surprising.

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More characters like Pelagos please!

WoW as a whole, both as a game and the community, will be much better off without the angry homophobic Gamers™ when they leave because they cant handle seeing other people in their games.


You know what? I would have more respect if the guy came out and just said he hates gay people? Id disaggre strongly but at least he wouldn’t be trying to hide it behind all this crap and we could end this thread right here, hes not just a bigot hes a coward.

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This is what makes people hate you. The fact people exist, no matter where they are in the LBGT spectrum isn’t “deviant”, it always existed and it is more visible now with the internet and social media because people are FED UP of hiding and being considered freaks by people like you. WE ARE IN 2020!


Most homophobes, racists, transphobes etc are massive cowards and try to hide behind a bunch of other reasons and cry angrily when confronted/disagreed with.

It’s the one thing they have in common.

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You start out by saying how wow is a fantasy game with a lot of different races etc, but then basically end your post by saying that someone who changed their gender in the afterlife doesn’t make any sense and that you demand an explanation for it. Did you demand an explanation for any of that other fantasy stuff or not? I’m pretty sure you’re just mad because your personal beliefs don’t align with this.

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I’ll send you a message later on that character with my Bnet. That ok mate?

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If you want to, sure :slight_smile: Always happy to get new friends!

I’m not gonna be around again now though until the evening as I got stuff to do :smiley:

No problem. Just want to get to know you more because I have never met a person that thinks so much like me!

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No worries! :smiley: Just send the battle.tag and I will check Vixí’s mail when I log in!

Now have a good day everyone!


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Lack of argument/reasoning towards what he says.
In other news, water is wet.

I would argue that Kyrians in general have some very weird animations both male and female. It feels like they have two kinds of models which were mashed together: Nightborne for standing and Val’kyr when flying, but the animation sets sometimes clash horriblly with one another.

It clearly matters to you dude noone else apart from you and that one other guy have any issue. If it doesn’t matter why are you whining?

LMAO, fail after fail.
You just can’t understand, im done trying to explain it to you.
Stick to questing, it’s fine.

Just stop Gannash
You know very well that WoW is full of RL things, the whole expansion is pretty much the gnostic belief just with other names and terms, and this whole gender dysphoria thing is also part of it.
This is not denying that there is a leftist bias among todays writers in these large cities, they partly get bullied into it even, but you still have to look further into it than this.