Yeah, this Pelagos is a problem

I didnt even know about it till the op posted this thats the ironic thing, thats how little it matters in the grand scheme of things…and yet somehow it still manages to offend the extremly small minded. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Right, so you admit it was not advertised, the problem you have about him is his existance. So you admit you have problems with trans people existing then?

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Nonsensical implementation.
Makes no sense.
Get it?

It’s the way it goes:
Those against the idea of it will create bait threads and argue about it. They will argue about the entire characters existance.

Those in support will cheer from the roof tops and draw attention and argue about it. They will shame people and do the normal “OH YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH TRANS PEOPLE

Those in the middle literally couldn’t care any less about the entire topic. Both sides are idiots to be honest.

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Why is a character that changed his appearance after death nonsensical, but zombies, demons and time travel are sensical?


Anyway, im gonna actually do something.

Ah so now you don’t provide an argument back.

My point is made and proven.

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We have had ‘‘male’’ Belves for a long, long time. So this is nothing new in wow :sunglasses:


Im shocked the op didn’t have an issue with anduin tbh, hardly a ‘manly man’ is he… Surly their forcing metrosexual stereotypes on us now… How dare they! :joy::joy::joy::joy:

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Yeah, that’s messed up. So basically this guy, or gal, whichever the case became another gender and all he had to do to achieve that was to die. Interesting message.


Stay on twitter

Pelagos regrets his decision though, he can’t earn money as an OF worker anymore.

Did you think being a man ez Pelagos?

I mean… i guess the game is in some sense a reflection of whats going on… why take a stance? It creates nothing but conflict within. How will it at a deep level affect you as an individual having transgender people in the game? How did all this suddenly become so relevant? It’s not the actuality of transgendernism that’s the issue here. It is the collectivist ideas that is characterizing people by they’re group identity and this happens just as much on the left as on the right spectrum. Thats why there’s a conflict here. Whats being hurt is not the ‘‘self’’ but instead the concept of this or that wich you have accepted as truth.

I dont use twitter

Ok look, this again.

You’re playing someone that died but is still living, wtf is your point lmao?

You people will make ANY excuse to trash on LGBT people.

Reminds me of when men joke about what they’d do if they were a woman for a day. It’s just fun and giggles, right?

I don’t appreciate adding identity politics into something so far removed from real-world events, but nevertheless, I can also appreciate how real-world experiences can inspire and influence story-writing.

It’s different, so I’m thankful for that much.

I see you came a trolling again. Where the hell did I trash anyone? Go troll somewhere else.

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You love labelling an argument as trolling, don’t you? That way you think you can dismiss it. :rofl:

You have no argument. You just go around threads and call everyone homophobes cause it gets you off or something. So please, spare me the argument act.