Yeah, this Pelagos is a problem

Weren’t you the guy that everyone labelled as a homophobe on the other thread lmao?

Hah, YOU MAKE ME LAUGH! Are you so pitiful to the point where you are upset about such trivial matters as an off comment that effects nothing?! HAHAHAH! Why not just play the game instead of bothering so much with something if it gets you this upset?


I didn’t say it bother me, I didn’t even say what I think about this. So go bark at some other door.

Same as I dont give a F in the real world, I don’t care about in WoW either.
Gnomes are much worse.

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Kornag is Millhouse Manastorm of forums

You’re the Nathanos.

And Gekko is the forum homophobe that labels himself as a shark. :joy:

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Oh I’d love to see your face when you find out that after dying, you don’t really just run to your corpse to resurrect.

Stop spreading misinformation!!

The universe of warcraft is believable and realistic. Someone that died and changed their appearance is just too much of a stretch for this game! :triumph:

I can’t wait to go to the barbers in order to change my skin colour!

It takes a shark to deal with dozens of piranhas


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I will never understand how people feel threatened by someone who does not represent them being added to a game; I am a gay trans man and does it change my life that there has been a trans character added to WoW? No, of course it doesn’t, but it sure feels nice for it to be recognised that people like me exist. It affects you in no way if a person who is a different race, sexual orientation or who is transgender gets added to a game. It’s clear that most people that complain about WoW becoming more inclusive don’t give a rats a$$ about whether it fits the lore or not, they’re just showing their true colours and opinions about whether people that are different than them should exist and for that I pity you. Yes, there are social issues and debates surrounding whether POC, LGBTQ people and other minorities deserve rights and safety, but our existence is not a social issue in itself; what has Blizzard done that even slightly reflects social issues by including POC and LGBTQ people in their game?

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Actually no, the piranhas would probably eat the shark alive.

W-what? That makes no sense at all?

That is why you we call you an Orc, zugzug

Genuinely can you explain to me what you’re talking about? How does a shark beat pirahnas?

Even dolphins eat piranhas, what do you think the outcome would be, lol.

Dolphins eating pirahnas? Where did you read that? I’d love to see! Perhaps in a documentary?

Ok, I did look it up and you’re correct! That’s actually something interesting I didn’t know about, thank you for that!

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You are welcome, movies are deceptive about piranhas, they are overrated but still dangerous of course…