Yeah, this Pelagos is a problem

I did not know that. Good, nobody like phirianas.

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Palegos being a Blue Winged Human is not the issue. It’s the fact that everyone who ascends in Bastion is a Blue Human!

Why is being human the divine form? That’s just racist! Imagine if people said that everyone is a White Cis Male in Heaven. People would go mental!

Why does a Tauren or a Draenei have to become a Blue Human? Where is my Blue Winged Cowman or Space Goat? Find your soul’s true form and all, sure, but why does it have to be a Blue Human?

This is why I’ll be going Necrolord. They’ll skin you to the bone but at least I’m not Blue!

But seriously though, Palegos was a male soul in a female body. Even if is a case of pandering and virtue signalling, it’s still an obvious thing to explore. Pelagos isn’t even a main character. What is the issue? You can’t even say they are shoving it down our throats!

Let Pelagos be who he wants to be!

The ironic thing is that most women would instantly reject the limp-wristed feminine type man that these Twitter people like to promote.


Unlucky genetics :frowning_face: unless you’re gay I guess?

LOL a huge 51 likes from 7.5 billion people yes so many back you /sarcasm .

But i did in transition into a PoC and male because of the AMAZING tool that is the Barber shop. Honestly this and transmog are the best additions ever! I love i can swap from female to male on the fly. So what you are saying is just simply not true.

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Not really sure why this takes priority over people turning into generic looking tall blue humans when they die. It’s not an unusual theme in literature for people who ‘ascend’ or ‘die’ to take specific forms that are more to their liking or taste.

If we look at Tolkien as an example, the Ainur and Maiar were capable of taking many forms, of any shape or gender they wished.

If they’re just doing it for PC points, then eh, again I don’t think that really matters overly so long as it ‘makes sense’ and in the case of Palagos, a highly irrelevant character imo, I genuinely don’t care.

I have to ask, does his dialogue ever show up or only if you choose him?

Now that shadowlands is out and i’ve played through it on my hunter, I have to say, I love pelagos, he’s such a lovely character. Definitely making another character and soulbinding to him!

OP you honestly have some real issues that you need to work on IRL if you write this much about a stupid game with some random stupid lore.
Nobody cares what you think and certainly not an American corporation who sees you as a monkey that happens to have money they can take.

It is completely normal for American companies currently to add diversity to their products. It’s what they are all doing. Even at the start of the PS5 and Xbox Series X announcements they started randomly talking about BLM despite it having nothing to do with their gaming systems. It’s what they do in America and if you don’t like it then feel free to quit. Nobody will miss you and again, nobody cares. If you think that anyone significant will read this garbage you have managed to type together then you’re incredibly naive.

Now go soulbind with that NPC and enjoy hearing him say that he felt everything afterwards. Hope he likes soulbinding you while you’re still crying from this thread.

I find it funny that you all out there complaining about Pelagos gender when it’s a story beat locked behind joining the kyrian covenant which considering it is the least popular according to pollings mean than most of the people crying about Pelagos didn’t even experience his storyline anyways.

Some people just have really thin skin.

People will always find something to get upset about. No matter how small of a thing it is.


This QQ culture sure is tiring.

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Do you think this company actually cares about you? They just do it for pandering you know?

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Odd that you don’t object to Blizz ‘pandering’ to heterosexuals, by including thousands of heterosexual NPCs in the game.

Yes because they pander to me, a dude who just plays Warcraft because I love me some Orcs and Humans battling it out on the battlefield. I don’t care about humans and their elven waifus or the cringe heterosexual relationships that WoW has produced. I prefer if they kept it vague and not so in your face. Because we all knew what a cringe fiasco Thrall’s wedding was, or the relationship between Jaina and her blue dragon boyfriend rofl.

And it’s not really pandering, you know why. haha.

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Pelagos is awesome! I’m having my hunter as Kyrian and levelling them next just to see more of his story.

What’s far more shocking are the haircuts…clearly the residents of Bastion all got lockdown haircuts.


By definition, isn’t that every decision Blizzard, or any company makes anyway?

edit: what I mean is that when people complain about pandering, what they really mean is that “they’re pandering to THEM, but not to ME, fix this”

No dude I’m a white male and how are they pandering to me? Since when did people come into a game about World of Warcraft and demand to get pandered at? When we have a bunch of races, war, blood gore, whatever. Just a game about species fighting eachother for control and conquest. If I wanna get pandered at, wouldn’t I be playing a white human male character?

Literally what more do we need? Keep those relationship garbage vague and subtle. No one asked for this. No one asked for heterosexual relationships. It’s like they’re trying to brand out to an audience that normally wouldn’t play this game and ofcourse old school players that just liked to play this game to get lost in a fantasy world are starting to become offended, because the lore has been outright garbage, and the political agenda behind it has been to OBVIOUS pushed into your face.