Yeah, this Pelagos is a problem


How would you, personally, define making a product appealing to a market audience? When a company wants to make something appealing to potential customers, what do they do?

Isn’t “blood, war, gore, whatever” kinda… pandering to people who want to see that kinda stuff in their media?

Yeah no dude, obviously a game named WORLD OF WARCRAFT attracts people that want to see more relationship of X or Y added, instead of you know, actually WARCRAFT stuff.

Because I’m not seeing the WARCRAFT stuff anymore.
There’s just a vague, “subtle” agenda behind everything these days. There’s a reason why almost every old developper that worked on WoW has left, and replaced with people who are more aligned with their agenda.

It sucks big time to me an old lore fan.

I seriously don’t get it anymore, how a game about Orc aliens under Demon influence invading a human Kingdom somehow evolved into all this stuff. I seriously do not know anymore.

How boring your lives have to be to make such threads… WHO CARES. If you got soooooo triggered over fictional character then maybe you should seek help at therapist office -.-’ I wonder how many people complaining about such topic watched gore-full Game of Thrones.

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The game still overwhelmingly focuses on conflict though? Did you even play through the leveling questline?
How much airtime did identity politics take in comparison to whatever plot device there was to build up a conflict so you can kill more stuff?

I played through the leveling experience, I remember Pelagos, but I never came across whatever dialogue talked about his identity. Ditto with the gay character that was supposedly in this expansion. I’m not even sure if I ran across him. I do remember killing a lot of stuff though.

Secondary political relationship-drama kinda comes with the territory, as does tertiary value-based flavor of characters. Writing some agency/motive for every single questgiver kinda mandates variety.

Relationships are clearly a part of conflict and if you were a true lore fan you would know.

What about Odyn and Helya? They used to date until Odyn had enough and banished her to the maw so that she could not bother him.
They added trans characters so that one day there can be conflict and war between trans characters and then you will fight their battles.

Do you really need something so basic explained to you?
What about right now? Are you not on the forums swinging around your keyboard warring with other players in this conflict of disagreement? This character’s existence has literally satisfied your cravings for war and conflict and here you are telling us that it has nothing to do with it…?

Please try to think before you post.

This is the problem with everybody having a stage to post their opinions imo.
I went through bastion, met this “Pelagos” and didn’t really think much of it.

But then I see a post by someone complaining about his size, his voice, the way he acts ect, compared to the women in bastion and then it got me thinking is this subliminal gender political bs?

But, tbh I don’t really care, because that charcter “Pelagos” has no reflection on me or my achievements as a man. So why would I be so offended by his charcter? Truth be told I’m not.

I think I’m more offended of having the thought put in my head and everyone seeing everything as a movement these days rather than just playing a game and enjoying.

So that’s a yes, you have no problem with Blizz pandering to players, when that player is you…glad we clarified that piece of hypocrisy.

Stop whining like a spoilt six year old, that WoW isn’t the RTS from 1994, you’re embarrassing yourself.

It’s a bit generic but I’ll probably be using Paladin in Kyrian, I just like how the armour looks I feel like it fits paladins really well aesthetically :slight_smile:


Another bloke with a bucket over his head…and a pic of Jordan Peterson, shirtless, on a rug in front of the fire, glued to the inside, at eyelevel.

No, it’s not…which makes it looks suspiciously as though some of the regular anti-LGBT posters, are in fact deep in denial.

The idea of “seeing subliminal agendas everywhere” does have a point though, you just simply pick up on nuances that you previously didn’t, when you get told that “these exist” ad nauseam.
Doesn’t mean there’s a conspiracy behind any of it, but you tend to notice it more when it’s constantly being talked about.

I would’ve never even known to pay any attention to Pelagos if it wasn’t for the dozen threads about him, because this aspect of him is so easy to miss during the questing experience.


lol i thought this was going to be about how pelagos’ soulbind is the only kyrian souldbind that’s good xD. that’s the real problem man.

You sound frustrated.

Ah the old “if you don’t like it you secretly like it” lmao. Bring up something new please.

No a lot of the players agree that it is way too much into your face.

And let’s be honest you won’t find much discussion in this thread anymore. The people that agree just like the post and move on. You guys are just patting yourselves on the back here.

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Imagine quoting the incels from the US forums and thinking they make some valid points.

Imagine using words like incel and thinking you’re gonna make a valid point lmao.

My whole point in another thread, where I actually got labeled as a homophobe, is that I would like to see these characters become more relevant. I would’ve liked them to have a bigger story line, I think reincarnation is pretty interesting. Unfortunately I dont believe Blizz did them any justice and just shoved, Pelagos at least, in there

That’s the catch, the game makes a valid point already itself, as it finally takes a stance on certain topics that affects no one’s gameplay. Do you feel hindered in the progression of your characters because of certain narratives? Of course you are not.

On the other hand, spending time being offended by the personal stories of videogame characters… please don’t skip your medications again.

God, is this thread still going? Haven’t people who have actually played through SL seen how much of a non-issue this is yet? Nobody would have noticed it through gameplay alone if the QQ forum threads hadn’t been put up by triggered snowflakes ironically calling others snowflakes.

Get over it. The pixels in your screen say they used to be lady pixels if you choose to detract from your questing experience and take time out to stand still and listen to their dialogue. If that bothers you a lot then I have no words.

And that US thread is a hot mess of hand-wringing whiners irnoically whining about men being portrayed as whining. I mean jesus christ, they’re literally moaning about men being portrayed as ineffectual saps whilst getting totally bent out of shape because not every male character is superman and how much that bothers them. You could not make up the complete lack of self-awareness and sense of irony these people possess.

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Do you honestly think that there aren’t people who like to indulge themselves in the lore and are met with this Disney tier trash. Like Abominations who help you out because the souls that are holding it together are friends. This is a dark grim world for sure man. Even more so that Pelagos his character doesn’t exactly make much sense in way that their memories get wiped clean, yet this dude somehow remembers he was a woman.

Just give me some interactions instead of people and characters talking about their feelings. What a load of bullcrap is this expansion. Just give me a reason why I should visit the Shadowlands, I don’t need to hear about all this crap how character X or Y feels god damn.

And here you are getting offended that you’re starting to spout buzzwords and telling everyone they have a mental disease.


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I only have one question.

Why am I supposed to care about gay, bi, trans issues and identity politics?

My country is being ravaged by covid. Our economy is wrecked. My parents are old and sick.

And now YOU tell me that I should be aware of identity politics?