Yeah, this Pelagos is a problem

I don’t remember such thing about Elisande.

Except video game politics isn’t real life politics, and that war politics doesn’t equate gender politics. Why do people like you insist on conflating everything? And If you’re going to detract from the point that much, you might as well argue that killing boars is political.

The point again, is that the character was obviously written as a political statement. There is no ambiguity here.

Her concubines are male. The guards are female.

So… after all, there aren’t bad LGBT characters in WoW.

But the Light is bad.

Diversity and fairness, yeah…

Interesting, i haven’t really heard of that (not saying that therefore it’s not real, unusual though).

It seems to be a theme in at least mainstream western “macho” culture that gay women are fine, because W+W in adult entertainment is a common fantasy theme for straight men, as is the idea of “being so straight she turns for you” which is a commonly replayed idea. Also there’s the whole notion of having two individuals interacting who depict the stereotypical idea of what straight men find desirable. In these entertainment pieces, the women very much conform to none of the “pop culture” themes associated with lesbians, instead looking identical to just about every “typical straight male fantasy” going.

Whereas with gay men, there’s possibly a couple of reasons. Straight men don’t find male bodies attractive, so the interaction serves no “entertainment purpose” for the straight viewer- they cannot imagine themselves in the situation because it doesn’t appeal to them. Then there’s also the notion of them being faced with someone who may find them attractive and objectify them back in return, but be in a position of dominance to enforce it as they are similarly male, which they may find threatening.

I think this is also why a lot of people who argue along these lines only seem to tolerate very stereotyped depictions of gay men (as weak, effeminate and non threatening, essentially stereotypically feminine) and campy, because the idea of a gay man who appears straight, is masculine and is capable and competent (and capable of enforcing their own desires regarding what they find attractive) is something they find threatening. It is a lot easier for them to laugh and joke about a 5 ft 2 campy guy “coming onto them” in an elevator and laugh it off as a joke and mock them, a lot harder to do it when the guy in question is a 6ft 7 brickhouse who doesn’t take no for an answer. So they try to imagine this kind of gay man can’t exist.

Fact is, the hyper masculine hyper macho stereotype is a fantasy theme within sections of the gay male community; these men definitely exist within it, and they’re probably the guys that “at a glance” these anti-LGBT people would say are “alright by me, there’s an example of a real man” because it makes them feel safer to think of all gay men as obvious to spot and essentially objects of ridicule.

The idea a gay man could be more masculine than them is something they find extremely threatening.

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The Light is the same as the Void. Not good. Not bad. Neutral. The ones wielding it are either good or bad. Even among the Naaru (the closest personification of the Light we have) you have beings that are good (A’Dal) and ones that are evil (Xe’ra). There are also flat out fanatics that attack anything on sight that isnt “100% light” like the Naaru that attacked Revendreth.

Ah my bad, but what of the allusions in the Suramar questlines (and Thalyssra herself) that Elisande was open minded sexually? There is definitely stuff in game to suggest that she was bisexual, and she was a villain.

Gimme source. I honestly cant remember but i tend to ignore suramar as a whole.

You’re already losing the argument.

Blizzard would never dare add a LGBT character who’s a villain, because by doing so they’ll make the powerful far-left lobbyists angry.

I’m not conflating anything, fact is you’re making a value judgement statement: “It’s obviously written as a political statement” as if it’s a self-evident truth. It hinges on your preconcieved bias to even work. You have to assume that there is an LGBT agenda to entertain it, and then use such of proof of such an agenda existing. It’s logically absurd.

Provide proof that that claim is more reasonable than the claim “maybe the character is just X characteristic because X characteristic just is”. Where’s the proof the character was written for political statement making? As in actual clear proof, not stuff like “it’s obvious” or “some rando on twitter said”, actual proof the writers had that as their motivation.

Don’t confuse the far-left with the rest of the LGBT community. A lot of us reject the rabid end of the political spectrum, because some of them are truly rabid. Everything is racist, everything is sexist, etc.

Most of us are sensible and would probably just be happy for another LGBT character, villain or no. We’d probably just turn into simps for them the same way people simp for Sylvanas right now, to be honest, lol.

I will try to dig this up because i’m fairly confident it is a thing and i’m not just focusing on her for no reason.

Related but not: there is a very villainous character who although not shown to be gay explicitly, ticks more boxes on such than Anduin does (and yet people suggest he is likely gay/bi) and that would be Kil’Jaeden. KJ never showed any interest in women nor mention of such, but what we do have is he loved Velen immensely “closer than brothers” and completely lost it when he felt Velen betrayed him. There’s more to suggest he was possibly bi/gay than he was straight tbh and he’s one of the biggest villains in the whole franchise.

it’s not like this even matters anyway, there is no need to add a “gay villain” for “balance purposes”. Upon doing so you can expect people to go “why is this villain gay? tokenistic much?” I don’t believe those typically arguing against LGBT would be totally fine with it for one second.

Anyway that stuff, lemme dig. If i’m wrong i’ll hold my hands up and wonder where i got that notion from.

Honestly, I’d believe he was romantically attracted to Velen from this alone, given this is the exact line used in Crimes of Grindlewald to confirm the kind of relationship between Gellert and Albus

Yes, but in such case these leftists would be happy too. And I don’t want them to be happy.

I suspect it myself, but people will quite happily ignore this and say “it’s not proof he’s gay, lol” and yet in the “Is Anduin gay” thread you have the same people arguing along exactly the same lines as to why it is probable proof Anduin is gay, simply because he doesn’t show interest in women and has a male friend.

yet here’s KJ with his milennia of NO relationships with a woman, hanging out with Velen, describing him as “his closest” and loving him more than anyone else (I believe the word adored is mentioned at points) and completely losing it when it appeared Velen differed from him (and obsessing over Velen for the rest of his life) and no, that’s definitely not even a slither of proof he might have been gay.

Cherry picking season is in folks.

When I look at their relationship and I look at stuff like HP and Dumble and GWald I could totally see blizzard deciding not to elaborate further on KJ’s past (ie a family) to try and imitate this kind of story of two brilliant minds where one becomes infatuated with the other, but the other one doesn’t share the same view. Except in this instance it isn’t the bad one “leading on” the good one, it’s the bad one allowing their unrequited feelings to partially motivate their descent in a wicked obsession.
i actually think it’d be amazing if blizzard did acknowledge whether they’d meant for it to come across that way and that KJ was in fact “in love” with Velen. It would make the whole situation more nuanced to me rather than just a “brother betrayer” trope and would be a cool way to show how sometimes love can be a force of evil where one looks at it from one direction. It shouldn’t matter whether the character is gay or not (where people will moan it’s unfair to gay people) because pretending that gay people can’t display unhealthy forms of love or the like is just patently false. KJ is such a major character as well. I’d see it as good representation but I don’t think blizz will elaborate on it.

So you full on admit you won’t be happy with any compromise we offer?

No, I’ll be only happy if conservatives are once again represented in the media and the academia. When the obvious bias is gone.

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How do you suggest we better represent conservatives in WoW?

True Church, true Light, without all that bullcrap like “the Light isn’t all-good”.

Bring back the faithful paladins in the Alliance and among the Blood elves.

Seriously, we haven’t had a faithful newly grown paladin since the times of Uther.

The Light isn’t all-good, that’s been fundamentally changed with the expansion of the cosmic forces. The void isn’t all bad either - see void elves. That’s something that just can’t be undone at this point.

However, I see absolutely no reason why we can’t have a new good naaru-loving paladin entering the main cast. If Christians want respresentation back in the main cast, then I see no reason they shouldn’t have that and a paladin works perfectly. I know Anduin wields the powers of the light but it’s been suggested he will fall to the Void/become some kind of hybrid. And Turalyon is certainly doing some questionable things with his Light powers. So sure, let’s have another paladin more along the lines of Uther back in the story.