Yeah, this Pelagos is a problem

Okay, but is RL Christianity “all good” in your opinion? Like literally anyone who calls themselves a Christian is therefore good? If you don’t agree, why expect the same of the Light?

Regarding the “light is not good” you’re really overplaying it here. We have Xe’ra and the Lightbound being a bit evangelical. Other than that all examples of the Light is that it is a force for good, it combats (and defeats) evil and generally makes the world a better place. It hasn’t been until Legion we’ve seen anything other than “Light = good” in 16 years, and even then it’s TWO examples, so stop acting like the “Christian paraody” in WoW is being chucked around like it’s a villain concept, because that simply isn’t true.

regarding home grown paladins, what do you mean? Liadrin is a “proper” paladin and leads the blood knights. She literally turned away from a more sinful way of doing things to embrace the light proper and has grown significantly more powerful since doing so. What about Fordring? Maraad? There have been plenty of “decent and true” paladin characters since Uther. Anduin is a “proper” light user, encompassing the virtues of the Light properly (ie they actually guide his behaviour) and is powerful with the Light and people MOCK him as a character because he displays these virtues and isn’t all “rah rah rah kill them all”! It’s so inconsistent. He’s a really good example of a strong religious character whose faith is important to them who doesn’t need a big weapon or muscles to achieve it and people ridicule him for it.
If a religious character needs a big weapon and muscles to be cool, then clearly you’re not making their religion central enough to their character that you have to rely on “rule of cool props” to make them awesome.

So what do you mean? Do you mean you want a paladin character to take Jaina’s position as being the “solution to all problems every time” kind of character? i’d be careful with that, as people hate Jaina for that very reason. It’s boring. I dislike her for that very reason and I was SO please that Anduin could save the adventurers where she couldn’t. It’s so rare that she is shown to be unable to deal with a situation.


unbelievable that heterosexual couples and relationships are called “pandering to heterosexuals” now.
Let alone that it’s thanks to heterosexuals that they were born lmao!

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ROFLMAO including brain diseases in games, because some loud screaming babies think it’s normal. You opened the gate for every virtuesignaling wanker here now mate

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I guess you also think having blonde hair is a mental disorder?

I guess you dedact whatever kind of drivel you want.

Well, by the logic you bring forth, you can “therapy away a genetic quality”.

Or perhaps players just stick their head in the sand when it suits them?

The problem is that modern fantasy writers are quite different than J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis. Both of them were devoted Christians and this is visible both in Lord of the Rings and The Chronicles of Narnia. Especially Narnia.

Nowadays they’re embracing current politics and moral relativism. About 20-30 years ago the Warcraft lore was much more simple, with Light-good and Necromancy-bad. There was even a “hell”, according to Uther.

Now they’ve made the forces light-void all relative. And they’ve ruined the characters of two bishops in the Cathedral of Light in Stormwind.

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by your “logic” a mental disorder is a generic quality…

As it should be. As life is.

Every side (Horde, Alliance, Bastion, Sylvanas, Garrosh) has its flaws and its goods.


just WOW!!!

therapy is fake, stay crazy and let everyone live your lie

I go by what science thinks of things like dysphoria and sexual identity.
And there is found to be a correlation between certain genetic blueprints and non-binary identities.

Embracing current politics is how story writing works. People write based on events so people can relate to what is occurring. So much of LotR is based on Tolkien’s own experience in the First World War.

Define “mental disorder”.

Posting in these forums!


“non-binary identities” I’m not going into this with you losers xD

“Embracing current politics is how story writing works” story writing doesn’t have just one go to, a be all end all. Clearly you’re no writer

usually believing/feeling something that isn’t true.

Like posting in these forums may just be a symptom of a mental disorder around believing anything on these forums amounts to anything at all xD

What “embracing of current politics”?

If you wish to ignore what scientific consensus is on the matter, that’s up to you. But don’t then come and claim that your definitions of phenomena should be accepted, because it simply doesn’t align with the current empirical evidence.

Watch the south park episode when Kyle’s dad wants to become a dolphin, but even those creators backed off from that topic.

There’s also correlation found in the surrounding and the upbringing of a kid too.

That’s BS. The writers never adressed the Horde side completely. They just said Sylvanas bad, get rid of her. Garrosh bad, get rid of him.
With Garrosh they went even full retcon and changed all his background that actually made him a good morally grey character into a full evil maniac.
The writers really adress this poorly.

They were inspired by Christianity, not directly by it though. Sure there’s a fantasy behind the holy light theme in correlation with religion, but some people here really think Jesus cured a blind man and made him see for real. Which is why some people call religions a fairy tale.

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