Yeah, this Pelagos is a problem

I’m not writer for a game company, sure. Embracing politics is how story writing works. You literally cannot write decent stories without English teachers talking about how you meant the whole story as a wonderful metaphor for racism or something.

Stories mean things and give messages to people. A lot of the time these messages are what people would consider ‘political’

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“If you wish to ignore what scientific consensus is on the matter” xD morons, there is no scientific consensus on this, only moronic consensus

Remember the guy you rescue from a cave at the start of Bastion, and is one of many characters you run around with?

Yeah, angry incel gamers are fuming mad because if you Soulbind with him and at one specific chance(and never again) ask/speak more to him, he very casually mentions that in his former life he was a woman and didnt feel happy like that.

That’s it. Never refferenced again, nor when you quest with him. It’s a deliberate choice to get this small piece of text available.

Sure. External factors can absolutely contribute to the severity of dysphoria, I’m not denying that.

However, the kindling for the condition is, as far as I’ve understood it, genetic. Not something you can really get rid of.

The description of the human genome structure only 20 years ago has accelerated our ability to understand the genetic components of human sexuality and to assess their interaction with hormones in the establishment of phenotypic sex. The view that the world’s population can be separated into a clearly defined dyadic unit of male and female is defunct; not only clinical observations, but molecular biology has established that sexual identity is on a continuum, with an enormous potential for variance. The search for the specific biological factors that determine a sense of being male or female, the anatomy of the reproductive system, and whether sexual inclination is homosexual or heterosexual is accelerating, but the data are still far from complete.

A significant association was identified between gender dysphoria and ERα, SRD5A2, and STS alleles, as well as ERα and SULT2A1 genotypes. Several allele combinations were also overrepresented in transgender women, most involving AR (namely, AR-ERβ, AR-PGR, AR-COMT, CYP17-SRD5A2). Overrepresented alleles and genotypes are proposed to undermasculinize/feminize on the basis of their reported effects in other disease contexts.

Gender dysphoria may have an oligogenic component, with several genes involved in sex hormone-signaling contributing.

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So if believing something that isn’t true is a mental disorder, anyone who believes in conspiracy theories without proof is mentally ill?

I mean, you need an objective measure of truth to even entertain this idea. To define what is and isn’t true, and if you do that according to the scientific definition, you’re labelling everyone who believes in God as mentally ill. If you don’t adhere to the scientific notion of truth, then I fail to see how something like belief in God can qualify as true, whereas gender identity can’t. The only solution I could think of is with a definition being “truth is what is considered to be popularly true” which is circular reasoning.

So I don’t think that’s an acceptable definition of a mental illness. It’s an acceptable definition of a delusion however at least partially. But all health insitutions worldwide use a definition for mental illness nothing like the one you are.

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what does it matter what some watshed up teacher has to say. They’re just one more opinion in a barrel. You may look for messages in stories, not everyone does. Not every writer tries to put some message in there, some just want to tell a good story, that entertains the brain. So what you said “Embracing current politics is how story writing works” is sht and the rest is close to sht

people with time for conspiracy theories, might suffer from other disorders aswell. Since your opening argument was so weak, I didn’t bother reading your crap

Ahhhh to the heart of the matter then.

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I think that’s just the heart of your matter, bur reverse projected onto me, because you’re weak

If we’re gonna start using this logic that he put forward, I would say that a big sign of mental disorders honestly is a complete lack of empathy and social behaviour(Such as being a massive crybaby over that some people somewhere in the world are gay).


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I believe that it is a classic trait of a Sociopath.


How is sociopathy defined anyway, nowadays?

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idk I see an “incel gamer” right here who doesn’t mind

If it’s so crap, you shouldn’t have a problem poking holes in it. Failure to do so shows you can’t even mount an argument against crap, which makes what you have less than crap.

The “I don’t have time for this” fools nobody with a brain. Put up or shut up

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Basically as above, as Perrinaybara put it.

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You cannot tell me that writers don’t have to be actively thinking about politics when writing, particularly writers for games like WoW where the story needs to maintain and audience. It’s not like people buy the book, read the first two pages, hate it and get rid of it. WoW needs people to stay actively engaged to keep subscriptions going, and repeating the same cycle of ‘light good void bad’ for eternity isn’t going to work. The WoW universe needed to expand to keep going, and obviously it is going to take inspiration to do that. The writers are going to be thinking about politics when doing this - I don’t somehow see them creating a new kingdom of entirely dark-skinned humans, having them be totally evil and requiring us to kill them all and them thinking that is going to go down well, do you?

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Nigom: “Oh no, I can’t actually argue against him. I’ll tell him he sucks, that shows him!”

“Im a big boy!”


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"You cannot tell me that writers don’t have to be actively thinking about politics when writing, " haha look at your brain hurting, merely trying to conceive the possibility someone writers may actually not do what you think they MUST. weakling